Joe Chill Arrested?


Legendary Hero
Apr 1, 2005
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All right, so I just picked up and read the new Infinite Crisis #6......and I noticed that at the end, what appears to have happened is that some of the Earths got meshed and became one. Atleast, the box panel saying NEW EARTH seems to point to that.

Anyways, in the third to final page, where the Earth seems to be exploding to Kingdom Come. There's a few crystals flying around...and in a few on the left side, there are images of what appears to be a young boy crying in the arms of guy in a suit. There's a newspaper headline saying JOE CHILL ARRESTED WAYNE MURDER.

My question you think they should put this into continuity? Maybe even falling in with Batman Begins...? What you guys think?
It would fit nicely into what is happening with Batman right now. Its not a huge effect because he still would be the same batman, but it is a plot point to explore with some interest. I say go for it
I've always liked the idea that Bats doesn't know who did it and is constantly searching. But having him know is fine too.
Well, I'm still not sure if it is continuity......those images at the end of Infinite Crisis #6 suggests it might be.

And, since OYL is still in it's early stages.....and *52 has yet to hit, it could be a part of continuity......

Personally, I prefer Bruce to know who killed his parents. However, Chill needs to be dead at the hands of another, that way vengeance isn't even an actual option for Bruce. Even in today's Batman, with all his morals (I mean, maybe even higher morals than BB Batman) he STILL killed Chill when he got the chance in BATMAN/SUPERMAN......and he probably would any chance he get. Chill is where it all begins and ends for Batman, having Batman look beyond his own personal pain and vengeance might be moral methodical and more psychological.
Joe Chill arrested and reformed, he and Bruce become the odd couple, lol.

NO, they shouldn't put this into continuity.
No, this is were Begins failed for me (the same applies to the Punisher too). Batman should never find his parents killer.
Flame on! said:
No, this is were Begins failed for me (the same applies to the Punisher too). Batman should never find his parents killer.

Why not, though?

As for the Punisher.....nah, I think it's BEST for him to keep motoring after vengeance. Just become Punishment......seeking faceless criminals in the night is too wasted on me.
Did it name Batmans parents murderer in Superman/Batman?

Basically, what happened was that both Supes and Bats had gone through some crazy time travel stuff......they ended up having to watch they're origins on earth happen. Superman had to watch his spaceship land in the cornfield, and watch his parents fnd him.........and Batman had to watch his parents get killed.....again.

So...what do you think he did? He jumped down, took the gun out of the mugger's hand and shot him dead. Breaking up the whole time continuim thingy.....or something. Bottomline, he killed the dude when he got the chance.
ChrisBaleBatman said:
Why not, though?

Because it takes away much of the tragedy of Batman and the mystery, if the man who murdered his parents is caught and simply arrested. It's all resolved. When the case is unsolved it keeps Batman haunted. It's much stronger for the killer to be unknown and uncaught to this day. It opens the killer up into a symbol, allows us to see him the way Bruce's subconscious has always perceived him, as Crime personified. Keeping Waynes' killer from Batman indefinitely adds a lot to his anguish, which is a big part of what makes Batman so interesting. Not knowing the killer adds to the Batman mythos, suggesting that he sees his parents' unknown killer in every criminal's face. Denny O'Neil, as editor, made the killer unknown post-crisis in Zero Hour. Batman not knowing is a nod to the original origin by the creators Bill Finger and Bob Kane in 1939 where the killer is unknown, 8 years before the Joe Chill story in 1948 by Whitney Ellsworth and Lew Schwartz. Chill was a lameass. In Zero Hour / Zero Month 1994, Batman, through a time anomoly, learned that Chill did not kill his parents (Detective #678 (1994)).
ChrisBaleBatman said:

Basically, what happened was that both Supes and Bats had gone through some crazy time travel stuff......they ended up having to watch they're origins on earth happen. Superman had to watch his spaceship land in the cornfield, and watch his parents fnd him.........and Batman had to watch his parents get killed.....again.

So...what do you think he did? He jumped down, took the gun out of the mugger's hand and shot him dead. Breaking up the whole time continuim thingy.....or something. Bottomline, he killed the dude when he got the chance.

But the Batman that killed his parents murderer wasn't "our" Batman. That Batman had been raised as Supermans brother and was already a murderer and a dictator. I have to really wonder if "our" Batman would kill his parents murderer. He hasn't killed anyone elses murderer.
Because it takes away much of the tragedy of Batman and the mystery, if the man who murdered his parents is caught and simply arrested. It's all resolved. When the case is unsolved it keeps Batman haunted. It's much stronger for the killer to be unknown and uncaught to this day. It opens the killer up into a symbol, allows us to see him the way Bruce's subconscious has always perceived him, as Crime personified. Keeping Waynes' killer from Batman indefinitely adds a lot to his anguish, which is a big part of what makes Batman so interesting. Not knowing the killer adds to the Batman mythos, suggesting that he sees his parents' unknown killer in every criminal's face. Denny O'Neil, as editor, made the killer unknown post-crisis in Zero Hour. Batman not knowing is a nod to the original origin by the creators Bill Finger and Bob Kane in 1939 where the killer is unknown, 8 years before the Joe Chill story in 1948 by Whitney Ellsworth and Lew Schwartz. Chill was a lameass. In Zero Hour / Zero Month 1994, Batman, through a time anomoly, learned that Chill did not kill his parents (Detective #678 (1994)).

I dunno about that.....I think it actually gives even more tragedy that his parent's killer is found, but Bruce can never actually get his vengeance.

For me, I think it makes Bruce's journey more psychological. Vengeance isn't an, where's he going to go now? Justice.

I just think it's too personal, him knowing that the killer is out there somewhere.....and the chance of him finding him.

Two rules of thought though, but I could defintely see why one would favor the unknown.

But the Batman that killed his parents murderer wasn't "our" Batman. That Batman had been raised as Supermans brother and was already a murderer and a dictator. I have to really wonder if "our" Batman would kill his parents murderer. He hasn't killed anyone elses murderer

C'mon........he would. The guy destroyed his life.....he's the cause for everything going the way it has for Bruce. I think he would most definetly lose it, and kill the dude. I think everyone has the capacity to kill, even Bruce. The thing is of how deep a cord it strikes.....and getting vengeance on the guy who killed his mom and dad.....yeah. I think he would.
So....I haven't got my IC#7 yet.......but I've heard it's official. That the origin has been changed to Batman Begins-like.

seems like it, I believe DC head honco Dan DiDio confirmed it at, check out the latest and final "Crisis Counseling" article at that site.
ChrisBaleBatman said:
All right...I'll check it out.

Here's a direct Alex Luthor quote taken from Infinite Crisis 7.

"This isn't Earth-One, Superboy. It never really was. And now this "unified world", this new Earth, has been altered again."

"There are changes within its history. Wonder Woman helped found the Justice League of America once again. Batman still fights for Gotham, even though his parents' killer was caught. There are recorded rumors of Superman's activities before his appearance in Metropolis. And that's just the beginning."

There ya have it. Joe Chill has been restored as the killer of the Waynes in current continuity. Did the success of Batman Begins have anything to do with this? I'd put money on it.
Yeah, I think the reasoning bechind what happened in Batman Begins had to do something with it. Especially with the fact that DC COMICS worked closely with David Goyer and Christopher Nolan....they might have gotten chummy with the idea.

Also, it sounds like the origin of the JL seems to be more like the JLU. sounds like Smallville may have been allowed into the mix as well. Maybe giving some room for a career in superhero-ism pre-Superman for Clark.

All I know is, there's going to be a lot of re-telling going on. Even though Chill has been allowed back into continuity, and we know he was caught while Bruce was still a kid, but the question would remain is how much did that effect Bruce's journey? How closely related is his origin NOW to Batman Begins?
Flame on! said:
No, this is were Begins failed for me (the same applies to the Punisher too). Batman should never find his parents killer.

Why, though? He's the world's greatest detective, and he can't even figure out who killed his own parents? Let us be honest--Zero Hour made the choice just to amke Batman more "mysterious".
I always liked the original idea where Batman finally finds Joe Chill, confronts him and removes his mask to reveal himself to Chill as Bruce Wayne, saying "You killed my parents, and now I'm going to bring you to justice." Chill freaks, runs away to find help from his fellow crooks, tells them how he basically was responsible for creating their worst enemy and how Batman is now after him, the crooks reacting in fear and anger, gun him down only to realize after it's too late that they never bothered to find out Batman's secret ID. So, even though Bats finds his parents' killer, he never gets to bring him in to pay for his crime. Classic.
ArmsHeldOut said:
Here's a direct Alex Luthor quote taken from Infinite Crisis 7.

"This isn't Earth-One, Superboy. It never really was. And now this "unified world", this new Earth, has been altered again."

"There are changes within its history. Wonder Woman helped found the Justice League of America once again. Batman still fights for Gotham, even though his parents' killer was caught. There are recorded rumors of Superman's activities before his appearance in Metropolis. And that's just the beginning."

There ya have it. Joe Chill has been restored as the killer of the Waynes in current continuity. Did the success of Batman Begins have anything to do with this? I'd put money on it.
well i guess now if my friends ask me who killed Bruce Wayne's parents i can say "watch Batman Begins"
Why, though? He's the world's greatest detective, and he can't even figure out who killed his own parents? Let us be honest--Zero Hour made the choice just to amke Batman more "mysterious".

Well, supposedly Gotham City PD didn't do a good job of taking care of evidence and so on......which is kinda a cop out. I think your right, making Bruce's parents killer unknown might had just been a move to make him darker.....more at war. Angrier, all that.

I always liked the original idea where Batman finally finds Joe Chill, confronts him and removes his mask to reveal himself to Chill as Bruce Wayne, saying "You killed my parents, and now I'm going to bring you to justice." Chill freaks, runs away to find help from his fellow crooks, tells them how he basically was responsible for creating their worst enemy and how Batman is now after him, the crooks reacting in fear and anger, gun him down only to realize after it's too late that they never bothered to find out Batman's secret ID. So, even though Bats finds his parents' killer, he never gets to bring him in to pay for his crime. Classic.

Yeah, that's the original way it went down, right?

I know that Chill was caught when Bruce was a kid, like Batman Begins, so that's worth mentioning. It's different this time around, compared to when Chill was never caught.

well i guess now if my friends ask me who killed Bruce Wayne's parents i can say "watch Batman Begins"


Pretty cool to see the comics follow the movies, for once. I can't wait to see how different Batman's origin will be changed compared to PRE-Infinite Crisis.
ChrisBaleBatman said:
Pretty cool to see the comics follow the movies, for once. I can't wait to see how different Batman's origin will be changed compared to PRE-Infinite Crisis.

Yep. They're definitely up to something.

Plans for Smallville's Chloe to appear in the comics are in the works, as well.

I hope we get to see a few more flashbacks to Wayne's youth in the sequel to Begins.

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