Smoking bans: Good or Bad?

It's shameful to know that our economy is so largly supported by a fatal habit.
Colossal Spoons said:
It's shameful to know that our economy is so largly supported by a fatal habit.

I couldn't agree more.

But has Manitoba declared an all out ban or what?
I think there should be a smoking ban. Why should non-smokers have to put up with people who want to slowly kill themselves with nicotine or who lust after the passion of smoking some form of object?
can we have a driving ban , for all non commercial vehicles too? why should my lungs have to suffer because some people will not walk to the shops, and why should i have to breath in the fumes from their cars, loaded as they are with benzene, just cos they want the pleasure of a drive.
Man-Thing said:
isn't that what they put on rail road ties to make them rot resistant?

It means money in Italian :D
logansoldcigar said:
can we have a driving ban , for all non commercial vehicles too? why should my lungs have to suffer because some people will not walk to the shops, and why should i have to breath in the fumes from their cars, loaded as they are with benzene, just cos they want the pleasure of a drive.

Nobody makes the fumes of vehicles addictive.
Lord Siva said:
Nobody makes the fumes of vehicles addictive.
You don't get addicted to second hand smoke either. You're missing his point.
No, but benzene is still a carginogenic additive put in gasoline. Its more of a carcinogen than nicoteine, as it happens.andmore people drive than smoke, Id wager Its in snouts too, but the point is valid. If you are against smoking in restaurants and bars cos of the general atmos, thats one thing. when i smoked i didnt like people smoking in restaurants. but if you against it for health reasons, then lets advocate a ban on all non essential car use as well.
logansoldcigar said:
No, but benzene is still a carginogenic additive put in gasoline. Its more of a carcinogen than nicoteine, as it happens.andmore people drive than smoke, Id wager Its in snouts too, but the point is valid. If you are against smoking in restaurants and bars cos of the general atmos, thats one thing. when i smoked i didnt like people smoking in restaurants. but if you against it for health reasons, then lets advocate a ban on all non essential car use as well.

But without those horrible carcinogenic vehicles western society would collapse.

Oh, and you spell like a chimp.
Lord Siva said:
But without those horrible carcinogenic vehicles western society would collapse.

Oh, and you spell like a chimp.
Banning cigarettes wouldn't help the economy much either. Anyone have the numbers on how much tax revenue that brings in?

I was sitting here at the computer, then suddenly a craving for something sweet came over me. I went into the kitchen and grabed a candy bar. I ate it and it was delicious!

After I ate it, I looked at the wrapper. To my horror it said "This is arsenic, and not a candy bar" on the wrapper.

This sux!
Man-Thing said:

I was sitting here at the computer, then suddenly a craving for something sweet came over me. I went into the kitchen and grabed a candy bar. I ate it and it was delicious!

After I ate it, I looked at the wrapper. To my horror it said "This is arsenic, and not a candy bar" on the wrapper.

This sux!
next time dip the chocolate in formaldehyde
Back when i smoked, i actually tried a mouthwash that stripped my mouth clear so there were no trace tastes, scents ect. and I light a ciggy up. It tasted like petrol fumes, if that makes sense. Benzene is a level one cargingen. thats as bad as it gets.
the reason nicotine gets the publicity is cos its the addictive element.
and it isnt the bit that can be found in oil & gas
Lord Siva said:
But without those horrible carcinogenic vehicles western society would collapse.

Oh, and you spell like a chimp.

thats because im dyslexic.
next question?
Lord Siva said:
But without those horrible carcinogenic vehicles western society would collapse.

Oh, and you spell like a chimp.

fully agree. (not about the chimp bit, but hey, its still a step up from some people on these boards)
and how will banning cigarettes not affect the world's economy in a bad way?
logansoldcigar said:
thats because im dyslexic.
next question
I find you more legible than most here. I'm not sure why Siva is criticizing you, last time I checked, he sucked.
logansoldcigar said:
No, but benzene is still a carginogenic additive put in gasoline. Its more of a carcinogen than nicoteine, as it happens.andmore people drive than smoke, Id wager Its in snouts too, but the point is valid. If you are against smoking in restaurants and bars cos of the general atmos, thats one thing. when i smoked i didnt like people smoking in restaurants. but if you against it for health reasons, then lets advocate a ban on all non essential car use as well.

Nobody drives cars in restaurants & bars.

I love to rhyme, I do it all the time.
Banning cars because they create harmful fumes is hardly a viable option for even the least developed first world country. Cigarettes, on the other hand...

A bit harmful to the economy in the short term, but what ever product fills the void left by it's absense will eventually make up for it.
I don't think an outright ban would ever happen. People would riot.
Obi-Ron said:
Nobody drives cars in restaurants & bars.

I love to rhyme, I do it all the time.

but people drive them to restaurants and bars.
as, if you note, I said, if you are against it cos you dont like the atmosphere the smoke creates, thats one thing. i didnt when i smoked. but if you are against it for health reasons, then you should be against non essential driving for the same reason.
logansoldcigar said:
but people drive them to restaurants and bars.
as, if you note, I said, if you are against it cos you dont like the atmosphere the smoke creates, thats one thing. i didnt when i smoked. but if you are against it for health reasons, then you should be against non essential driving for the same reason.
And if your problem is the atmosphere, a private eatery/drinkery should be able to choose it's own atmosphere, whether it be smoke-free of smoke-filled.
Calvin said:
I don't think an outright ban would ever happen. People would riot.

If society's view towards cigarettes changes enough, then it's completely possible.
Outsiderzedge said:
Banning cars because they create harmful fumes is hardly a viable option for ever the least developed first world country. Cigarettes, on the other hand...

A bit harmful to the economy in the short term, but what ever product fills the void left by it's absense will eventually make up for it.

ahhhhhhhhhh, but the big problem with smoking, if you remove the arguments on health alone, cos there are plenty of other things we can ban on health grounds and wont consider, (which is the actual point about driving..not that i actually think they should ban it), is the addiction. i doubt the void would be allowed to be filled by another addictive product, and therefore, the void may remain.
plus, a few years may be too late
Calvin said:
I find you more legible than most here. I'm not sure why Siva is criticizing you, last time I checked, he sucked.

Shut up frenchie.
Calvin said:
And if your problem is the atmosphere, a private eatery/drinkery should be able to choose it's own atmosphere, whether it be smoke-free of smoke-filled.

which is how they should have done it in the first place.
at the end of the day, money talks, if the non smoking establishments made all the money and the smoking ones went bust, then they would all switch sharpish

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