I Like "Lena Headey" in this role. Lena is perfect for John Byrne´s Beautyfull SheHulk.
Sava said:no She Hulk in ANY Hulk movie, not ever!!!!
Mr. Walters said:She Hulk should get her own movie, not a Hulk sequel. I am shocked to see so many anti She-Hulk movie people on here, but too each there own. One thing I hope to do in the not to distant future, after I have made a name for myself, is to obtain the rights to make She-Hulk the movie. And quicker than you can say shut up Mr. Walters, I would do her in...wait for it...CGI. I'd want Amy Acker as Jennifer but do Shulkie in CGI with the face of Amy Acker, similar to the technology they are wasting in that ******ed looking Little Man movie with the Wyans Bros. Sorry, but I think She-Hulk has some of the best story telling in Marvel right now (Savage and Sensational were just plain awful however) and I think her story translates to screen very well. Just my two cents though. But come on guys, if you found out tomorrow that She-Hulk the movie was coming out, you seriously wouldn't see it?
Mr. Walters said:She Hulk should get her own movie
El Payaso said:Make it an XXX and maybe I'll watch 5 minutes.
La_She-Beast said:Oh btw, Golgo, I don't want to be a smart@ss, but it's "el demonio disfrazado de hombre"