Revenge of the Fallen Should starscream have decepticon followers?


Feb 11, 2003
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It alsways bothered me in the cartoon that nobosy was willing to follow starscream at all. Why did megatron let him live then? Starscream was always messing up and betraying megatron so with no possible followers to avenge starscream`s death why did meagtron put up with him?

At some point in the franchise i would love to see them adress the issue by having a small group (4 or 5) of decepticons who are co-conspirators with starscream. The starscream gang wouldn`t like him but they would have come to the conclusion that megatron is never gonna favor them over the more loyal decepticons and so if they follow starscream and he replaces megatron then all megatron`s lackey`s will be dealt with and they would become the seconds in command of all the decpticons. So they support starscream as it gives them a better chance for power than if they were the 5612th follower of megatron.

This also means that they don`t neccesarily agree with or even like starscream and they all have their own plans for making their own power grabs from starscream but for now they are resollute in supporting starscream.

Who would i have as followers of starscream?

I`d prob just go for The Seekers (Thundercracker, Skywarp, Thrust, Ramjet and Dirge) and maybe another decpticon like Blitzwing.

I`d go with them because although megatron has a cybertronian jet altform in the movie starscream is probably the better flier and i expect he would make allies with those who have similar talents to him. It alos would mean that the seekers and blitzwing would have some respect for starscream which other decpticons cannot comprehend as they are fliers themselves and thereby they are far more impressed by starscreams`s aerial dexterity and acrobatic talents.

I just love the idea of a transformer`s movie with starscream leading a squadron of loyal decepticons into battle and then having the decepticons like a mafia gang with each prominent decpticons (megatron, starscream and soundwave) being flanked and surrounded by their supporters.
One thing i want to see in the sequel is Starscream and Megatron at loggerheads, or even fighting with each other for the power to lead the decepticons. Obviously Megatron should win but Starscream was pretty badass in the first movie, he was able to handle Ironhide and Ratchett at the same time.
True, but for some reason I really want to see Barricade lead the Decepticons until Megatron returns. Of course, he'd probably be too scared to even challenge Megatron's authority.
True, but for some reason I really want to see Barricade lead the Decepticons until Megatron returns. Of course, he'd probably be too scared to even challenge Megatron's authority.

Barricade simply isnt powerful enough to lead them it has always been the strongest who leads with the Decepticons and Starscream would wipe the floor with Barricade.
True, but I guess I just like Starscream more. In any case, whoever leads will only be leading until Megatron returns.
^True, the scene in the credits with Starscream at the end shows to me he is going back to Cybertron. There i think he will announce Megatron as dead and will become the new leader of the Decepticons, and lead them to earth.

Then maybe Soundwave will resusitate Meg's
Well, Starscream will probably lead the Decepticons in the second movie if Megatron comes back, it'll more than likely be in the third movie although I'd like it even more if he came back in the second movie.
Trans. 2 = Starscream is leader throughout the whole movie

Trans. 3 = Megatron comes back but Starsceam is not giving up leadership

I would like to see it like that.
I think Megatron should return in the second movie & have A LOT more screen time & seemingly die in the second movie. Then, for the third movie Starscream could be the leader of the Decepticons for about half of the movie & then Megatron could return as Galvatron.
Megatron has "followers" because he is the most powerful Decepticon. In the 'toon whenever something happened to Megs, Starscream easily took over so he did have "followers". In the 1986 movie Starscream was LEADER of the Decepticons until Galvatron showed up and well ya know lol
probably Starscream will have followers when Megatron is out but maybe some Decepticons will think starscream isn't a good leader but he is the only one to lead while Meg is gone.
It doesn't matter if they think he isn't a good leader, if they step up to him he'll kill them.
Oh....then i guess Starscream would justbe Leader cuz he is the strongest out of the rest of the Decepticons.

Besides Megatron, he is the strongest so of course he'll be the leader.
probably Starscream will have followers when Megatron is out but maybe some Decepticons will think starscream isn't a good leader but he is the only one to lead while Meg is gone.
there could be War to break out between the Deceptions.
The only other TF fit to lead the Decepticons in Megatron's absense (or, sometimes in the comics, IN Megatron's prescense!) is Shockwave, so unless they introduce him, SS will be leader for the moment.
Trans. 2 = Starscream is leader throughout the whole movie

Trans. 3 = Megatron comes back but Starsceam is not giving up leadership

I would like to see it like that.

Good idea! :up: Starscream was severely underused in Transformers. I hope he gets more screentime in TF2. In TF3 Starscream and Megatron can fight over the leadership of the Decepticons. It would be awesome to see that.
I want more of Starscream in the next movie & then Megatron should return for the third movie. After that, I want to see Unicron.
He could bring back the Combaticons and Shockwave and some of the Jets like Dirge and others in the 2nd movie and try to overthrow Megatron, and Megatron request that a elite team come to earth to help deal with him and the Autobots - The Constructicons and Soundwave.
I was waiting for someone to start a SS thread so I could bring something to light, I'm sure it has been mentioned before tho.

This is probably stupid but I think I know why SS didn't get much screen time... He's huge, he is just as big as Megs if not bigger. I have group pic (that I can't seem to post right now) some of you may have seen, it has all the autobots(from the movie), barricade and Starscream, all of them in vehicle mode. Anyway starscream takes up almost as much space as the three bigger autobots do.

The only autobot that would even stand a chance against him would be OP and that just wouldn't look right with SS easily being twice the mass of OP. Even OP would have a hell of a time handeling him.

I'm not really going anywhere with this, I just wanted to get the idea out there and see what inteligent people might have to say about it
They should have Starscream go back to Cybertron to gather reinforcements, while he is there, he lies to the other decepticons and tells them that Megatron had to be destroyed and the Autobots destroyed the Allspark in the process. The Allspark that was used to kill Megatron brings him back to life as Galvatron with the help of Barricade and Scorponok. The decepticons that come to Earth with Starscream are in doubt as far as what Starscream has told them. Pretty much, the Autobots and Decepticons still have their battle, Soundwave along with the other decepticons turn on Starscream which leads to him being destroyed by Galvatron.
That's not bad.
I do hope somewhere in there they do a flashback and show that Starscream was one of the fighters shooting missiles at Megatron.

That's prolly just a fanboy dream, though.
I have a question... Who was leading the Decepticons while Megatron was missing/frozen on Earth?

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