Interview: IESB Gets the Skinny On All Things Comic Book from David Goyer!
Written by Robert Sanchez
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Today during the press day for The Invisible, the IESB was able to pry some information out of David Goyer about The Dark Knight, Super-Max/Green Arrow, Blade and what really happen with The Flash.
If it has to do with comic book adaptations, Goyer has become one of the go-to guys in Hollywood. His collaboration with Chris Nolan on Batman Begins has, so far, been one of his crowning achievements in film. Come Summer of 08, well see round two when The Dark Knight releases.
So did David spill the beans? Not really, at least not on Batman, but he did give some more details on Super-Max/Green Arrow and also some insight on what happen with The Flash. And, of course, we had to get updates on other franchises such as Thor and Blade as well.
IESB: talking to Jonathan Nolan recently we asked him if in The Dark Knight, are we going to see more of the detective side of Batman?
David Goyer: Dude, I am not going to say anything about that, ahh, did he say anything? I doubt it.
IESB: He was hoping to see more of the detective side
David Goyer: He was open to it?
IESB: He was hoping
David Goyer: He was hoping
IESB: He said that you guys still had to take a crack at the script or something like that is what he meant.
David Goyer: I wont say anything largely out of respect to Chris. Chris, on the first film, you know, wanted to keep everything under lock and key, I think that at the end of the day we all respect Chris at a filmmaker. He doesnt want anything said to the fans so we wont say anything.
IESB: You were just announced to be directing Super-Max/Green Arrow.
David Goyer: Not directing.
IESB: Writing/Producing.
David Goyer: Not writing, just producing
IESB: Any word on who will be writing?
David Goyer: Yeah, a young writer named Justine Marx, I read a spec screenplay, hes really young, he is only 22, I thought it was great and he just started writing it about a week ago.
IESB: Its going to be dark like Batman Begins and not your conventional , bumble gum, Fantastic Four type superheroes , right?
David Goyer: Well yeah, it does take place in prison.
IESB: What other heroes or villains are we going to see?
David Goyer: I cant say, I cant say, but we are calling on not just from the Green Arrow mythology but we are calling from the entire D.C. Universe, so
anybody could show up. That will be part of the fun.
IESB: So you mean anybody, even Heroes or Villains can show up.
David Goyer: Yes
thats all I can say (laughter)
IESB: Blade, are we done with that franchise? I was disappointed with the TV series not continuing.
David Goyer: I was too because we kind of got in a roll.
IESB: ****, it was good.
David Goyer: Yeah, people were surprised that it was good, hmm, but people were surprised that the first movie was good. We are done for now, the idea of, like, doing another Vampire thing right now, between the movies and show, you know I did 20 hours of vampires stuff, obviously Joss Whedon did more but I dont how he was able to do so many of them.
IESB: The whole thing with Shawn [Levy] now doing Flash after you putting so much time and effort, do you know if they are keeping any of the stuff that you were hoping [to have in the film]
David Goyer: I have no idea, its funny I ended up having lunch with Joss [Whedon]a couple of weeks after that and uhh, it was complete coincidence that it happened on the same day and we had lunch and we were talking about it. My relationship with Warner Bros. is great. I mean, a month later we did the Super-Max/Green Arrow thing. Fortunately, I am in position where I no longer have to. If I dont want to do something, I dont have to do it. If I dont like their approach creatively or if there is a disagreement then Id rather not do it. Takes too long to make movies, you know, and truly we just
it became apparent that there was a divergence of opinion in what the movie should be and I said let me do something else and thats what happened. So, I have no idea what they are going to do, Im not BSing you, Im like, whatever, Ill do something else.
IESB: At one time Avi said that you were going to do Thor, is Thor not going to happen either?
David Goyer: I have never been involved with Thor
IESB: Avi is the one talking about it
David Goyer: I had one conversation about it, Im friends with all those guys, Avi, Ari, Kevin Feige and we get together socially and we were, I think, we were having dinner up in Vancouver one night, we were just crossing paths and we had a conversation. Part of the problem, if you will, I love all those characters and I like spit balling about them, so I end up in spite of myself sort of saying, what if you did x y and z, but then I dont have the time to do it. Sometimes I end up consulting, I have consulted on various superhero franchises but you havent seen my name on it. Thats what I do, I come in for a couple of days and I say what about this or that because I dont have the time to write it.
There a whole lot more to share regarding our David Goyer interview that talks about the new film The Invisible. We will be posting that at a later date so check back!