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Shoot 'Em in the Head: The Zombie Survival Horror RPG

Byrd Man

El Hombre Pájaro
May 25, 2006
Reaction score

A strange virus has attacked the United States of America and the world. Panic and chaos reign across the globe. The virus turns the recently dead into husks of their former selves who crave the flesh of their fellow men. The outbreak leads to panic, rioting, and proclamations that the end is nigh and judgement day is upon us.

Weeks go by and the chaos gives way to eerie silence. The panicked hordes have now succumbed to the virus and very few are left unaffected by the previous weeks.

Those left have to fight with everything they have just to survive and avoid being eaten on a daily basis.
Will what's left of humanity be able to come together and rebuild, or will the undead menace be the end of all human life on Earth? Only you can decide here in the Shoot 'Em in the Head: The Zombie/Survival-Horror RPG!

Da Rules
  • You can play two characters. Either create your own characters or you can play characters from another form of zombie/survival horror medium.
  • Created characters as well as adapted ones should true to the personality and abilities of the character, such as no somersaulting off buildings and flying.
  • Your character should make sense, no Amish people with chainsaws etc.
  • Do not kill other Player Characters WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION. NPCs are fine to kill, with permission from anyone else using that NPC.
  • This is a game, let it be fun.
  • You are allowed one character.
  • This is a working environment, so your characters can start out anywhere in the USA and travel across the country, fighting the undead and meeting survivors.
  • Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless given permission.
  • There can be a number of stories going on at once, using different people
  • Act like your characters; ASSUME their traits and personalities...
  • There should be MINIMAL cussing and swearing in posts.There will be NO By-passing the censors. This is a Hype rule, and NO exceptions will be made for the RPG.
  • Remember: It's just a game, have fun!

Notes About the RPG Universe

Whatever has caused the outbreak of the undead, everyone is infected with it. A virus that is dormant in everyone and is activated once the body becomes deceased. A death that doesn't destory the brain means that the dead body will be reanimated into an undead. This virus turns the dead into mindless flesh eaters. A bite from the undead will accelerate the disease and turn a living human into one of them.

Zombie fiction does not exist and the word "zombie" is not applied to the undead who now walk the Earth. So, survivors don't know at first how to kill these new and deadly creatures that once were their fellow man.

Two weeks have passed since the intial outbreak and those who haven't fallen victim to the virus are slowly learning what to do to stop them and are forming small groups.

Character Application

Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application

Character you would like to play:

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in):

Basic history of the character up until this point:

Character's Skills:

Character's Items:

Why Have You Chosen That Character?:

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG :

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:
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Rick Grimes
Keyser Soze

Bill Murray

Capt. John Pierce

Chris Redfield

Shaun (of the Dead)

Byrd Man

Ashley J. Williams
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Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application

Character you would like to play: wiegeabo

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in): Captain John Nathaniel Pierce, U.S.A.F, M.D.

Basic history of the character up until this point:
John is an orphan that went from foster home to foster home, getting into trouble with gangs, until he became a teenager. He was lucky enough to find a good family and turn his life around. When his mother died of cancer after his high school graduation, John traveled the country for a year, taking up odd jobs, before deciding to be a doctor. He joined the Air Force to pay his way, and is in his third year of service, although he considers himself more a civilian in uniform rather than an actual officer.

Character's Skills: Medical doctor. Although he has experience in general medicine, he favors research over seeing patients. Captain in the United States Air Force, John has basic combat and firearms training. John also has some experience flying civilian aircraft (crop dusters and Cessnas).

Character's Items: Access to the local air force base and it's combat and medical equipment.

Why Have You Chosen That Character?:
1. I wanted someone who wasn't necessarily a fighter, but could hold out in a fight.

2. I wanted someone with a sketchy past who's done a lot of different things that may come in useful.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG : I'm very experienced in other RPGs. And I superheroes don't generally get to shoot the bad guys in the face, so I figured this would be a good change of pace.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:
I wipe the exhaustion from my eyes. I need coffee. Lots of it.

And I hate coffee. I mean, I really really hate coffee.

But I need a caffeine boost, and the dammed vending machine is on the fritz, again, so I can't even get a soda. I glance at fire extinguisher on the wall and daydream about bashing the vending machine in.

I normally wouldn't even need caffeine, except I'm on the twenty-third hour of a twelve hour shift because Mike wound up getting sick or something and didn't show up to relieve me. Jerk just probably took off for the Fourth, leaving me stuck here while he's out drinking and blowing stuff up. And my commanding officer deemed it necessary that someone be at the lab at all times. A lab that hasn't had to do anything for the last week. We're in an airforce base, for crying out loud. What could possibly happen? Mike's going to pay. Oh yes, he'll pay.

So all I can do is sit here, forcing myself to stay awake, trying to build up the nerve to pour myself a cup of coffee and choke it down. I look at the fire extinguisher again. A Coke sounds so good right now.

A rotating light hanging from the corner of the ceiling starts to spin, flashing a blue light around the room. A pulsing siren starts a moment later, doubling my heart rate and making me jump out of my chair.

Great. What now?
Will have my app up tomorrow. I may apply for Shaun, I'm not sure whether I can do him justice yet.
And now, because I love the idea of it so much, but I probably won't be going through with it because I am in no way the genius necessary to pull off a convincing portrayal...

Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application

Character you would like to play: wiegeabo

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in): Bill Murray

Basic history of the character up until this point:
Who you gonna call? Bill ****ing Murray. (That's not his middle name, by the way.) Bill is not only a comedic genius, with a decades long career testifying to that fact, but he's also a tactical genius. He dresses up and acts like the undead so they'll leave him be in peace. (The lengths a man goes to for a decent game of golf, but nothing beats being able to just walk on and shoot nine holes on the Riviera.) If there's anything that Bill isn't good at, it's playing practical jokes.

More a lover than a fighter, Bill won't let his friends down. And he'll make sure their spirits are always lifted.

Character's Skills: Comedic timing, dramatic talent, and a scratch golfer.

Character's Items: Not a big gun guy, Bill does have an old revolver somewhere in the house that's never been fired. But he's lethal with a good golf club. He may or may not also have a working proton pack in his basement. (He has never confirmed nor denied the rumor.)

Why Have You Chosen That Character?:
Um...it's Bill ****ing Murray. Possibly the only mistake Zombieland made.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG :
I direct you to my prior application. Enough said.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"Bill Murray! You're a zombie?'

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Would you stop hitting me?!"

"Wait...you're not a zombie? You're fine?"

"Like hell. She's hitting me with my best nine iron."

The girl hitting me finally stops. "Oh man, I'm sorry. We didn't know it was you."

I wave off the misunderstanding. "Are you...what's with get-up?"

"Huh? Oh, this? It's how I blend in. Those things don't mess with you when they think you're already one of them. Buddy of mine was a makeup artist. Showed me how to do this. A little corn starch, smashed up berries for color. Slather on some rotting meat for effect. It works for me. I like to get out and do stuff. Just played nine holes on the Riviera. Just walked on. Nobody there."
Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application

Character you would like to play: Tallahassee

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in): Established. He first appeared in Zombieland.

Basic history of the character up until this point:
A single father living in Tallahassee, Florida, Tallahassee endured the early stages of the outbreak protecting his son, Buck, from the chaos. One night the undead came for him and his son, Tallahassee did all he could do to fight them off, but Buck was bitten in the struggle. Knowing what was to come, Tallahasse put his son out of his misery. He soon packed up all the weapons he could find and hit the road, going across the country and killing as many of the infected he can lay his hands on. His passion for killing the undead is rivaled by his passion for Twinkies. Somehwere out there is the last Twinkie ever made, and he will eat it. Tallahassee usually works alone, generally scorning any survivor or groups that come across his path.

Character's Skills: An avid hunter before the outbreak, Tallahassee is a zombie-killing machine. Pure and simple. He doesn't know about medicine, politics, or art...but he does know how to make things go boom.

Character's Items: Tallahassee drives a black SUV with a variety of survival items and weapons backed in the back. Items from bottled water, to freeze-dried food, to shotguns and chainsaws.

Why Have You Chosen That Character?: I loved Zombieland and Woody as Tallahassee was great. A badass character with a sad backstory makes for compelling character stuff.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG : A decent writer with experience in the RPGs as well as a pretty badass when it comes to the zombie killing parts of the RPG.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:

Austin, Texas

I weave around the cars stalled on the interstate. Many people died in their cars and what's left of them aren't smart enough to open the door. I see their gray and bloody faces on the windows as I whiz by them. I would kill them, but it's kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. No sport in it.

Taking me a few weeks, but I think I'm beginning to figure out what to do. It all hinges on the head. Blow the brains out or cut that sucker off and it seems to stop them. I learned that the hard way with Buck....

I see something off in the distance, something moving. It might be one of them. I get my gun ready but stop when I see it's another survivor....kind of a scrawny thing. Big hair, big nose. Least he has a gun. I drive up and pull up to the side of the road. He dives behind a motorcyle, well he props up a motorcyle first before he hides behind it.

I get out the car and look him over. After a second, he jerks his arm out and holds up his thumb. Hitchhiker. Hope he's not headed somwehre far.
Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application

Character you would like to play: wiegeabo

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in): Captain John Nathaniel Pierce, U.S.A.F, M.D.

Basic history of the character up until this point: John is an orphan that went from foster home to foster home, getting into trouble with gangs, until he became a teenager. He was lucky enough to find a good family and turn his life around. When his mother died of cancer after his high school graduation, John traveled the country for a year, taking up odd jobs, before deciding to be a doctor. He joined the Air Force to pay his way, and is in his third year of service, although he considers himself more a civilian in uniform rather than an actual officer.

Character's Skills: Medical doctor. Although he has experience in general medicine, he favors research over seeing patients. Captain in the United States Air Force, John has basic combat and firearms training. John also has some experience flying civilian aircraft (crop dusters and Cessnas).

Character's Items: Access to the local air force base and it's combat and medical equipment.

Why Have You Chosen That Character?:
1. I wanted someone who wasn't necessarily a fighter, but could hold out in a fight.

2. I wanted someone with a sketchy past who's done a lot of different things that may come in useful.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG : I'm very experienced in other RPGs. And I superheroes don't generally get to shoot the bad guys in the face, so I figured this would be a good change of pace.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:
I wipe the exhaustion from my eyes. I need coffee. Lots of it.

And I hate coffee. I mean, I really really hate coffee.

But I need a caffeine boost, and the dammed vending machine is on the fritz, again, so I can't even get a soda. I glance at fire extinguisher on the wall and daydream about bashing the vending machine in.

I normally wouldn't even need caffeine, except I'm on the twenty-third hour of a twelve hour shift because Mike wound up getting sick or something and didn't show up to relieve me. Jerk just probably took off for the Fourth, leaving me stuck here while he's out drinking and blowing stuff up. And my commanding officer deemed it necessary that someone be at the lab at all times. A lab that hasn't had to do anything for the last week. We're in an airforce base, for crying out loud. What could possibly happen? Mike's going to pay. Oh yes, he'll pay.

So all I can do is sit here, forcing myself to stay awake, trying to build up the nerve to pour myself a cup of coffee and choke it down. I look at the fire extinguisher again. A Coke sounds so good right now.

A rotating light hanging from the corner of the ceiling starts to spin, flashing a blue light around the room. A pulsing siren starts a moment later, doubling my heart rate and making me jump out of my chair.

Great. What now?


And now, because I love the idea of it so much, but I probably won't be going through with it because I am in no way the genius necessary to pull off a convincing portrayal...

Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application

Character you would like to play: wiegeabo

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in): Bill Murray

Basic history of the character up until this point: Who you gonna call? Bill ****ing Murray. (That's not his middle name, by the way.) Bill is not only a comedic genius, with a decades long career testifying to that fact, but he's also a tactical genius. He dresses up and acts like the undead so they'll leave him be in peace. (The lengths a man goes to for a decent game of golf, but nothing beats being able to just walk on and shoot nine holes on the Riviera.) If there's anything that Bill isn't good at, it's playing practical jokes.

More a lover than a fighter, Bill won't let his friends down. And he'll make sure their spirits are always lifted.

Character's Skills: Comedic timing, dramatic talent, and a scratch golfer.

Character's Items: Not a big gun guy, Bill does have an old revolver somewhere in the house that's never been fired. But he's lethal with a good golf club. He may or may not also have a working proton pack in his basement. (He has never confirmed nor denied the rumor.)

Why Have You Chosen That Character?: Um...it's Bill ****ing Murray. Possibly the only mistake Zombieland made.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG : I direct you to my prior application. Enough said.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"Bill Murray! You're a zombie?'

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Would you stop hitting me?!"

"Wait...you're not a zombie? You're fine?"

"Like hell. She's hitting me with my best nine iron."

The girl hitting me finally stops. "Oh man, I'm sorry. We didn't know it was you."

I wave off the misunderstanding. "Are you...what's with get-up?"

"Huh? Oh, this? It's how I blend in. Those things don't mess with you when they think you're already one of them. Buddy of mine was a makeup artist. Showed me how to do this. A little corn starch, smashed up berries for color. Slather on some rotting meat for effect. It works for me. I like to get out and do stuff. Just played nine holes on the Riviera. Just walked on. Nobody there."

Hell ****ing yes! APPROVED

Someone be the AGM and approve me.
Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application​

Character you would like to play:
Rick Grimes

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in):
Established – first appeared in the comic series, The Walking Dead.

Basic history of the character up until this point:
Rick Grimes was a small town Georgia cop, living an uneventful but happy life with his wife, Lori, and his son, Carl. But this life was forever lost to him when he was shot on the line of duty. Wounded by a shotgun blast while chasing down a suspect, Rick fell into a coma. When he wakes a month later, he soon discovers that his nightmare is just beginning...

Character's Skills:
As a police officer, Rick is a capable marksman and hand-to-hand combatant. His resourcefulness and skills as a strategist also make him a natural leader, whether he wants to be or not.

Character's Items:
Though he wakes up with nothing but the hospital gown on his back, as a police officer Grimes has access to an armoury full of guns and equipment, and can get a squad car to drive around in if he needs one.

Why Have You Chosen That Character?:
I’m a huge fan of The Walking Dead, and while the series has enjoyed a wide ensemble cast, the most compelling character has throughout remained leading protagonist Rick. The way his character has developed, and how his experiences have changed him, has made for utterly fascinating reading to me, and I’d love a chance to explore an alternate version of that character’s journey.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG :
I can bring a wealth of RPing experience to the game. I also have a massive penis.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:

Am I dead?

No, I’m in too much pain to be dead. I open my eyes, and I have no idea where I am. This is not my home, this is not my bed. What happened, where am I?

And then it comes back to me. Lying in the field, Shane kneeling over me. Pain in my side. Oh God, I was shot! I’m in hospital! How bad is it? Am I paralysed, what if I can’t walk? I move my legs around under the sheets just to make sure I can. Thank God. But how bad is the wound? With a trembling hand, I reach under my hospital gown and touch my side. No dressing? I wince as I touch the scar, but it’s a scar. No stitches, no gaping hole. I... I’ve healed. Wait, how long have I been out? Where’s Lori? Where’s Carl?

Don’t panic, Rick, try to stay calm. You... you’ve been in a coma, or something. You’re in... a private room, by the looks of it, and you’ve woken up at some point outside visiting hours. Any second now some nurse is going to walk in and get the shock of her life seeing you awake. That’s right, a nurse, you better...

I look around, and find the help button. I push it, then lie back. I feel my eyes closing again, I feel exhausted. No, sit up! I need to stay awake, I’ve slept enough. I... I need to get up.

I don’t know how long it takes to summon up the strength to sit up in bed, but it feels like an eternity before I finally do it. My bones crack painfully as I push myself upright. After lying in this bed so long it’s like it doesn’t want to let me go. Okay, I’m sitting up. Now, I need to get out of this bed. Where the hell is the nurse? I press the help button again. No answer. What kind of operation are they running here? I need to call home, tell Lori and Carl that I’m awake, that I’m alright. God, I must have worried them so much...

I unplug myself from all the machines they have me hooked up to. I look down at my hand, and the needle that’s stuck into it. Taking a deep breath, I pull it out, ignoring the drop of blood that starts to form in the hole left behind on the back of my hand. I’m not waiting for a nurse anymore. I need to stand up. Take a breath, get ready. One foot on the floor. The tile against my bare skin is cold, the sensation of putting any weight on it feels unnatural all of a sudden. Come on now. The other foot on the floor. There, easy. Now, just push up off the bed, and stand up...


My legs give out from under me, and I fall on my face. My healing wound screams out in protest. I roll on the floor like a helpless, humiliated lump. I’m supposed to be a hard-ass cop. Some tough guy now.

“Nurse, help!”

Of course, no one comes. Well, I can’t just lie here on the floor all day. I writhe around for a while. Then, I get onto my hands and knees, and crawl. Finally, when I’m ready, I push up, until I’m standing. Leaning against the wall for support, I take a step. After the first few painful steps, I feel like my legs are working again. Now to go back to my life.

I approach the door of my room, and rest my hand on the doorknob. And then for some reason, I hesitate. I have a feeling in the bottom of my gut that tells me to stay in this room, to go back to bed and lie down. It’s safe here. I smile to myself, dismiss the silly feeling, and open the door.
Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application

Character you would like to play: Tallahassee

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in): Established. He first appeared in Zombieland.

Basic history of the character up until this point:
A single father living in Tallahassee, Florida, Tallahassee endured the early stages of the outbreak protecting his son, Buck, from the chaos. One night the undead came for him and his son, Tallahassee did all he could do to fight them off, but Buck was bitten in the struggle. Knowing what was to come, Tallahasse put his son out of his misery. He soon packed up all the weapons he could find and hit the road, going across the country and killing as many of the infected he can lay his hands on. His passion for killing the undead is rivaled by his passion for Twinkies. Somehwere out there is the last Twinkie ever made, and he will eat it. Tallahassee usually works alone, generally scorning any survivor or groups that come across his path.

Character's Skills: An avid hunter before the outbreak, Tallahassee is a zombie-killing machine. Pure and simple. He doesn't know about medicine, politics, or art...but he does know how to make things go boom.

Character's Items: Tallahassee drives a black SUV with a variety of survival items and weapons backed in the back. Items from bottled water, to freeze-dried food, to shotguns and chainsaws.

Why Have You Chosen That Character?: I loved Zombieland and Woody as Tallahassee was great. A badass character with a sad backstory makes for compelling character stuff.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG : A decent writer with experience in the RPGs as well as a pretty badass when it comes to the zombie killing parts of the RPG.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:

Austin, Texas

I weave around the cars stalled on the interstate. Many people died in their cars and what's left of them aren't smart enough to open the door. I see their gray and bloody faces on the windows as I whiz by them. I would kill them, but it's kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. No sport in it.

Taking me a few weeks, but I think I'm beginning to figure out what to do. It all hinges on the head. Blow the brains out or cut that sucker off and it seems to stop them. I learned that the hard way with Buck....

I see something off in the distance, something moving. It might be one of them. I get my gun ready but stop when I see it's another survivor....kind of a scrawny thing. Big hair, big nose. Least he has a gun. I drive up and pull up to the side of the road. He dives behind a motorcyle, well he props up a motorcyle first before he hides behind it.

I get out the car and look him over. After a second, he jerks his arm out and holds up his thumb. Hitchhiker. Hope he's not headed somwehre far.


This is a democracy, right? One man, one vote?

And I am the man. :hehe:
I appoint both Wieg and Soze AGMs. RPG wouldn't have come around if not for those two.
Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application

Character you would like to play: Shaun

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in): Shaun of the Dead

Basic history of the character up until this point: Shaun is an unambitious slacker working as an assistant manager in Dixons. He finally (after 4 years) asked his girlfriend Liz to marry him. His best mate Ed decided that this was the best chance for a lads weekend away that they were ever going to get - to sunny Las Vegas. Unfortunately the lads include David, the posh **** that's in love with Liz and Pete, the workaholic loudmouth with a grudge against Ed. What follows proves to be the most traumatising weekend of Shaun's life. Oh, and then zombies invade.

Character's Skills: None.

Character's Items: A cricket bat that was 'liberated' from a sports supply store.

Why Have You Chosen That Character?: He's quintessentially British, and I feel the need to play him.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG : Hopefully a strong poster, with a strong character and motivation to post. Also Shaun of the Dead meets the Hangover.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:

"Ed will you put that ****ing phone down," Pete growled from behind the bushes of the hotel foyer.

"**** off, yeah, I'm tryin' to get a signal," the overweight Brit said, holding his phone up in the air in hope of his phone working. Pete grabbed the loosened collar of Ed's tux and raised a fist.

"Leave him alone," Shaun said, pushing the two of them apart with the cricket bat.

"Erhm, gentlemen, we have a more pressing problem," David announced, his head stuck through the bushes, looking out onto the concourse. Shaun blanched and sidled over.

"Are there any more of...them out there?" he asked. David gestured wordlessly. Shaun looked. He gulped.

"What's the plan then boy-wonder?" the bespectacled man asked.

"Okay here it is..."
Character you would like to play: Chris Redfield
Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in): Established in the Resident Evil Series. First appearance was in Resident Evil

Basic history of the character up until this point:
Chris entered the Air Force at the age of 18, becoming an excellent marksman and a decent pilot. However, he was often at odds with his superior officers, and was discharged without honors at the age of 25.When he returned home to Raccoon City, Wisconsin, he moved in with his younger sister Claire, and was approached by an old friend named Barry Burton to join the city’s new division of S.W.A.T. known as S.T.A.R.S., which stands for Special Tactics and Rescue Service. It is designed to respond to possible terrorist or biological attacks to the city, as well as assisting S.W.A.T. in normal duties. When the outbreak occurs, Chris is a Captain in STARS. Alpha Squad, and is currently alive with the rest of Alpha Squad and his sister Claire held up in a secured section of Raccoon City Prison.

Character's Skills: Chris is a crack shot with almost any type of gun. He’s also in peak physical condition, and skilled in hand to hand combat. As an Air Force pilot, he’s also trained in wilderness survival. That being said, he is impetuous and tends to be insubordinate, which can lead him into trouble. On top of that he’s loyal to a fault, especially to his squadmates and his sister.

Character's Items: Being a part of a tactical police force, Chris has access to firearms and ammunition. He primarily carries with him a Smith and Wesson Model 29 Revolver, Ithaca M37 Shotgun, and his Military Issue Combat Knife from the US Air Force, as well as small rations and medical supplies.

Why Have You Chosen That Character?:
I’ve always loved the Resident Evil series, and Chris has always been my favorite character along with Leon.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG :
Every Zombie fiction needs the guy who can hold back a horde by himself while the others run away, and that’s what Chris can be. Plus, I’d love to see him and Tallahassee whoppin’ ass side by side.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:

I climb the stairs up towards our makeshift barracks in one of the guard towers inside of Raccoon City prison, whipping blood and dead skin off my arm. The stench alone makes me want to puke, but I don’t need the rest of Alpha Squad ragging me on it. It’s been three weeks and I’m still not used to this.

Reaching the top of the tower, I smile as I pass by my sister Claire, as she sleeps on one of the cots we dragged up here after we secured this sector of the prison. Just knowing she’s safe makes me almost not give a crap about the rest of the stuff going on out there. But that’s not my job. My job is to protect the people. If there’s any people left, that is.

In one of the corners, Jill Valentine scrubs blood off one of the windows of the observation tower. We were supposed to go on a date the night of the outbreak. I’ve had a thing for her ever since moving back to Raccoon, and now it looks like that’s gone on hold.

Damn undead.

We’ve been working hard to make the prison into a place where survivors can come and have a safe living environment. So far we’ve managed to clean out a quarter of the prison, and have shut it off to the rest of the facility until we need more room. But as of now it’s just us held up here, with no indication there’s even anyone else out there.

“Well?” Barry asks as I plop down a few bags in front of him. “What did you manage to pick up?”

“Some bread that looked fine, Power Bars, granola bars, stuff like that. A couple bottles of Gatorade. There wasn’t much left. What wasn’t destroyed during the outbreak had been pretty picked over by other survivors,” I respond, spreading the take over the table.

“Did you see any?” he asks, not looking up from the rations.

“Of course. I killed five of them in the store and three of them on the way back here. Bastards snuck up on me as I got close to the prison. Hopefully they don’t figure out we’re up here,” I answer his question as I unbuckle my equipment and begin placing it in my trunk.

“I meant survivors, Redfield,” Barry says, obviously pissed off.

“Oh…no. Not a sign anywhere, other than the scavenged store,” I shake my head. “I don’t think there are many left, Barry. Any word from the radio?”

“Sporadic,” he says, rubbing his chin. “I agree. I don’t think there’s many left. Anywhere.”
Shoot 'Em In The Head Character Application

Character you would like to play: Shaun

Original Character or Established? (If established, please state what medium your character first appeared in): Shaun of the Dead

Basic history of the character up until this point: Shaun is an unambitious slacker working as an assistant manager in Dixons. He finally (after 4 years) asked his girlfriend Liz to marry him. His best mate Ed decided that this was the best chance for a lads weekend away that they were ever going to get - to sunny Las Vegas. Unfortunately the lads include David, the posh **** that's in love with Liz and Pete, the workaholic loudmouth with a grudge against Ed. What follows proves to be the most traumatising weekend of Shaun's life. Oh, and then zombies invade.

Character's Skills: None.

Character's Items: A cricket bat that was 'liberated' from a sports supply store.

Why Have You Chosen That Character?: He's quintessentially British, and I feel the need to play him.

Two Complete Sentences Explaining What You Can Bring To This RPG : Hopefully a strong poster, with a strong character and motivation to post. Also Shaun of the Dead meets the Hangover.

Please provide a small sample post in the format you wish to portray your character in:

"Ed will you put that ****ing phone down," Pete growled from behind the bushes of the hotel foyer.

"**** off, yeah, I'm tryin' to get a signal," the overweight Brit said, holding his phone up in the air in hope of his phone working. Pete grabbed the loosened collar of Ed's tux and raised a fist.

"Leave him alone," Shaun said, pushing the two of them apart with the cricket bat.

"Erhm, gentlemen, we have a more pressing problem," David announced, his head stuck through the bushes, looking out onto the concourse. Shaun blanched and sidled over.

"Are there any more of...them out there?" he asked. David gestured wordlessly. Shaun looked. He gulped.

"What's the plan then boy-wonder?" the bespectacled man asked.

"Okay here it is..."

Now all you need to do is apply as Nicholas Angel and the British invasion shall be complete. And the arse kicking can truly begin.
So the rules say one character. Is it one or two?:huh:
Your app was so awesome it blew my mind before I could read it all. But what I read was worthy to be APPROVED!
Is Ash Williams allowed? I mean, there are zombies in The Evil Dead, but it's not usually considered to be your traditional "zombie movie" per se.
Is Ash Williams allowed? I mean, there are zombies in The Evil Dead, but it's not usually considered to be your traditional "zombie movie" per se.

I was actually gonna make him my second character. But if you're interested in him I'd defer to you, as I've got other ideas.

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