That's exactly what I was thinking. Given how we've been getting hints that Spider-Tool (as long as he's in that "Iron Spidey" costume and Tony Stark's lapdog, I'm calling him that) will switch sides in Civil War, which would make Peter Parker a fugative from the law. However, since everyone knows now that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Peter adopts the new civilain identity of "Ben Reilly," which will be the "status quo" for about a year-and-a-half. Of course, new and causal readers might end up getting confused and start asking all kinds of questions like "Why is Peter Parker calling himself Ben Reilly? How come everyone knows Peter Parker is Spider-Man, I thought his identity was a secret?" and then Marvel will have to explain everything that happened during Civil War so that readers can catch up. After all, new and causal readers were confused when they initially asked during the Clone Saga "Who's Ben Reilly? Who is this blond guy working at a coffee shop dressed like Spider-Man? I thought Peter Parker was Spider-Man? What happened to Peter Parker?"