Singer Screwed Up The X-Universe, Ratner Is Saving It

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Jul 9, 2004
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Sorry guys, but you can't undue the badly written characterizations of the last two films. Cyclops was such an unlikable character that there was no way for him to be the leader or Jean's love interest. Ratner is taking away the pain by blasting him away and letting Wolvie get some Phoenix tail. Storm was underused and out of character too but she had a few interesting scenes in X2. The jet tornado scene showed some of her mutant potential. Storm now gets very cool action scenes and has a starring role that is much closer to her comic book counterpart. Storm > Cyclops. We finally get those over the top fight scenes which I have craved since X1! X1 and 2 completely forgot why the comic book is popular in the first place: costumed superheros battling it out in a melodramatic soap opera. They both had the same cheezy doomsday plot device without any exciting action to back it up. The heroes save the day by battling bad guys in small corridors, how boring. X3, on the otherhand, has great drama with the cure as the catalyst for the movie's events and we finally get to see the X-Men face off out in the open against the Brotherhood in a no holds barred final battle where the power of mutation can literally blow your mind. The first two movies are like filler issues in a year long story arc. This is the main event. In conclusion, Ratner knows what X-Men is all about, this movie is going to rock!
I think we just found out under what name Simon is posting :p
no. you dont know WHAT ratner would have done without the previous movies, if ratner did the first one in 2000, im sure we wouldnt be here today. he has singer to base of of, and expand from. there was no way he would have found hugh jackman..ect...
I don't know about saving it, but I'm looking forward to it either way :up:
I agree with you about the fighting im glad theres more action in this one.
HeroLover said:
Sorry guys, but you can't undue the badly written characterizations of the last two films. Cyclops was such an unlikable character that there was no way for him to be the leader or Jean's love interest.

BTW you could say the same about Storm in x-1 - is the solution for her bad characterization is killing her?
CapBeerCino said:
BTW you could say the same about Storm in x-1 - is the solution for her bad characterization is killing her?

Except she is always so disconnected and uninvolved and background that there is no reason for anyone to want to kill her!

That Storm needs some lovin' in the next movie. Bring on the Bish.
Yeah right. Whatever.

You could always go and chase "some Phoenix tail".

Cyclops was not likeable?
Wolverine in these movies is a selfish, stuck up b*st*rd who tries to ruin a relationship, steals bikes, among other things, he chases his past and abandons those he should care for, and so on.
I bet everybody loves him dearly.

~ edit: added some "*" ~
HeroLover said:
Sorry guys, but you can't undue the badly written characterizations of the last two films. Cyclops was such an unlikable character that there was no way for him to be the leader or Jean's love interest. Ratner is taking away the pain by blasting him away and letting Wolvie get some Phoenix tail. Storm was underused and out of character too but she had a few interesting scenes in X2. The jet tornado scene showed some of her mutant potential. Storm now gets very cool action scenes and has a starring role that is much closer to her comic book counterpart. Storm > Cyclops. We finally get those over the top fight scenes which I have craved since X1! X1 and 2 completely forgot why the comic book is popular in the first place: costumed superheros battling it out in a melodramatic soap opera. They both had the same cheezy doomsday plot device without any exciting action to back it up. The heroes save the day by battling bad guys in small corridors, how boring. X3, on the otherhand, has great drama with the cure as the catalyst for the movie's events and we finally get to see the X-Men face off out in the open against the Brotherhood in a no holds barred final battle where the power of mutation can literally blow your mind. The first two movies are like filler issues in a year long story arc. This is the main event. In conclusion, Ratner knows what X-Men is all about, this movie is going to rock!

Ok Simon, errr Zak, errr brett whatever you say
X-Maniac said:
Except she is always so disconnected and uninvolved and background that there is no reason for anyone to want to kill her!

That Storm needs some lovin' in the next movie. Bring on the Bish.

Or bring on the cajun card shark. He would get in her pants faster than you can say cheese.
Pizzaboy1138 said:
Yeah right. Whatever.

You could always go and chase "some Phoenix tail".

Cyclops was not likeable?
Wolverine in these movies is a selfish, stuck up bastard who tries to ruin a relationship, steals bikes, among other things, he chases his past and abandons those he should care for, and so on.
I bet everybody loves him dearly.

Yes actually.

That's why everyone loves him...he's a rebel and does what he wants.

LostSon88 said:
Yes actually.

That's why everyone loves him...he's a rebel and does what he wants.


Well, I wouldn't want that kind of person in my life.

A rebel? In this case that's another word for somebody who abuses good persons for his own selfish reasons.

IF wolverine ever did that to me ...... I'd...steal his powers... :D .... :p lol and then bust his ass before he could take Jean away!!
Pizzaboy1138 said:
Yeah right. Whatever.

You could always go and chase "some Phoenix tail".

Cyclops was not likeable?
Wolverine in these movies is a selfish, stuck up bastard who tries to ruin a relationship, steals bikes, among other things, he chases his past and abandons those he should care for, and so on.
I bet everybody loves him dearly.

Well aren't you a kind person :)
I don't know about every one but I sure do love the guy. Who said Cyclops was not likeable?
either way, i'm very happy with singers version of x-men, and just hope that i get the same satisfaction from ratner, and from what what i've seen, i think i will.
pizzaboy, you must of missed X:2 cause wolvie didn't seem so "selfish" in that one. Saveing the kids in the mansion and telling colllosus to help them instead of him and etc.
oh yeah and i like cyclops, so kind of sad we aint gonna get much of him
RonStoppablefan said:
Who said Cyclops was not likeable?

To quote HeroLover "Cyclops was such an unlikable character".

Eros said:
pizzaboy, you must of missed X:2 cause wolvie didn't seem so "selfish" in that one. Saveing the kids in the mansion and telling colllosus to help them instead of him and etc.

I think you forgot that he went away first in the dam and didn't help to search for the kids because he was searching for his paaaaaaast.
And don't forget him digging on Jean, stealing another vehicle of Cyke's, ...
Pizzaboy1138 said:
I think you forgot that he went away first in the dam and didn't help to search for the kids because he was searching for his paaaaaaast.
And don't forget him digging on Jean, stealing another vehicle of Cyke's, ...

That's his bad boy image. But he still has a good side, in the preview it shows Wolverine trying to help Cyclops out with his emotions over Jean Grey. Every character has a good side and bad side, even Cyclops and Jean. As you can see in X-Men 3 he's no longer searching for his past he's putting others a head of him.
pizzaboy her we go again, first he "stole" cyclops car to get Rogue,Pyro, and ice-man to safety [did you not see the move man?].and second, i dun blame a man for trying to learn who he is ,and why he has 6 claws grafted inside his forearms.
Ratner saved it so much he killed off 3 major characters and cured one of the best. How wonderful :o/ :confused:
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