The "Ultimate Marvel" RPG Season III


"With all do respect Cap'n boyscout, if we knew where MJ was she would already be safe at home!"


"I don't have time for smart ass, young man. You either start showing some damn respect or you will sit in a maximum security cell underneath the Triskelion for the rest of your life, minus four arms because I will have ripped them off and shoved two down your throat and two where the sun doesn't shine."

"I don't have time for smart ass, young man. You either start showing some damn respect or you will sit in a maximum security cell underneath the Triskelion for the rest of your life, minus four arms because I will have ripped them off and shoved two down your throat and two where the sun doesn't shine."

"K sorry about that little outburst, its been a rough night. I really don't know where MJ is. But that Scarlet Spider dude seemed to know alot more about whats been goin down than I do."

I quickly look at the other clones.

"And we seem to be missing him."

As Forge rushed into the rumbling building, The rider started to follow, when a fire ball shot out of a nearby window as the building started to fall.


Forge zipped out the window just as the building hit the ground. Shocker and Mysterio tucked under his arms.

The door to the Zeus slolwy opend and he looked at Cat and the weak Sharon Carter. Zarathos faded as only Johnny Blaze remaind with a sad look in his face.

"It's Sandy...I-....I don't think he made it out alive...."

Season III - Epilogue

"Whenever you close your eyes or think about your dame... you'll see my face. See it laughing at you..."

Flint shut his eyes tight for a moment, then reopened them.

"It's not your face that will haunt me..." Flint turns one of his arms into a spike again and drives it through Hammerhead's abdomen. The gangster tries to scream, but he can't make a sound. "'s hers."

Flint pulls the bloody spike out of Hammerhead's body and lets the gangster fall to the ground. As Hammerhead falls to the ground, his hand opens and the detonator rolls onto the floor. The building begins to tremble as several explosion rock its foundation.

"See you in Hell..." Flint says as he looks into Hammerhead's lifeless eyes.

Fire consumes them...

* * * * * *

Several hours later, Flint is sitting on a hilltop, watching firemen try to put out the blaze. It took him awhile to reform. Much of his body had become glass in the explosion. Several jagged peices still punched through his exterior.

Flint shed his final tears for Sharon Carter that night. There, under the moon, he said goodbye to her forever. He couldn't go back to the Thunderbolts... not without her. Although he wanted nothing more than to be around his teammates, he knew the pain would be too great.

There was only one other thing Flint could think to do. Seven words flashed over and over again in his mind. He needed to find out what was behind those words...



The Hobgoblin landed with a monstrous thud on the banks of the Hudson, his fiery feet singeing the moss and weeds growing up the slope. A few stray air bubbles floated to the surface of the water before it was still again.

[BLACKOUT]“Weak,”[/BLACKOUT] Hobgoblin growled, a bit disappointed the fight was over so quickly, but satisfied at the outcome none the less. He turned and began lumbering back up the embankment toward the hulking husk of OsCorp. The original was dead, time to eliminate any evidence he ever existed.


Spider-Man erupted from the murky waters of the Hudson, bolting like a missile into the back of the Hobgoblin. He plowed the beast to the ground, grabbing him by the ears and slamming his head face first into the hard packed dirt.

“You had the chance to fight this, Harry. You begged me with every fiber of your being to help you, and now this?!”

Spider-Man elbowed the Goblin hard at the base of the neck.

“You don’t deserve mercy. You don’t deserve sympathy. You’re finally your father’s son, so you deserve all the pain and misery I can dish out.”

Season III - Epilogue

"I don't understand what you want from me."

Max sat across from Sabretooth in the latter's room.

"What don't ya understand?" Sabretooth asked in frustration. "Magneto screwed me over, and I think he mighta screwed you over too."

"You think. You don't know."

"I got a pretty good feeling..."

Max rubbed his face with both hands and sighed.

"And what? I'm supposed to go on your feelings? This is Magneto we're talking about here! Why would I want to take him on? He's giving me a chance here!"

"I'm tellin' ya, Sparky... somethin' smells rotten about yer whole situation."

Max groaned.

"What do you think, huh? Magneto somehow set me up with a phony healing factor that almost killed me? Then for some reason he allowed Leland to capture me, even though I might've been murdered?"

Sabretooth didn't flinch. "Yup."

Max shook his head.

"And why do you think he did this, again? Because he... he wanted me to make amends for all the muties I've killed? That makes no sense! Why go through all this trouble? Fake healing factors and phony kidnappings... Why not just force me to work for him?"

"Be smart, bolt-brain." Sabretooth said with a little chuckle. "Ya think Magneto wants the others ta know that he brought in a homo-sapien ta help them do their jobs?"

Max fell silent as he contemplated this theory.

"I don't know all the details yet little man, but I know somethin' is up! Magneto has been steppin' on people fer years, and now it's finally gonna come back and bite him in the a$s!"

"Do you really believe all that?"


"Then why not just go get him right now? Slice him up with your fancy claws or somethin'."

"No." Sabretooth said flatly. "It's gotta hurt. It's gotta be right when he's about to win the battle. Right when he's about to finish his enemies... Besides, Magneto's built his army. Now I've gotta build mine."


Season III - Epilogue

"I don't want no screwin' around, you understand?"

Piotr nodded as Corporal Dugan lead him towards Omega Red's cell.

"Go in, ask your questions, then get the hell outta here. And remember: we can see and hear everything."

With those last words, Dugan opened the door to the cell block and Piotr stepped in. Dugan shut the door behind him.

The cell block was deserted. Only one cell was occupied; its glowing bars radiated a cold blue light. Piotr headed towards the cell hastily.

He looked through the barrier and saw a large man with white skin and blonde hair. The man had no idea he was being watched. He was fiddling with a bandage wrapped around his head. For the first time, Piotr wondered why Mikhail's superior needed to be imprisoned in the Triskelion.

"Привет." Piotr said.

The man's eyes shot up. He regarded Piotr suspicously.

"Кто - Вы?" Omega Red asked.

"My name is Piotr Rasputin." Piotr replied.

"Do you work for SHIELD?" Omega Red asked, sounding both disgusted and afraid.

"Well, I..."

"Did they send you in here to do more experiments on me?"

Piotr looked at the bandage on the man's head and wondered what exactly was going on here in the Triskelion.

"Tell them I won't do it! I'll never work for them! I'll kill that Carter chick, and her little Lightningbolt buddies too!"

Piotr was so confused that he almost forgot what he was supposed to be talking about.

"Listen to me. I'm going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer them. Understand?"

Omega Red raised an eyebrow.

"Какие вопросы?" Omega Red asked.

"Questions about Russia." Piotr replied.

"I've already told you idiots everything about my past. Leave me alone."

"When you served in the military, did you ever know a man named Mikhail Rasputin?"

Omega Red's jaw dropped. All the blood drained out of his face.

"О мой Бог..."

"Answer the question, Mr. Rossovich."

"Yes. I certainly did."

A burning sea of hate surged up Piotr's throat, but he remained calm. He needed to see this through...

"How did you know him?"

"He served under me."

"And what sort of orders did you give him?"

Omega Red did not reply. He simply stared off into space, remembering something from long ago...

"Ответьте на меня!" Piotr shouted. "I know what kind of orders you gave to those who served under you! You sent them on suicide missions! Now tell me what you made Mikhail do!"

"I didn't send him on any mission."

"Лгун!" Piotr screamed. "I know you are lying! They told us his superior sent him on an impossible mission!"

"No! Listen to me! Mikhail--"

"YOU DID IT!" Piotr screamed, his flesh transforming into organic steel.

The cell block immeadiately filled with SHIELD agents; their guns fixed on Colossus.

"Alright, kid! Visit's over!" Dugan yelled from behind his troops.

Colossus returned to normal once more and stared at Omega Red.

"I'm not finished with you. I'm going to find out what you did. It's your fault my family fell apart. It's your fault my brother is dead."

As Piotr was led away from the cell, Omega Red yelled out to him.

"Dead? Whoever told you your brother was dead?"


Forge flew over the bay towards the Triskelion, landing with a thump on the grass. By now, Mysterio had awaken and the both of them screamed as Forge walked with each in a headlock toward the main entrance.

"Come on! What the hell?!"

"Can we just talk about this?"

Before the three of them reached the pavement, a grey blur sped infront of them and stopped. "Can I help you?"

"Quicksilver, listen, I need to talk to Fury right now. Something terrible has happened and its absolutely-"

"I already know, Forge." Fury walked out of the main entrance, seemingly very upset. "Come with me. It seems we have alot to talk about." He turned to Quicksilver. "Take these two to the holding compound."

"Aw hell!"


Forge and Fury stood alone in a meeting room, a large plasma screen showing a live CNN News Report of Hammerhead's building exploding. "Now, I can take the humiliation of a failed project. I can handle having convicts under our employ. I can handle all that, Forge."

Forge nodded, unsure of what what to say.

"Let me tell you what I can't handle. I can't handle a dissolved program coming back and and biting me in the a**! Against orders!"

Forge hung his head, realizing this wasn't exactly what he had expected. Then again, he didn't really know what he had expected. He really just wanted to drop of Shocker and Mysterio and get back to the team. "Well, in our defense...we did take down Hammerhead."

Fury stopped and smiled. "That you did, which is the only reason I'm giving the order to reactive the Thunderbolt Project instead of locking you all away with those punks you dragged in here with you."

Forge stopped for a moment. "Wait, you mean the Thunderbolts are still-"

"Yeah. Listen, Forge. I've already sent a team to bring in the rest of your team. Next time, just don't piss me off."
Fury turned toward the screen on the wall. "That's not the only reason I brought you here though."

He flicked his remote and an image played on the screen that sent chills running down Forge's spine.


"Greetings, citizens of Earth."

"Over the past few years, mutants have been humiliated. We have been experimented upon, run to the ground, and even unwillingly used as assassin slaves by the U.S. Government.

"As mutants have tried to find their place in society, the organization known as SHIELD has sent their robotic pets upon us, killing us off as if rodents in the night.

May this be a warning to all those who would repress the progression of Homo Superior: your end is nigh. Nick Fury and his Ultimates will be the first victim of our evolutionary wrath, with many more soon thereafter. Any mutants who attempt to stand against us will be dealt with as traitors, for they are as such. There is no warning. We only offer this as a chance to prepare to meet your maker."

Forge stared at the screen as the clip ended.

"This was transmitted yesterday over every radio wave, internet connection, and TV channel. Now, listen, Forge, I can't ignore your past with Magneto about this." He turned and looked Forge in the eyes. "I need to know I can trust you."

Forge nodded nervously. "Oh yeah! You've got no problems with me here, General! I'm a clean man, I swear."

"Good. That's what I thought. Now, listen, we're aware that you built a number of machines for Magneto during your time of employment with him. Are any of those machines still functioning?"

"Not that I'm know of. They were all destroyed when the X-Men came in. Jean Grey wiped out everything."

"Were there any blueprints left behind?"

Forge stopped and thought. "I guess so, but to be honest Magneto is a fighter and a commander, not an engineer. I don't think he would be able to rebuild anything that complicated."

Fury flicked the remote in his hand, sending a sattelite picture across the screen. "This is an unidentified object which NASA has just informed us about. We think it might be Magneto."

Forge gasped. "Asteroid M..."


"Asteroid M. It was something we planned a long time ago if the sentinels ever tried to get to the Savage Land again. It was a plan to reinforce Magneto's Citadel to the point where it could survive out of orbit."

"Then what?"

"He never told me anything else other than that. I made up the plans, but the project never went through."

Fury sighed. "Listen, we need you to help us. Our intel tells us that we have less than a week until Magneto and his goons are knocking on our front steps. We would have already shot the motherf***er down, but we don't have the ability right now. The Gah Lak Tus incident knocked our weapons for a huge loop. We have no weaponry fitted on taking out an entire asteroid suspended in orbit. Especially one twice the size of New York State."

"Twice the size of New York State? That's impossible. Magneto doesn't have to lift a landmass that big."

"Then maybe those machines you built aren't as destroyed as you thought."

Forge shifted in his seat. "What do you need me to do, General?"

The Triskelion: Home to the world famous Ultimates,
The Triskelion's basement: Home to the infamous Thunderbolts.

It had been a few hours since the "Hammerhead Incident" as the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were calling it. Johnny Blaze sat on the couch in the basement's living area, lost in his own thoughts while Black Cat watched televison.

Hell of a day, Johnny boy.

Tell me about it, Carter's in the hospital, Forge is doing god knows what with Fury and from all accounts, Sandman's dead.

Blackheart's still out there, though.

Let him come, that little trick I pulled with the bible made him realise that I'm more than a dumb blonde. When he makes his move, I'll be ready. But, Zarathos. Look on the good side, the good guys won and the bad guys lost.

Finally, he cleared his throat and gets Cat's attention.

"So, darling. About our little disscusion back during the fight...How exactly did you want to umm, 'thank' me for rescuing you from Blackheart? Cause I got something in my room I want you to check out."

Her eyebrow arched as Johnny smiled inside.

Smooth, kid. Real smooth. Why not just get her in the back seat of a Camaro and be done with it?


Three men sat around a table in a darkened room. Their voices tired with hours of debating.

"I'm just saying, we have Brad and Robert. We have the most important roles, why not an unknown for him?"

"Because, this is the most important role. He's the center piece to the movie. I don't think this guy can do it."

"He can learn to act. But, he's a stuntman first and that's what is most important. You can teaching acting, learning to take huge falls is diffrent."

"Okay, okay. We'll audition him. It says his last known contact is....S.H.I.E.L.D.? Wow, our man gets around. I'll call as soon as possible."

"Alright. Someone needs to tell Johnny Blaze the news. He's in the running as Captain America.


The Thunderbolts Take Hollywood


The Scarlet Spider Chapter 66

The Clone Saga

I slide down a webline and sprint along a glass wall of a building. I push off and sail through the air.

I land on a gas vent on top of a building and balance on it for a second, getting my bearings and making sure I know where the smokestack is. I push off, into the air, and fire a webline at the corner of a nearby building


I push off, into the air, and fire a webline at the corner of a nearby building. I land hard around the corner of the building and am staring at the smokestack at the soda factory.

I plant my feet hard on the glass and force myself spiraling into the air.


I land on the old, burnt out, neon red letter "J" ... originally part of the bankrupt soda company's name: "Jollypop!"

I crawl up the massive letter and make the short hop to the smokestack. I pull myself up to the lip of the stack and look down inside of it.

The flames at the bottom have been extinguished. I see an unconscious Mary Jane and Ben Reilly at the bottom.

It's too easy.

Too easy...

I plant my hand on the inner wall of the smokestack and see Mary Jane look up.

"Peter?! Oh my god, Peter is that you?!" She cries.

I nod slowly and continue crawling.

My palms grow cold and sweaty as I mumble under my breath,"Yeah... yeah it's me."

I plant my hand on a single brick and it depresses.

Liquid pouring jets slide out of the brick and fire ignited gasoline in a series of crosses.

Beneath each jet of flaming gas a knife blade sprouts out of the brick and begins rotating.

The floor that Mary Jane and Reilly are on slowly begins to rise and I hear Warren's cackling voice emanating from within the walls of the smokestack.

"So... it seems the mighty Spider-Man, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, has found the cheese at the end of the maze... congratulations, boy. The only question is if you have the stomach to put yourself through, literally, hell; risk letting your little girlfriend get carved to bits.

Let the games begin."

I cringe under the poorly crafted Spider-Man mask.

I have to time my jump just right, if I don't, either I'll go up in flames or I'll get sliced to bits.

I sit, waiting on the wall, hoping that inspiration will come to me.

"Ah, ah, ah. You're taking far too long." The menacing voice says, "Time to turn up the heat!"

I watch as gas floods the walls of the smokestack and ignites.

Without hesitating, I leap straight down, relying on my spider-sense to plant my feet on the flaming wall and dodge the rotating blades.

My spider-sense flares as my shoulder slides along one of the blades. I cry in pain and lose all of my coordination.

One of the blades gashes my thigh and my descent erodes into a free fall.

I land hard on my back on the smokestack floor, which is still steadily rising.

The Jackal's voice rings out louder and clearer than before.

"It seems that you're quite a bit craftier than I thought, Spider-Man... Still, I'm not so unprepared that I made myself ready for you to journey upwards out of the smokestack."

The heat intensifies and the blades grow even longer. I scoop Reilly and Mary Jane up onto my back and a single wire is suspended from the top of the smokestack.

"Thought I'd give you a hand, webhead, but you'd better hurry... the clock is ticking."

I hear the distinct ticking of a LED display clock at my feet. I look down and see a clock with wires and tubes sprouting from every part of it.

It's a bomb, and I have three minutes to get these two people I care about out of here.

I wrap my hand around the wire and feel my hands instinctively leap off of it.

The cheap gloves I'm wearing are singed. I cover them in webbing and wrap my hands around the wire. I feel the electricity surging through my body, making my hair stand on end.

I climb, hand over hand, heaving MJ and Reilly up to the top of the ledge. A blade slices across my chest, cutting right through my skin.

I slide down the cable a little, but strengthen my grip and pull the three of us out of the massive smokestack.

I reach out with a hand to fire a webline and hear a faint 'click'

I fire again, but no webbing comes out.

"No! Not here, not now!" I scream, realizing that I've run out of webbing.

I reach out with my other hand and realize that my web-shooter has melted.

I glance at Ben and Mary Jane, then Back at Ben.

He stares at me right through the cracked lens piece and into my eye.

I nod at him.

"Whoa... what? No, don't do this!" He cries.

I look at Mary Jane as we fall through the air.

"Look away, MJ." I say.

She closes her eyes and turns away from us.

"Sorry, Pop..." I mutter.

With one swift motion, I roll Mary Jane into my chest and shake Reilly off of us.

I hear him screaming... and then hear that screaming quickly stop.

I point my back towards the ground and keep Mary Jane tucked in close as we land with a crash on the roof of a parked van.

The Triskelion: Home to the world famous Ultimates,
The Triskelion's basement: Home to the infamous Thunderbolts.

It had been a few hours since the "Hammerhead Incident" as the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were calling it. Johnny Blaze sat on the couch in the basement's living area, lost in his own thoughts while Black Cat watched televison.

Hell of a day, Johnny boy.

Tell me about it, Carter's in the hospital, Forge is doing god knows what with Fury and from all accounts, Sandman's dead.

Blackheart's still out there, though.

Let him come, that little trick I pulled with the bible made him realise that I'm more than a dumb blonde. When he makes his move, I'll be ready. But, Zarathos. Look on the good side, the good guys won and the bad guys lost.

Finally, he cleared his throat and gets Cat's attention.

"So, darling. About our little disscusion back during the fight...How exactly did you want to umm, 'thank' me for rescuing you from Blackheart? Cause I got something in my room I want you to check out."

Her eyebrow arched as Johnny smiled inside.

Smooth, kid. Real smooth. Why not just get her in the back seat of a Camaro and be done with it?


She raises her eyebrow at him in a thin arch, a sly smile spreading across her lips. Slinking across the couch she stands in a slow curling motion, until she stradles Johnny's knees, her hands against the couch behind his head.

In her current attire, he certainly got an eyeful.

"In you're room hunny? I think I can see it from here"

She lingered for a moment, her face inches from his, then suddenly winked, stood, and sashayed out of the room. Ghost Riders eyes followed every swing of her hips until the door closed behind her.

Alfred leads me into the kitchen and starts pulling out sandwich makings.

"So tell me about these X-men?"

I lean against the counter.

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Whats the deal with the guy with the claws?"

"Oh Logan?"

"If thats his name, I don't know how you can stand living under the same roof with him. Id be afraid to fall asleep."

I smile and shake my head.

"Noway Logan is cool, he may look tough but he's a big softy. Ofcource I would never tell that to his face."

Before Alfred can respond several knocks on the door echos through the mansion. Alfraid starts to walk outta the kitchen but I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry I got it."

I silently head to the door still trying to get used to how quiet this place is. Im still stuck in my thoughts as I open the door.


"Oh my god you came!"

Without thinking I scoop up Ali in my arms.


I can't supress a laugh as Warren picks me up.

"Hey hey, of course I came you feather-brain"

He puts me back down and I look into his eyes, more serious now.

"Sorry about you're Mom, I couldn't leave you on your own like this."

He looks away and I can't tell if he's sad or not. He seems to be angry and resentful more than upset.

I can't supress a laugh as Warren picks me up.

"Hey hey, of course I came you feather-brain"

He puts me back down and I look into his eyes, more serious now.

"Sorry about you're Mom, I couldn't leave you on your own like this."

He looks away and I can't tell if he's sad or not. He seems to be angry and resentful more than upset.

"Sorry about you're Mom, I couldn't leave you on your own like this."

"I really don't know how to feel about this, I mean yeah she was my mom. BUt on the other hand she didnt say anything when my dad sent me away. This is really just an obligation."

I look back at her and smile.

"Thank you for coming."

We share a silent moment as we gaze into each other eyes.

"I got someone I'd like you to meet."

I take her hand and lead her into the kitchen.

"Warren who was at the...."

Alfred straightens up and goes back into butler mode at the sight of Ali.

"Oh hello."

"Ali this is Alfred, he raised me after my parents shipped me off to one of their summer homes. Alfred this is my girlfriend Alison Blair."

Southeast Asia

Blackheart flies across the open terrain. As he flies he calls out to the being he searches for.

“Chthon! Where are you!”

As the Blackhearts fly across the plains and toward the mountains, the ground begins to shake. Suddenly, a jet of steam from the darkest depths of the earths juts up from the ground, engulfing one of the Blackhearts. His body turns to smoke, and blows away in the breeze. The other two notice the drop in their power, and look around. They look to each other, and continue their search.

“Come on, now. I know you are here!” He calls. “I have business to discuss!”

Suddenly, a fist comes from the earth made of mud and rock. It grabs the other Blackheart, and pulls him to the depths of the earth. The last Blackheart turns, and sees the blue black smoke come up from the ground.

“Alright, Chthon! You took out two of me. I know you are here! Mephistopheles has sent me!”

Suddenly, the ground shakes. Trees fall, and rocks crack and shatter like glass. Blackheart looks all around him as he watches what looks like the end of the earth. Boulders jet up from the earth, and steam vents open and shoot their heated air from the cracks and crevices, which quickly form beneath Blackheart’s feet. Blackheart looks in front of him to see an entity form from the rubble. As rocks and dirt come up from the ground into a familiar form, Blackheart stares in awe. Soon, the being is in full form. His form revealed. The rocks stacked on each other carefully, as the dirt fills in the cracks. Its eyes are resemble the color of the hot liquid lava from the core of the planet. The being stares at Blackheart, and it’s voice rumbles the plains.


“Who dares to disturb Chthon, god of the earth?”

Blackheart stares at the being and smiles.

“Not bad, Chthon. A little too theatrical for my taste, but it was pretty good. I especially like the dramatic killing my men when I wasn’t looking. You got me good on that one.”

“Reveal yourself to the god of the earth now. State your intentions.”

“Ugh, jeese, Chthon. How many times must we tell you? You aren’t the earth god.” Blackheart smiles, and folds his arms as he stares at the creature in front of him. “I am Blackheart, son of Mephistopheles. Your former friend and liege.”

“So, Mephisto has made a son. Ha. Ha. How pathetic. He needs to emulate his enemy so much that he makes unto himself a monster so he can feel equal.”

Blackheart frowns, “Y’know. Not liking that attitude there. I am not some…substitute. He made me to have an heir.”

“You believe that, abomination. Now, why do you risk your…whatever it is you call your life, to disturb me?”

”Well, you left Hell. Dad’s not to happy bout that, bud.”

“You’re father is never pleased. So he has sent you to retrieve me, is that it?”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

“What happened to his other errand slave? Zarathos I believe. Yes, what has happened to him?”

“He was bonded to a mortal as punishment for defying his master!”

“Ah, a nephilim then? Interesting. Another attempt to equal HIM, is it?”

“No. He…never mind. I am here to bring you back to Hell so you can be punished for your defiance.”

“Why are you here? Is Zarathos not still able to do your father’s biding?”

“Yeah…um…there’s a problem with that. Anyway, you are coming with me!”

“Ha! Do you really believe you can equal my power? You are but a monstrous Hell spawn! I am a perfect god! You cannot even match my power. You are one step above mortal! How could you even imagine defeating me?”

Blackheart hovers above the crevices in the ground as he begins to become enraged. Never has anyone insulted him so much in his existence. Blackheart tries to calm himself. Focus. Emotions is what sets him apart from the mortals. He must not show it to Chthon. If he does, Chthon would only have proof to back up his claims and insults. Blackheart stands firm, and begins to laugh.

“You are a pile of dirt, Chthon! Do you really think I am so weak that I cannot fight dirt?”

“Big talk for such a…small piece of…whatever it is your father made you from. Come. I have not had any battles in centuries. I wanted a good fight, but you’ll do.”

“Oh, you’ll be surprised how much power I have. I am ready for you Chthon.”

Blackheart prepares himself. He knows that he must be careful. The curse from the Ghost Rider still looms over his being. If he dies in battle, it is not back to his father he will return too. Blackheart smiles as his arms begin to give off dark blue smoke, and his eyes burn red.

“Now, lets begin.”

“And let us end.”

Scorpion gets off the ground, and sees helicopters and SHIELD vans pulling up. He panics, and gets to his feet.

"As per orders of S.H.I.E.L.D, all Super-humans are commanded to stop moving and await their law-enforcement escorts. If anyone fails to comply with this order, we will be forced to fire on you."

Scorpion looks around, his adrenaline rushes all throughout his bloodstream.


"Do you comply masked target?"

Scorpion stands ready. His tail waving in the air. He thinks for only a second, and stands still. Then, he suddenly makes a jump in the air, as he tries to escape.

"No! I have a more important mission than having you morons hold me up!"

"Open fire! Target Fi-Omega is fleeing the area. Repeat, target Fi-Omega is fleeing the area!"

Scorpion runs as fast as he can. He remembers MJ, and knows nothing can stop him. Suddenly, a barrage of bullets comes at him. Most deflect off his armor, but some pierce his hide. Scorpion still moves across the parking lot with tremendous speed. Suddenly, something flies through the air, and hits him in the back of the head. He falls to the ground completely unconcious. The object ricochets off the closest wall, and flies back from whence it came. SHIELD agents jump out of the vans and rush to apprehend him.

"My God! What is this?"

"Just another day in america. Thanks Cap. We owe you one."

They wave across the parking lot at Cap, who stays focused on the remaining targets. The SHIELD agents drag Scorpion onto one of the vans, and strap him down.

"We need this thing at the Triskelion now!"

The van rushes off down the roads toward the docks. Scorpion lies unconcious in the back of the van. His body held down with adamantium bars. Though he is not awake, he still tries to fight. Fight for the woman he loves. As the other agents inside hold him down, he whispers one thing.




Inside the labs at the Triskelion, Scorpion stays strapped down to one of the tables still knocked out. The doctors stand around him, as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Dempsey watches from the window.

"Cut him out. Fury wants a full examination."

"What about the armor, Dempsey?"

"It's damaged anyway. Just take it all off and send it to the tech guys. They'll examine it from there."

"Alright guys, lets get to work."

Scorpion begins to stir a bit. He slowly becomes concious to see men in masks standing around him with power tools and scalpals.

"MJ!" He shouts. He struggles to break the restrainments, and the doctors panic.

"What do I do?"

"Give him a sedative! Now, damn it!"

One of the doctors takes a needle, and looks at Scorpion. He tries to find an injection point to put the needle in.


"Anywhere! Hurry!"

The doctor puts the needle into Scorpion's face, and he slowly fades back into deep sleep. The doctors let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close."

"Yes. Now. Lets take off this face mask now so we can put him on life support."

The doctors drill and cut until they remove the mask. They stare at the body in shock.

"It's...It's just a boy! Who did Fury say this kid was?"

Agent Dempsey stares in from the window, and smiles.

"Mac. Mac Gargan."

Southeast Asia

Blackheart stands before the demon Chthon. Blackheart’s arms burn black, and he stands firm ready to attack. Chthon forms his fists to hard rock from the ground and prepares himself for the duel. Blackheart smiles, and looks at Chthon.

“Prepare to eat your words, demon.”

“As long as you prepare to burn in the molten lava of this planet!”

Chthon throws the first punch as his arm hurtles toward Blackheart. Blackheart sends his fire from his hands at Chthon’s arm. The black fire engulfs his hand, and burns it away. Blackheart begins to laugh, as Chthon stares at his destroyed arm.

“Ha! One down, one to go!”

“Don’t be so sure, Blackheart.”

Suddenly, lava erupts from the ground. The magma shoots in geysers into the air. Blackheart dodges the pillars of liquid fire with skilled agility. As he recovers, he throws balls of his black fire at Chthon. The black fire hits Chthon’s body, and begins to eat away at the rock and soil that forms his body.

“Aw, come on, Chthon. Don’t fall apart on me now.”

Chthon’s body begins to crumble, as the rocks fall away from his body, and hit the ground. Soon, only a smoldering pile of rubble is left. Blackheart walks toward the pile and laughs.

“I told you I was more powerful that you thought, buddy. But no, you mocked me. We’ll see how funny it is when you are burning in Hell-“

Suddenly, a hand reaches from the ground and grabs Blackheart around the waist. He struggles to break free as Chthon reforms from the ground. He brings his arm to his face, and stares Blackheart down eye to eye.

“Got my arm back, creatin.”

“Aw, so soon?”

Chthon pulls himself under the ground, and Blackheart with him. As the top of the ground looks normal, an intense battle ensues under ground. Blackheart struggles to move under the earth as Chthon drags Blackheart down deeper and deeper into the planet. As Blackheart struggles, he begins to panic. I can’t die! I can’t die! Not now! Not like this!

“Now let me show you my Hell, fool!”

Chthon drags Blackheart down into the boiling heat of the earth’s core. The molten rock burns at Blackheart’s body, and he screams in pain. Chthon pulls him deeper, and smothers him in the red magma. Blackheart’s body burns black, and his eyes begin to fade. Chthon smiles and laughs.

“You were a fool to challenge me, Blackheart. Now go back to your father and tell him to leave me alone! I no longer follow an incompetent leader.”

Blackheart screams in pain, and his body disintegrates under the intense heat and pressure. As he looks through the burning fiery liquid, he looks at Chthon. Chthon looks down at Blackheart, and holds him down in the intense heat. As Blackheart’s body slowly burns away, Chthon looks Blackheart in the eye, and speaks.

“You are not a true demon, Blackheart. So stop trying to be one. Don’t blame me for your defeat. Blame your father. He sent you here; he made you the way you are. It is his fault you fail. Just remember that.”

Blackheart’s body burns up into nothing left but blue smoke. Chthon smiles as he looks at the remnants of Blackheart’s body.

”Good bye, abomination.”

The Scarlet Spider Chapter 67

Season III
The Epilogue

I slowly open my eyes. I run my hand along MJ's head and see that she's fine. Holding her hand, I slide her off of the hood of the car and onto the ground. I run my hand over my face and feel that my right eye piece is broken and jagged. I tear it out and cough several times. I lift up the bottom part of my mask, and turn my head and spit out blood that's collected in my mouth.

I try to sit up, but find that something iss holding me down. I twist and turn a little and feel a searing pain in my back. I run my hand along my right shoulder and feel a piece of twisted steel lodged in my skin.

I take three deep breaths and heave myself off of the contorted metal. I feel my flesh rip off of my muscle and I lose control of myself, as I fall face first off of the car onto the pavement.

I see Ben Reilly feet away from me. His arms are twisted, and his side is open with ribs showing through. He legs are broken immeasurably and blood is seeping from a wound on his head.

I look into his eyes and he blinks.

I gasp and watch as he takes several shallow breaths.

I pull myself over to him and wrap my hand around the back of his head.

I pull back and slam his head into the concrete, trying to spare him any pain.

He coughs and gurgles on his own blood, but blinks again.

I pull his head back and slam his face into the pavement again and again until my hand is covered in blood.

I roll onto my back, panting.

I try to stand but feel my leg give out. I glance down at it and see that I have a shard of windshield lodged in my calf.

I tear it out and limp over to Mary Jane.

"Call a cab... I... have to get out of here." I stammer, hobbling down a nearby alleyway.

I can hear her trying to follow me, but I leap into the shadows and onto a rooftop before she catches up.

I reload my webshooters from the belt around my waist and swing clumsily towards home.

I land hard on my balcony and crash through the glass doors. I collapse on the sofa and turn on the TV.

"The suspect is still eluding S.H.I.E.L.D. a source within the government agency tells us. For those of you just joining us: The masked vigilante known as the Scarlet Spider is wanted in relation to the helicopter crash at the OsCorp facility. At this time, a legal analyst working closely with S.H.I.E.L.D. says that the government agency is planning on capturing, indicting, and charging the Scarlet Spider on roughly twenty-seven counts of second degree murder.

As far as we are aware, there was an altercation in the helicopter that crashed and the Scarlet Spider attacked the pilot."
The news anchor looks to her co-anchor. "What do you think the Scarlet Spider should do, Tom?"

The man sighs and looks calmly into the television screen.

"He needs to turn himself in, Dianne. Either that, or he needs to disappear."

I turn off the television and roll over on the couch.

The Scarlet Spider needs to disappear, huh?

That's exactly what he's going to do.

S.H.I.E.L.D. helicopters circled the OsCorp complex, bathing the combatants below in an eerie, unrelenting blue-white glow.

[BLACKOUT]“Looks like we’ve got an audience, Peter.”[/BLACKOUT]

Hobgoblin grabbed Spider-Man and restrained him in a deadly bear hug.

[BLACKOUT]“Let’s give ‘em a real show.”[/BLACKOUT]

They made the distance from OsCorp to the shores of New York proper in a single Hobgoblin leap. Hobgoblin landed hard on Spider-Man, using the wall crawler as an airbag of sorts.

“Geez…*cough*…Harry, have you gained weight?”

[BLACKOUT]“Still the smart-aleck, you little bookworm freak. You see if those lips are still flapping after I rip your face right off your head.”[/BLACKOUT]

A brutal haymaker right to the mouth met Hobgoblin’s threat, Spider-Man hitting the monster so hard the he shattered several fangs.

[BLACKOUT]“Tough, Petey, I’ll give you that. But, are you tough enough to stop me AND protect all these itty-bitty peons at the same time? Can you step up and really be the hero?”[/BLACKOUT]

I walk down the street under the dark sky. All I carry on me is the suit and a bottle of tequila. It’s been a rough time lately. What with the suit acting weird from those Surfers and being evicted. Luckily I had enough money to put all my crap in a public storage facility, but that doesn’t help me much with a place to live.

As I walk down the street, I see a bus stop bench. I go and sit. As I sit, I think to myself about why my life has been such crap lately. I’ve always had problems, but lately, it seems there is one common factor. The suit. Ever since I got this curse, my life has been getting progressively worse. I sit and think back to a time when things were better. Before all of this. Before…

2002 ESU

Eddie walks through the hallways of Empire State University. As he walks down the hallway, he carries books about astrophysics under his arm. He looks around the hallway, and sees a girl coming toward him. He smiles, and shouts out to her.

“Emily! Emily!”

“Oh, hi Eddie. How are you?”

“Been good, good. So what classes are you taking this semester?”

“Oh, you know. The usual.”

”Wow, great. You taking biology this year?”

”Yeah. Got Mr. Abrams.”

“Me too! We’ll be in the same class then?”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Eddie fidgets with his books, and then looks Emily in the eyes. “Look, Emily. I know you have had some rough times with your family and all. But I was wondering…uh…”


“I was wondering….if y-you’d like to have dinner with me sometime?”

“I’d love to, Eddie! When?”

”How bout Friday?”

”Friday’s great. Where did you want to go?”

“How about the Rudy Wednesdays?"

"Ok. Meet you there at eight. Don't forget."

"I won't. Can’t wait. Uh…I mean. Looking forward to it.” Emily chuckles, and hits him gently on the arm.

”Oh, Eddie. See you Friday.” She begins to walk away, and Eddie stares at her with a smile on his face. As she walks away, she turns back to him and waves. He waves back, and quietly whispers to himself.

“See you Friday.” Eddie smiles, and watches her as she goes down the hallway. Eddie thinks to himself about how excited he is that he actually asked this time, and that she said yes. He begins walking down the hallway to his next class as the bell rings.


I wake up to here a Fire Engine rushing down the street. I look around me and notice that it begins to rain.


I pick myself up, and continue walking down the street. As I walk, my mind drifts back to the good times again, and I smile.

She raises her eyebrow at him in a thin arch, a sly smile spreading across her lips. Slinking across the couch she stands in a slow curling motion, until she stradles Johnny's knees, her hands against the couch behind his head.

In her current attire, he certainly got an eyeful.

"In you're room hunny? I think I can see it from here"

She lingered for a moment, her face inches from his, then suddenly winked, stood, and sashayed out of the room. Ghost Riders eyes followed every swing of her hips until the door closed behind her.

So, what are you gonna do, Blaze?

You kidding? I'm going end this season on a happy note.

Johnny leapt off the couch and almost bound for the room Black Cat went into. Closing the door behind him as he went in.

I manage to stand up, I landed in a bunch of knight's armor, so it's no surprise why I got a sword stuck in my chest.


I pull the sword out and watch as it starts to heal.

"That's gonna hurt in the mornin."

I turn my attention back to Hulk, who's trashing around fighting someone who ain't there.

"Alright, bub. TIme to stop messin around."


I leap towards Hulk, my claws pointed toward his head.

"Let Uncle Logan tell you a nice bedtime story, before he puts you to sleep."

As the claws thrusted forth, aiming straight for the eyes of the behemoth, a massive hand shot up, and grabbed the arm with the protuded claws from it's side. Pulling upwards, a sickening crack could be heard, as The Hulk stared down at the agonised X-Men, a seemingly sadistic grin seen on his face for a short moment.


"Hulk not ready to sleep, Hairy man."

With a powerful backhand, The Hulk knocked Wolverine through the halls, sending him crashing into a priceless marble statue standing in the center. The Hulk leaped into the air, through the halls, before landing ontop of Logan with a crunch to his ribs, as the broken arm had already seemed to heal itself. Frustrated, realising this, The Hulk brought both hands up, and clasped them together, grunting at Wolverine as the brave X-Man weakly stood.


"HULK NOT DOING SMASHING HAIRY MAN!", The monster roared, bringing his hands higher as his muscles surged with energy, preparing for a vicious, crushing attack.

And then it stopped.

Without explaination, The Hulk suddenly grasped the sides of his own head, and roared, seemingly in pain. Stammering back, The Hulk tripped and smashed through a wall next to him, still suffering from an unseen and unnoticed attack that confused even himself.



The Grey Hulk sent a fist smashing across the jaw of his emerald counterpart, throwing him through a mist of mental realms and literal memory banks, as the two monsters collided within Bruce Banner's psychosis, fighting for control of the same being. The Green Hulk, taken aback by this prescence, eventually grew angrier, as he leaped from the mist and dived onto Banner, punching him back.


Before The Hulk could finish, a massive grey hand clasped his throat, squeezing it and ceasing The Hulk's savage beating. Banner grit his now oversized teeth, looking up at the monster.

"Yeah... Heard you the first time, ass****."

Knocking The Hulk into the air with an uppercut, Banner leaped after him, and stomped on The Hulk's abdominals. The Hulk roared out in pain, and crashed onto the "ground" of Banner's mind, below. Noticing the skies above had turned from a mix of various greens, to a subtle grey tone, The Hulk began to notice his own hands begin to shrink, as Banner landed infront of him.

"What... Happening...To Hulk...?", The monster asked, getting on his knees.

Banner walked up to him, and grasped his forehead, holding the monster's face in his grasp, so he could see just what was about to happen to him. Spitting to the side, Banner looked down at the monster, towering over him for the first time. Now, Hulk didn't seem like such a monster. Just a puny, insignificant child. And it was time to put him down for good.

"Why, you're saying goodbye, old friend.", Banner stated, before punching The Hulk square in the nose, and knocking the beast on his back.

"Goodbye from the world you wreaked havoc in... Goodbye from all of the innocent people you hurt in your rage..."

Banner leaped up, mimicking The Hulk's stomping attack to Wolverine, just moments earlier.


Outside of his own mind, The Hulk began to shake, and twitch, as his skin muted. The vivid, deep green was turned back to a humanry tone, as his skin and muscles shrunk. His hair began to fall from a spiked green mess to a lengthened brown scalp, as he fell unconcious, the last of his monstrous attributes falling with him.

Bruce Banner lied within the palace, defeated.

Yet victorious.

As the claws thrusted forth, aiming straight for the eyes of the behemoth, a massive hand shot up, and grabbed the arm with the protuded claws from it's side. Pulling upwards, a sickening crack could be heard, as The Hulk stared down at the agonised X-Men, a seemingly sadistic grin seen on his face for a short moment.


"Hulk not ready to sleep, Hairy man."

With a powerful backhand, The Hulk knocked Wolverine through the halls, sending him crashing into a priceless marble statue standing in the center. The Hulk leaped into the air, through the halls, before landing ontop of Logan with a crunch to his ribs, as the broken arm had already seemed to heal itself. Frustrated, realising this, The Hulk brought both hands up, and clasped them together, grunting at Wolverine as the brave X-Man weakly stood.


"HULK NOT DOING SMASHING HAIRY MAN!", The monster roared, bringing his hands higher as his muscles surged with energy, preparing for a vicious, crushing attack.

And then it stopped.

Without explaination, The Hulk suddenly grasped the sides of his own head, and roared, seemingly in pain. Stammering back, The Hulk tripped and smashed through a wall next to him, still suffering from an unseen and unnoticed attack that confused even himself.



The Grey Hulk sent a fist smashing across the jaw of his emerald counterpart, throwing him through a mist of mental realms and literal memory banks, as the two monsters collided within Bruce Banner's psychosis, fighting for control of the same being. The Green Hulk, taken aback by this prescence, eventually grew angrier, as he leaped from the mist and dived onto Banner, punching him back.


Before The Hulk could finish, a massive grey hand clasped his throat, squeezing it and ceasing The Hulk's savage beating. Banner grit his now oversized teeth, looking up at the monster.

"Yeah... Heard you the first time, ass****."

Knocking The Hulk into the air with an uppercut, Banner leaped after him, and stomped on The Hulk's abdominals. The Hulk roared out in pain, and crashed onto the "ground" of Banner's mind, below. Noticing the skies above had turned from a mix of various greens, to a subtle grey tone, The Hulk began to notice his own hands begin to shrink, as Banner landed infront of him.

"What... Happening...To Hulk...?", The monster asked, getting on his knees.

Banner walked up to him, and grasped his forehead, holding the monster's face in his grasp, so he could see just what was about to happen to him. Spitting to the side, Banner looked down at the monster, towering over him for the first time. Now, Hulk didn't seem like such a monster. Just a puny, insignificant child. And it was time to put him down for good.

"Why, you're saying goodbye, old friend.", Banner stated, before punching The Hulk square in the nose, and knocking the beast on his back.

"Goodbye from the world you wreaked havoc in... Goodbye from all of the innocent people you hurt in your rage..."

Banner leaped up, mimicking The Hulk's stomping attack to Wolverine, just moments earlier.


Outside of his own mind, The Hulk began to shake, and twitch, as his skin muted. The vivid, deep green was turned back to a humanry tone, as his skin and muscles shrunk. His hair began to fall from a spiked green mess to a lengthened brown scalp, as he fell unconcious, the last of his monstrous attributes falling with him.

Bruce Banner lied within the palace, defeated.

Yet victorious.

I look down at Banner's body. He's wiggling around and moaning. I squat down next to his body and prepare to pick him up when my cell phone goes off.

It's Jean. She's back. Ali

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

"Oh my god."

I stand up and stare at my phone when a swarm of troops surround me.


I hold my hands up and pull out a small piece of paper.

"Sorry, bub. I'm under orders from S.H.I.E.L.D. and General Fury to bring Banner back home to the states."

The soldier plucks the paper out of my hands and stares at it.

"You're a mutant? Like the ones who tore up London a few years ago...."

He points his gun at me and waits for me to answer.

"Yeah, I work with Xavier. I'm one of the good guys."

He lowers his guns and looks at me.

"Okay. Take that beast and go."

I sling Banner over my shoulder and leave Buckingham Palace as fast as I can. My thoughts only on one thing as I head towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. transport.


The Ultimate Silver Surfer


Such a tiny planet.

After all, it is a world of no more than a few billion living people.

And yet, somehow, this tiny planet cut to my core. It made me wake up from a vivid and horrible dream. A dream where I was the chief servant of the monster known as Gah Lak Tus. I committed crimes beyond the imagination; beyond those horrors which the darkest portion of the mind can conceive. However, despite being free from the burden of enslavement, I have been condemned to a life of isolation.
And so, here I am, on my silver board, in the emptiness of the cosmos, hovering above the planet’s surface.

True enough, I had once been on Earth, attempting to help those who I had come so close to destroying, yet nothing I did seemed good enough. I gave them light, power, and aid; but at the first chance one of them got, they heaved me from my board and pummeled me. Were it not for my indestructible flesh and cosmic might, I might have died. The ferocity of the human attacks was enough to unbalance me for a few moments.

Can I blame them?

In honesty, I cannot. They are a child race. A race still limited by space and time. They ought to fear me, I am a unique breed. There is only one of me on their planet, and yet with a flick of my wrist, I could turn half of their population to dust.


It is such a primitive emotion. It can lead a person to life, or, in turn, to their demise.

Humans judge every decision with fear.

Repercussions; that is all that weighs on a human mind, day in and day out.

As humans put it, they are born with a ‘flight-or-flight’ response; a basic instinct in their ‘gut’ that both peaks their power to make a decision and lowers their rational thought.

This “flight-or-flight” instinct is what has driven me back into space.

I could not surf down a street without being attacked with bottles, bats, or any object human could lay their hands on. Mothers hid their children, and husbands protected their wives.

Weeks ago, as I sat in the cold realm of servitude, I made a vow to be Earth’s protector… it’s guardian.

At one point while guarding earth, I saw a man holding a knife to another man. I surfed through the streets and stopped when I saw this occurrence. I let my board go as I slid off of it. I stepped into the little grocery store and looked at the man with the knife holding a bag full of groceries.

How have I failed so much that man will threaten his fellow man with a knife over food?

I stepped forward and put my hand on the man with the knife’s shoulder.

He turned around and tried to stab me with the blade.

I grabbed it in my hand and it began to melt.

With his free hand, the man with the knife tried to punch me.

I held his hand in my cold, silver palm and gripped it so tightly that his forearm turned to ice.

I wrapped my hand around his throat and held him up against a wall.

“I believe you owe that gentleman some money.”
I say, pointing to the man now cowering behind his counter.

“Go to hell.” The man with the knife says, spitting in my face.

I stared deep into his eyes and he began to scream in pain.

The man behind the counter gasped as his assailant’s eyes turned to dust.

The dust blew away with a breeze.

As blood seeped from the man’s eyes and over my wrist, he screamed in pain.

I reached into his jacket and withdraw his wallet, filled with freshly withdrawn twenty dollar bills.

“I believe you will find all that you need in there.”
I said to the man kneeling down behind the counter. He stands up slowly and withdraws a pistol from behind the counter.

“Get out.” He says.

I blink and the gun vanishes, its molecules rearranged.

I open my eyes from the emptiness of space.

I rise slowly from my board and sail carelessly through earth’s atmosphere.

I plough through the clouds over the city’s tallest buildings with ease and feel a light drizzle falling upon my cold, metal flesh.

A gunshot rings out just below me and I change my course to follow it.

“Friggin’ mutants!” The gunslinger screams.
“I just wanted some cash!”

I watch from above as a man dressed in all black passes from shadow to shadow chasing the gunman. From one of the shadows, the masked man strikes, delivering a sharp kick to the gunner’s face.

The man with the gun falls to the ground, dropping his firearm but stands up, ready to fight.

“Please.” The man in black says, darting into the shadows behind the gunman.

He wraps his hands around the man’s throat and slams him into a brick wall.

Darting back to the shadows, the man gives a cold laugh.

“Who are you?” The defeated criminal says.

“I’m not a good guy or a bad guy. I’m that faded line between light and dark..."


"I’m Dusk.”

Hobgoblin effortlessly picked up two cars and tossed them haphazardly into the air. Spider-Man was off in a flash, bounding from building to building, flipping over the flying vehicles and webbing them safely in a net suspended from nearby lampposts.

[BLACKOUT]"Niiiiice, Petey."[/BLACKOUT]

Hobgoblin grabbed an H2, heaving it up over his head and turning back towards Spider-Man. The wallcrawler was gone from his perch, and the only warning the monster had was a red and blue flash out of the corner of his eye before it slammed into his chest and bounded off again. Hobgoblin faltered, dropping the Hummer on top of himself. Spider-Man watched upside down from a building overhang as the Goblin squirmed to get free.

"...Oh my God...I can't think of say..."

The Ultimate Silver Surfer

Dusk slips out of the shadows and wraps his hand around the man’s ankles. He drags him under the shadows where the man lies immobilized.

I fall through my board and land on the pavement, leaving a small crater.

I step forward into the shadows with Dusk.

“Is he dead?” I ask.

“Aw, nah, man. He’s just taking a nap. Soon as the sun hits ‘im in the morning,” Dusk pops his lips. “He’ll be fit as a fiddle.”

I brush past Dusk and look at the shadow-cast man.

I look from the man to Dusk.

I look back at the man.

I kneel down and touch the man’s forehead.

“’ey, man, what’re you doin’?” Dusk asks.

“What needs to be done.” I reply.

The man slowly returns to his normal color.

His eyes open and his entire body begins to shake.

Light bursts from his ears, eyes, and mouth as if they’re illuminated from within.

“’Ey, man, stop!” Dusk says, shoving me out of the way.

Dusk touches the man, attempting to convert him back into shadow.

“Your efforts are pointless. The light pouring out of him is cosmic energy.”

Dusky futility tries to convert the man back to shadow.

Eventually, the man fades to light completely.

“Hey!” Dusk says, darting in front of me. “What gives you the right to be judge and jury with this guy?”

“If one is to uphold justice and do good, they must prevent others from doing evil.” I say. “Who was the earth philosopher who said ‘evil is only good men doing nothing.” Is that the phrase?” I ask. “That man likely attempted to kill the man he robbed from and opened fire on you. Had he gone to jail, there was nothing to ensure that he would not do anything evil again.”

I turn my back on Dusk.

“I was making that assurance.”

Dusk darts in front of me once again.

“You didn’t answer my question, Silver.” He says.

“What makes you think you can be the judge and jury against humanity?”

I lean forward so that we’re face to face.

“This.” I whisper.

I raise my fists high in the air and light pours out of my hands. The shadows in the alleyway promptly disappear.

“Hey, what is this?” Dusk asks, backing up, looking for a shadow.

I look into his eyes and see that he is now fully relying on the “flight-or-flight” response.

“Answer me!” He screams, mustering some courage.

He steps forward and lays his hand on my chest, attempting to turn me into shadow.

It is, instead, his hand, that goes rigid. The rigidity flows up his arm, locking every joint in his torso in place.

As the rigidity climbs up his face, he looks at me.

“What… is… this?” Dusk asks once more.

I again lean forward and whisper,
“My ruling.”

Dusk turns to stone, and I punch him squarely in the chest, causing his entire body to turn to dust. The rain pouring from the sky washes that which remains of him down the sewer drains.


I do not feel any. True, Dusk was attempting to be a hero, but he stood in the way of true good when he refused to kill the robber. Dusk had to perish, to ensure that true good prevails.

That is my ultimate purpose as Earth’s guardian.

I must purge Earth of anyone unwilling to do true good.

I, the Silver Surfer, must cleanse Earth.

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