So Batman drove Joe Chill to...

Doctor Baywatch

Dec 13, 2007
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in the new continuity?


Mr Morrison, what is going on?
read that too and thought "WTF?", but i'm not sure if it was all part of the hallucination, something that Bruce wished he could do, or if it was an actual flashback.

and if it was real, doesn't that negate his whole purpose?
He might also want to prevent others going through what he did as well.

He might also want to prevent others going through what he did as well.


i understand that, but if that's the case, he might as well just kill The Joker.

my problem with it, if it is real, and not a hallucination, is that post-crisis continuity, and even back in the Golden Age once Robin was introduced, Batman vowed not to kill. In the Golden Age stuff he killed freely. After that, he vowed not to do it. What he does is not out of that kind of vengeance.

Driving Chill to
kill himself was essentially an act of revenge
and it's something, if real, to me, negates his purpose of existing.
Didn't in an older version he tell Chill that he was the reason he became Batman. Chill blabbed to the underworld and was killed. What if instead it leads to you-know-what. Or something similar. I'll admit it's been around 8 years since I read most Batman comics. Except one or two Superman/Batman things. I've read a little online (summaries). But it's not the same.

Didn't in an older version he tell Chill that he was the reason he became Batman. Chill blabbed to the underworld and was killed. What if instead it leads to you-know-what. Or something similar. I'll admit it's been around 8 years since I read most Batman comics. Except one or two Superman/Batman things. I've read a little online (summaries). But it's not the same.


that was a pre-crisis story and i actually enjoyed it. I felt it worked. And it would have been better, i think, had Morrison just re-hash that.

but from what i understand, post-crisis put forth that Batman didn't know who killed his parents. And Batman didn't want to know, as he felt it would take away his purpose. Then in the last crisis, Infinite Crisis, the multi-verse came back and some things were shuffled back into continuity such as Joe Chill.

I think that's how it went, i only read what went on in that story on these forums. So someone can correct me if i've made mistakes.

but in this issue, i think it's pretty clear that
Chill blew his brains out

Unless it was just a hallucination. If that was the case, whatever. But if it was real, i really don't like Morrison.
I'll admit I don't like his take on Superman as it's too Silver Age for my taste. Don't know about Batman.

i didnt get that impression at all. to me i thought it was pretty obvious that everything was a hallucination. i dunno.
I think it was real and Morrison will obviously expand upon it next issue. Perhaps going into his and Alfred's reactions. Maybe it will give further development into Batman's no kill policy with him feeling bad that even though he didn't kill Chill, he was pretty much directly responsible for it.
I assumed Morrison would be as good on his run here as he was with Arkham Asylum, and he sure as hell proved me wrong by sucking more than an underaged $2 thai hooker, so yeah, I guess your never assume thing is right.

Seriously though, Batman drove Joe Chill to commit suicide? Wasnt there entire point in re-introducing Chill and having Batman know who did it to show that Batman was able to bring this man to justice on the level, and that making him a semi-lighter character than post-crisis Batman had become?
This is stupid. I'm kinda glad I stopped reading comics at this point. The explorations of characters and their world seem to be left behind more and more, and reduced with soap opera "plot points", moreso than they ever were before. I've always thought Joe Chill was a stupid, contrived character/story. I don't mind the original story, and YEAR TWO is kinda cool, but enough is enough.

I fail to see how it's relevant that we know the man who killed Bruce's parents name is "Joe Chill".
I assumed Morrison would be as good on his run here as he was with Arkham Asylum, and he sure as hell proved me wrong by sucking more than an underaged $2 thai hooker, so yeah, I guess your never assume thing is right.

Seriously though, Batman drove Joe Chill to commit suicide? Wasnt there entire point in re-introducing Chill and having Batman know who did it to show that Batman was able to bring this man to justice on the level, and that making him a semi-lighter character than post-crisis Batman had become?

Batman being semi-lighter is the result of his acknowledgement that he lost his way and became too much of a dick to his friends by developing Brother Eye, rejecting them, etc. Delivering or not delivering Joe Chill to justice would not have had an effect on it.
Batman being semi-lighter is the result of his acknowledgement that he lost his way and became too much of a dick to his friends by developing Brother Eye, rejecting them, etc. Delivering or not delivering Joe Chill to justice would not have had an effect on it.

I would agree. Except for the fact that it clearly said in Infinite Crisis one of the reasons he was lighter now was because Joe Chill was brought to justice.
I would agree. Except for the fact that it clearly said in Infinite Crisis one of the reasons he was lighter now was because Joe Chill was brought to justice.

Technically he was brought to justice--just by his own hand. :o
This is all going to tie into Final Crisis. Hopefully that means explained.
How many "Final Crises" are there? 'Cos wasn't there one about ten years ago?

Morrison has done nothing but **** up the Batman mythos since he started writing the current arc.

What would it take for DC to get Peter David to take over?

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