Clone Wars "Shattered" Spoiler Discussion


Your Most Aggro Pal (he/him)
Jun 16, 2004
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Last week on the Clone Wars, not much happened at all...

The imperial march in this scene...


My anxiety levels are high for this episode. I want to watch it, but at the same time I dont want to. I love the Clone Wars era. Probably more than the OT era. And I love these characters. I'm not ready for Order 66.:(
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The imperial march in this scene...


My anxiety levels are high for this episode. I want to watch it, but at the same time I dont want to. I love the Clone Wars era. Probably more than the OT era. And I love these characters. I'm not ready for Order 66.:(

Honestly, I would not be against the idea of FIoni and his crew being allowed to remake ROTS via the Clone Wars animation style. Use the cast from the show and insert the four part finale from "The Clone Wars" into the film as well.
Honestly, I would not be against the idea of FIoni and his crew being allowed to remake ROTS via the Clone Wars animation style. Use the cast from the show and insert the four part finale from "The Clone Wars" into the film as well.
Filoni most certainly would be against it. I can't imagine him disrespecting George in such a manner. The Flannel one is very important to him. He truly loves that man.
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I would love to have a sequel show to Clone Wars that starts immediately after the events of ROTS. Completing the bridge between ROTS and Rebels. It could deal with Maul, Crimson Dawn, and Ahsoka's time as Fulcrum.
Honestly, I would not be against the idea of FIoni and his crew being allowed to remake ROTS via the Clone Wars animation style. Use the cast from the show and insert the four part finale from "The Clone Wars" into the film as well.
I have to agree, I kind of want to see how Matt Lanter would pull off the wooden lines that Hayden Christensen said in ROTS.
So did I just never notice it before, or did they place the symbol for healing from Fallen Order/Battlefront into the show? I love how the "EU" comes together on these shows. The Star Wars Story movies, the games, the other shows. So much fun to spot these little things, and there were a few in these episodes. Off the top of my head, Sabine's mom, that symbol, the "I am one with the Force" mantra.

Maul trying to give Vader's hallway of death a run for it's money! :mrk:
The music really stood out to me this episode. It feels more memorable than much of the show's usual score all around this arc, but them returning to the ship with Maul and Rex and Ahsoka on the bridge leapt out to me.

So did I just never notice it before, or did they place the symbol for healing from Fallen Order/Battlefront into the show? I love how the "EU" comes together on these shows. The Star Wars Story movies, the games, the other shows. So much fun to spot things, and there were a lot in these episodes. Off the top of my head, Sabine's mom, that symbol, the "I am one with the Force" mantra.

Maul trying to give Vader's hallway of death a run for it's money! :mrk:
I seem to recall an interview where they talked about how they wanted this to be a point where many corners of the franchise came together, and I think they've done a nice job at that. Including Ursa in a role that could be just any Night Owl was a good move.
"I am one with the Force" was a great inclusion, and it's much more meaningful that the Force helped Ahsoka reveal the chip rather than a random medical droid doing it.

Also, it was chilling that immediately after Rex is given the order he addresses Palpatine as Lord Sidious. The clones always know who Sidious was, but they couldnt access the knowledge.

Time for a gripe... there really is no excuse for how little time Disney and Filoni are giving these events. Everything following Sidious contacting Rex was way too rushed.
I like how this episode made Ahsoka responsible for everything by the way. She could of told adorable Yoda but noooooooooooooooo.
Ahsoka really doesnt trust the council. Cant really blame her. The last time she needed the Council's help to deal with a big conspiracy they failed her spectacularly. And she had no way of knowing that the entire Clone army were sleeper agents so I cant really blame her.
I would love to have a sequel show to Clone Wars that starts immediately after the events of ROTS. Completing the bridge between ROTS and Rebels. It could deal with Maul, Crimson Dawn, and Ahsoka's time as Fulcrum.

To be honest, if Fioni and his crew were given the same budget and resources that they had when making "The Clone Wars", then I would want them to create a show that takes place post ROTJ, featuring Luke and company.

If Fioni could make 7 great seasons from what was supposed to be a 3 year gap between AOTC and ROTS then imagine what he could do with a gap of 30 years.
Possible plot hole: The Clones still target Ahsoka for Order 66 even though it’s widely known by the clones that she’s not a Jedi anymore. Around the same time, Anakin after he turned to the dark side and became “Darth Vader” was not shot at by the Clones, and was walking alongside him carrying out the Order 66. Plus, it wasn’t shown the Clones were widely aware of Skywalker going to the dark side.

One possible explanation to explain away this continuity error is that Anakin Skywalker’s presence felt different under the influence of the dark side, and therefore the Clones wouldn’t automatically recognize him as a Jedi but I don’t fully buy it. Anyone want to clear this issue up for me?
Possible plot hole: The Clones still target Ahsoka for Order 66 even though it’s widely known by the clones that she’s not a Jedi anymore. Around the same time, Anakin after he turned to the dark side and became “Darth Vader” was not shot at by the Clones, and was walking alongside him carrying out the Order 66. Plus, it wasn’t shown the Clones were widely aware of Skywalker going to the dark side.

One possible explanation to explain away this continuity error is that Anakin Skywalker’s presence felt different under the influence of the dark side, and therefore the Clones wouldn’t automatically recognize him as a Jedi but I don’t fully buy it. Anyone want to clear this issue up for me?

I honestly don’t see any plot hole or continuity error here. :shrug:
On second thought it’s not a “continuity error” per se’ but I’m only confused as to why Ahsoka would be targeted(despite not being a Jedi) but Anakin wouldn’t. Not a big deal.
Honestly, I would not be against the idea of FIoni and his crew being allowed to remake ROTS via the Clone Wars animation style. Use the cast from the show and insert the four part finale from "The Clone Wars" into the film as well.

Filoni most certainly would be against it. I can't imagine him disrespecting George in such a manner. The Flannel one is very important to him. He truly loves that man.

Given the fact that they used the actual dialogue from Revenge of the Sith when Ahsoka sensed Anakin's turn as opposed to the voice actors re-recording those lines, Filoni and crew would never outright remake ROTS or any of the other films. I'd much rather see them pool those resources into completing some of the unfinished Clone Wars episodes like Son of Dathomir, Dark Disciple, Crystal Crisis on Utapau, etc.

I would love to have a sequel show to Clone Wars that starts immediately after the events of ROTS. Completing the bridge between ROTS and Rebels. It could deal with Maul, Crimson Dawn, and Ahsoka's time as Fulcrum.

I wouldn't mind seeing this considering Solo left a lot of unanswered questions about Maul and a series would be the best way to pick up those loose threads.

Possible plot hole: The Clones still target Ahsoka for Order 66 even though it’s widely known by the clones that she’s not a Jedi anymore. Around the same time, Anakin after he turned to the dark side and became “Darth Vader” was not shot at by the Clones, and was walking alongside him carrying out the Order 66. Plus, it wasn’t shown the Clones were widely aware of Skywalker going to the dark side.

One possible explanation to explain away this continuity error is that Anakin Skywalker’s presence felt different under the influence of the dark side, and therefore the Clones wouldn’t automatically recognize him as a Jedi but I don’t fully buy it. Anyone want to clear this issue up for me?
Anakin was also with Palpatine leading up to Order 66 being carried out so it isn't inconceivable that Palpatine could have also given Anakin's battalion their direct orders to kill all the Jedi in the Temple and to follow Anakin's orders.

In Ahsoka's case I'm assuming that she was targeted given her history as well as being an ally of the Jedi. The clones fired on Bail Organa for less in ROTS.
On second thought it’s not a “continuity error” per se’ but I’m only confused as to why Ahsoka would be targeted(despite not being a Jedi) but Anakin wouldn’t. Not a big deal.
I guess I just always assumed that Palpatine/Sidious gave the order that Anakin was on his side.
Does anybody think we’ll see a glimpse of Darth Vader in the finale? While they don’t need to show Anakin rocking the black armor I kind of hope we see just a quick peak of what a full fledged Vader looks like in Clone Wars form.

We saw only his head in a vision from the Mortis arc.
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Ahsoka really doesnt trust the council. Cant really blame her. The last time she needed the Council's help to deal with a big conspiracy they failed her spectacularly. And she had no way of knowing that the entire Clone army were sleeper agents so I cant really blame her.
Except I don't think they did. The big thing with Ahsoka's trial was the chain of command outside of the Jedi Order. The Jedi couldn't just treat her differently because she was a Jedi, and it was the Jedi who saved her in the end. Also she did know that Maul told her why he was doing what he doing at that time. The plan was coming together, and Ahsoka decided to use her own poor judgement, in place of that of the Jedi who actually protect the galaxy. She has the benefit of the Force as well. She made the decision and it was the wrong one, but let's not blame her because her old friend tried to set her up, and the Jedi didn't break the law to protect her?

A lot of Ahsoka philosophizing is funny, because she is the one who went to the Jedi here and basically demanded Jedi military forces to fight a war that had nothing to do with them. She trust Bo for some reason but not the Jedi, even as the only other time she ever saw her, was when Bo was a murdering psychopath who was loyal to another murdering psychopath. :hehe:

She cried that the Jedi would actually try to save the Chancellor of the Republic, but then had a issue when the Jedi showed suspicion towards the guy who has somehow held power long after his term ended. The one who wanted the Jedi to bypass the law to protect her, is the same person complaining that the Jedi are actually exposing a conspiracy.

Ahsoka has been so wrong and contradictory since the end of season 5, it's spectacular really. And this is all because she personalized it in a manner that has obscured her own vision.

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