Horror Silent Hill


Sep 11, 2001
Reaction score
This movie is going to kick ass! Even though it's not a comic book movie, it deserves it's own board! I can't wait for this movie! Trailer below...

Silent Hill movie trailer

For fans of the games, this has alot good going for it! The same guy that did the music for the games doing the music for this. They've got the atmosphere spot on from what we've seen so far, everything looks right. Great looking monsters straight from the game! And they're sticking very closely to the story.

Is this the most accurate and best game to movie translation?
This movie is one of the few movies I'm really looking forward to this year. It's pretty much just this, Superman Returns, and X-Men 3.

I'm literally craping myself to see this movie.
After too many video game adaptations by you-know-who this one looks almost like a masterpiece in comparison. One of the creepier trailers for a horror movie in a while. Hopefully it can be everything that Resident Evil wasn't
i must be the only one that likes the resident evil movies. plus i saw the trailer for this when i saw when a stanger calls before today.
Meh, I am keeping my expectations very low for this... that way I wont be too upset when it sucks.
This does look like it could finally emerge as a quality move based on a computer game. I must admit, I do have high hopes for this and the trailer is partly responsible with that. I am trying to keep those hopes doewn a little though, as we all know the history video game movies have. I will certainly be checking this out though.
You're right... I'm misusing the word 'literally'.

But man, I am so excited for this movie. This will blow the Resident Evil movies out of the water. Res Evil = hyped up hollywood action flick. Silent Hill = Thoughtfull, true to the game, creepy horror film.
I guess there aren't many Silent Hill fans here... you're all Res Evil fans ain't you...

kainedamo said:
You're right... I'm misusing the word 'literally'.

But man, I am so excited for this movie. This will blow the Resident Evil movies out of the water. Res Evil = hyped up hollywood action flick. Silent Hill = Thoughtfull, true to the game, creepy horror film.

silent hill was always a better game than resident evil in terms of sheer unsettling imagery and scares....i always like the fact how the protagonists were never u know trained-to-kick-zombie-ass ppl, but normal u and i kinda people...
As far as the movie is concerned....i was alone in my dorm room when i first saw the trailer...suffice to say i am a scaredy cat....it looks amazing...like right out of the game....amzing visuals....when i saw that little peak of the pyramid head i was like o my god...i wu d like to think this is the movie that is going to change the whole game to movie thing...but chances are higher that this will be a one off and then things will resume to normal...eitherways cant wait to see this movie.
Dang... I just saw an image from the film that spoiled it for me :(
^ More than that, it's going to pwn the pants off me when I'm watching it in the theater, and screaming right along with everyone else! :o





This is going to be one ****ed up movie:up:

I don't like that.

It looks like soemthin I would have done in year seven. I was crap at photgraphy in year 7.
Ultimate Movie-Man said:
I don't like that.

It looks like soemthin I would have done in year seven. I was crap at photgraphy in year 7.

Looks like a painting about a freak, an old painting to boost. Which is creepy, and fascinating at the same time. Doesn't seem so bad to me. ;)

Oh, and it's not what looks like the most complex poster that makes it the most visually provoquing, but how they uses their techniques to disturb us.

What does it change that it could easily be done or not. Someone can, with 3D technology, and several days, make someone bald. Doesn't make it more scary than if I go and shoot with my camera with a very little budget (but with a great team and lots of talent) an old lady being raped by a white painted naked huge teeth monsters.
I mean, yeah, what you're saying, the creepiness and all...but, the shadow looks so UNREAL, that if handled for a bit longer and more care it probably would be a lot more frightening. Or they could have just make-uped her mouth and photographed her.
It's a poster, who the hell cares? And the other four more than make up for it. As long as the movie will be intense f**king creepy disturbing s**t, I don't care how they advertise dammit.

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