Comics Sensational Spider-Man #26 Preview

Alright I was able to host them on imageshack after saving them to my computer... wow, that was more work than starting a new thread is worth:




That's some decent looking Art (shame it appears Madame Web's showing up)....who is this Crain guy and when will SSM get a steady artist? Medina going to be the guy long term?
Citizen_Kaine said:
It's the artist from Venom vs Carnage ain't it?
That it is, Clayton Crain. I'm kinda disappointed that we don't see any more of Medina's art.
I liked Angel Medina's artwork too. Too bad he is done. Still, I'm glad that Craine is taking care of the rest of the arc. (Beats the hell out of Pat Lee.)

1. Anyone think that Puma and Black Cat might get it on? They are both acting animalistic and both are "cats"....
2. Vermin vs Lizard? Interesting combination. Dont see how Vermin can hold up against Connors, but my interest is more than piqued.
3. Too bad the continuity isnt great. Madame Web is dead (or was reincarnated into a younger body....or something).
Wow, BC and Puma [or whatever his name is] hook up.

Expect kittens in 10 weeks.

Symbiotica said:
Wow, BC and Puma [or whatever his name is] hook up.

Expect kittens in 10 weeks.


Just what I was thinking.
Craine's a pretty good artist. And certainly "prettier" than Medina's style, it really that wise to be changing the art this drastically right in the middle of an arc? They talk about writing for TPB, they should draw for it too. :o
To be honest, I don't really dig this psuedo-3D, "video game" look. And Marvel seems to be changing artists mid-arc lately more than they have in the past. That's kind of annoying.
Damn....that looks pretty good. If I use my thimb to blocl out the Iron Spidey suit, it even looks great! :up:
Would liked to have see a preview of #25 more, damn what happened to Medina, can't even finish one arc?!! what a downer.
I had to put up with macfarlane, kupperberg, and saviuk back in the 1980s. so no moaning over no medina here, I can't believe there are fans here who think he's got a smidgen of talent. he's a poor man's macfarlane wannabe. only my opinion, but I'm already ready for the knee-jerk flames.

I'm PLENTY happy craine's taking over here...
Demogoblin said:
Vermin vs Lizard? Interesting combination. Dont see how Vermin can hold up against Connors, but my interest is more than piqued.

I would have said the same thing about Black Cat up until last issue. :(

Hopefully Lizard will get a chance to whip someone during this storyline and redeem himself. If he ends up getting his ass handed to him by the likes of Black Cat and Vermin I think I'm going to cry....

...and then go on a shooting rampage at the Marvel offices. ;)
What the hell?

Medina is gone? As in, for good?

Well that's just effing great. I really dug his style, even if he was a "poor man's McFarlane." That still makes him better than most of the rest.
Don't get me wrong, I love Crain- and he WOULD make a damn good artist for SSM(if they keep it darker, which I hope they do) but it really pisses me off that we are switching mid arc. That's just ****ed.
The Lizard said:
I would have said the same thing about Black Cat up until last issue. :(

Hopefully Lizard will get a chance to whip someone during this storyline and redeem himself. If he ends up getting his ass handed to him by the likes of Black Cat and Vermin I think I'm going to cry....

...and then go on a shooting rampage at the Marvel offices. ;)

Dont get me wrong, I like Vermin, but big mean crocodile beats big mean rat anyday.

The panel with Vulture, Lizard and Man-Wolf looks incredible. They all look very cool, but I like Vulch the most. He looks monsterous, like a zombie.
KingOfDreams said:
To be honest, I don't really dig this psuedo-3D, "video game" look. And Marvel seems to be changing artists mid-arc lately more than they have in the past. That's kind of annoying.

As much as I agree with that, I think this artwork is fantastic, but they do need to settle with one artist for a solid arc.
There haven't been any summaries for issues after Feral, so maybe and hopefully, Medina will be back again. Though I doubt it, a man can dream.
Although im disappointed by the change in artists, this DOES lokk pretty cool!

Looking forward to this.
This does look great, but I'm going to have to reiterate what everyone else stated here in terms of the art.

I really dig Crains style, but why have SUCH a drastic change mid arc?????

I dunno, something must have happened here. Marvel made a big fuss about Aguirre-Sacasa/Medina being the ne team for a good long time. And if anyone looked at Medina's site b4 this arc came out, it did look like he was gunning to draw Spidey from quite a while ago.

I wonder what happened? Could be some sort of personal stuff or emergency.

Either way, (no insult to Crains art as it is great,) it just messes with the story. It jars the whole thing a bit. Bet hey, if they did this on purpose, (which I doubt,) it could be seen as Medina did the art in the style of regular 2-D comic work, but then Crain was brought in for the more surreal/nightmare/horror aspect of they story.

Did anyone check the write up on Aguirre-Sacassa? Wicked little bit of history there! I've been getting really impressed with his stuff on MK4. Started off a little dull, but he's really shaped it into being a great book. Anyone know what other comics he worked on b4? I'd be really interested to find out!
wolvie2020 said:
Did anyone check the write up on Aguirre-Sacassa? Wicked little bit of history there! I've been getting really impressed with his stuff on MK4. Started off a little dull, but he's really shaped it into being a great book. Anyone know what other comics he worked on b4? I'd be really interested to find out!

Check out the most recent issue of Marvel Spotlight (from March, I believe), it has an interview with Aguirre-Sacasa and also David Finch. Aguirre-Sacasa also wrote Nightcrawler 1-12 and Amazing Fantasy 15 from last year, and the 2004 SM2 movie adaptation.

In the part of the Spotlight interview about the Sensational SM Feral storyline, Aguirre-Sacasa says "I bring in the Black Cat who is one of my favorite characters in the Spider-Man Tapestry." So it looks like my suspicions of pro-Black Cat bias might be correct after all! :eek:

I hope we have a writer come along whose favorite character is The Spot, so we can see The Spot beat up someone like Venom or Sandman. :up:
wolvie2020 said:
This does look great, but I'm going to have to reiterate what everyone else stated here in terms of the art.

I really dig Crains style, but why have SUCH a drastic change mid arc?????

I dunno, something must have happened here. Marvel made a big fuss about Aguirre-Sacasa/Medina being the ne team for a good long time. And if anyone looked at Medina's site b4 this arc came out, it did look like he was gunning to draw Spidey from quite a while ago.

I wonder what happened? Could be some sort of personal stuff or emergency.

Either way, (no insult to Crains art as it is great,) it just messes with the story. It jars the whole thing a bit. Bet hey, if they did this on purpose, (which I doubt,) it could be seen as Medina did the art in the style of regular 2-D comic work, but then Crain was brought in for the more surreal/nightmare/horror aspect of they story.

Did anyone check the write up on Aguirre-Sacassa? Wicked little bit of history there! I've been getting really impressed with his stuff on MK4. Started off a little dull, but he's really shaped it into being a great book. Anyone know what other comics he worked on b4? I'd be really interested to find out!

He did the Nightcrawler ongoing that ended up being only 12 issues. The first arc of it was great IMO, and the second one was good as well.

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