Silent Hill talkback thread


Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
I haven't seen it yet, but the other thread's getting too long and people arereporting on it.

This thread is designed for SPOILERS so be warned.
Apparently their talking about Ebert's reviews in the last thread
I saw it last night a special screening and it was amazing...having not played the game before, I enjoyed this movie as a standalone film....the creatures were amazing, especially "Pyramid Head" and the creepy ghouls that were seen in large numbers in the hospital...Easily the best adapted video game into movie from what I've read and seen.

9.5 out of 10
The movie was really good. I really never got scared but the creatures are very cool looking! You guys should deffinetly check it out!
So what about that ending? What do you guys make of that ending?

I think, clearly, that the bad part of Alessa managed to infect Sharon, and that's why everything was still foggy when she woke up. The little brat is now clearly evil. No child gives looks and smirks like that when they're not evil!
I heard one theory from three teenagers behind me, that they both died, which really didn't tie into true continuity of the film.

I agree with you, Kainedamo. When Sharon looked at Alessa, it had to open an doorway for "the demon" to enter the fold, besides Alessa just wanted a mother again and her good side found it with Rose. But since Sharon did her bidding, she knew she was guranteed safety. Still allowing Silent Hill to exist in the long run and allowing for a possible sequel if need be.
I saw it and had nightmares last night. Ah, this will warrant multiple viewings. Ive been reading different theories and here's one question I still have?

Why not use Dahlia instead of Christabella?

1. It keeps her as a main villain per the game.

2. We'll have parellalism between evil mother burning her child, and Rose saving hers.

3. It makes the cult leader seem even more heinous, to order her own child burn, and therefore the act itself

4. Tightens up the story by fusing two characters into one, hopefully clarifying it more.

5. Allows the "Im trying to bring God into the world" storyline, which, honestly, may have been less confusing.
I couldn't stop laughing at the part with the nurses when they were..walking towards the light..hilarious stuff...there's some parts of the movie that i laughed at...i shouldn't have been laughing...but you have to admit..the end scene in the church was funny as hell.:D
Obsidian said:
I couldn't stop laughing at the part with the nurses when they were..walking towards the light..hilarious stuff...there's some parts of the movie that i laughed at...i shouldn't have been laughing...but you have to admit..the end scene in the church was funny as hell.:D

The only non-humorous part people laughed at was when Rose busted her butt crossing beams to get to Evil Alessa, then the cop just tosses her a tube or something to swing back across on.

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