Comics Skrull Invasion question...


May 18, 2004
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Ever since they announced the Skrull Invation they have said that a popular Marvel Character would be revealed to be a Skrull and there is someone out there who hasn't been themselves lately.
So Peter has made his ID as Spidey public,
Trusted Tony Stark when he shouldn't have,
Decided to save his 90 year old dying aunt and erase his marriage with the woman that he has loved for years.
Could BND be a short-term run? Could Spidey be a skrull?
The question there is, you'd think Mephisto would know who he was dealing with with mystic senses or something
Maybe. But how is it that Gwen Stacy had sex with Norman Osborn?
Ever since they announced the Skrull Invation they have said that a popular Marvel Character would be revealed to be a Skrull and there is someone out there who hasn't been themselves lately.
So Peter has made his ID as Spidey public,
Trusted Tony Stark when he shouldn't have,
Decided to save his 90 year old dying aunt and erase his marriage with the woman that he has loved for years.
Could BND be a short-term run? Could Spidey be a skrull?

you know, I would normally be okay with that. However, spidey can't be a skrull, it's just way out there.

... now M.J that's a different story. Besides, mephisto works and makes promising deals, why would he want to make a deal with a fake peter?
IMO, if you're waiting for OMD to be reversed, wait until ASM #666.
I theorized that the Spidey on the New Avengers was a Skrull a few months back, which would account for how he managed to go on New Avengers adventures while dealing with all the BS going on in Amazing at the time. I referenced it on the Bendis Boards and was not met with a positive response.
Could Spidey be a skrull? that would be cool,... but where would the real Spidey have been during the last 4 years?
Its an interesting thought but there's no way in heaven or hell marvel would go down that route. Even given the bad choices they've made lately, they would never cop out their flagship character like that. Plus not only that, Spidey's the one character in the marvel universe whom we always know what he's thinking. Spidey constantly thinks to himself about his conflicts and stuff. Would a skrull be doing that? Would a skrull care so much about aunt may or mary jane? I dont think so. Why would marvel go through all this trouble of 'One more day' and "brand new day' just to cop him out as a skrull. That to me would be a million times worse than One More Day.
I thought about Spider-Skrull for a bit as well but I really doubt Marvel would do that. Even though Spidey has not been himself lately, Marvel's gone through alot of trouble to do that so... I doubt it.

I bet of the Skrulls is Reed Richards, he's been out of character hasn't he? I don't read F4 but hes was odd in Civil War, and Millar's taking over F4 so that seems likelier to me.

I'd say Tony Stark Tony Stark, but with the movie on it's way that also seems foolish. One person I'd also hope to be a skrull would be that female shield leader, what' her name? Commander Hill or something?
I meant only the Spidey on the New Avengers was a Skrull. Like, Spidey was on the New Avengers, and then a Skrull popped in and took over for Spidey when his life turned to ****, post-CW. Since Pete has been too busy to deal with the Registration Act, or help out his buddies in the NA, it could have been easy for a Skrull to pop in and take his place. They know Spider-Man's actions and behavior (at least the last time they dealt with him), and thanks to the news coverage (pre-OMD), they know who he is and what he looks like. I'm not implying the Spider-Man from Friendly Neighborhood or Amazing is a Skrull-- just the one on the NA since the CW ended.
It would explain why he was in sucha "happy-go-lucky" mood during NA while in Amazing he was all "Batman-like". But realistically i think it was just the writers messing around with his personality.
The biggest problem with putting these types of characters on the book. Its hard to put people like spider-man and wolverine in book where they have their own countless other books that dont specify time. I honestly don't think having multiple titles is reason to consider anyone a skrull.

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