This does look great, but I'm going to have to reiterate what everyone else stated here in terms of the art.
I really dig Crains style, but why have SUCH a drastic change mid arc?????
I dunno, something must have happened here. Marvel made a big fuss about Aguirre-Sacasa/Medina being the ne team for a good long time. And if anyone looked at Medina's site b4 this arc came out, it did look like he was gunning to draw Spidey from quite a while ago.
I wonder what happened? Could be some sort of personal stuff or emergency.
Either way, (no insult to Crains art as it is great,) it just messes with the story. It jars the whole thing a bit. Bet hey, if they did this on purpose, (which I doubt,) it could be seen as Medina did the art in the style of regular 2-D comic work, but then Crain was brought in for the more surreal/nightmare/horror aspect of they story.
Did anyone check the write up on Aguirre-Sacassa? Wicked little bit of history there! I've been getting really impressed with his stuff on MK4. Started off a little dull, but he's really shaped it into being a great book. Anyone know what other comics he worked on b4? I'd be really interested to find out!