what makes you think that they will make the sentinels, maybe its the FOH that show up?Originally posted by Rizmaster
Yeah, it's not a real budget problem. Phoenix has to appear, and they already alluded to Sentinels, sort of "Someone will finish what I've started etc, etc"-Stryker. So, they have to fulfill both. And it wouldn't be too tough. Fire effects aren't a big deal, nor flying. And Sentinel will be toned down for movies.
I'd likeOriginally posted by Lazarus440
what makes you think that they will make the sentinels, maybe its the FOH that show up?
Originally posted by pejo
The full blown Phoenix effect only appeared for 20 seconds in X2 and made a lasting impression. She doesn't need to be wreathed in fire her entire time in X3, so if they wanted to include both, I'd say it's very possilbe. But if I had to choose, I would go for what has been introduced and not what has been coneptualized.