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The Amazing Spider-Man So now we've seen both, which was the best?

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Whoa whoa..so if you like this movie more than the first one, you don't know Spidey now or you're a fanboy? Why can't I just like it more because I like it more? I was never a huge fan of the first spidey movie for various reasons..liked it yeah but wasn't crazy about it and if I feel this topped it, that's wrong? I know Spidey pretty well, been a fan since I was in kindergarten and been reading the comics for years. We all have different ideas as to how the character should be portrayed, what makes sense for him, what works and what doesn't, just like the dozens of writers who've written him in the comics over the years, starting with Stan Lee all the way up to Dan Slott right now and plenty of those writers have done things with the character that Stan may not have, some of it worked, some of it didn't but obviously more of it worked than didn't because the character has endured for 50 years. They all had their stories to tell and their interpretations of him, so why can't fans without being called fanboys or having their knowledge of the character questioned?
I don't know, maybe it's different in America but here in Europe people are like 'OMG :doh:'.

Wow, you can speak for all of Europe? Impressive.

I heard TAS broke records in the UK, maybe not every is as unimpressed as you.
New to this but I thought ASM was way better. I remember seeing SM1 when I was 12 and was in love with the movie and have fond memories, but to me this was leaps and bounds better.

1. Loved the way they did his movements, and they used his webs for movement in combat.

2. Story was more realistic to me.

3. Acting was great.

4. Action was amazing.

This was Bendis' Ultimate Peter brought to life, and the movements were Bagley/Immonen brought to life. Raimi was the old school 60's. All depends on what you're a fan of. I personally enjoy Ultimate Spider-Man the most, so this fit that.
I really enjoyed The Amazing Spider-Man, however I do think Raimi's is better. Better origin especially. I do see a lot of potential and set-up for a great sequel though. I think choosing between Spider-Man 2 and TASM 2 will be a huge battle.

I do think the relationship between Gwen and Peter was really well done compared to Mary Jane and Peter from Raimi's film though.
what final swing do you think is more epic
SM1,SM2 or ASM?
Comparing final swing scenes:
Spider-Man 2 > TASM > Spider-Man
I like how he swings in tight spots

My main beef with the new movie is how the villain was written, it's understandable how he was influenced by the Lizard before the cured, but I think he leaves me dry, was hoping for something really more fun, more superior
Other stuff can be solved by a -hopefully- Director's Cut, but for some reason I expect this not to happen

Another issue I have is how the music is distributed, in the fight scene in school and when unmasked Peter talks to Captain Stacey really throw me off
I prefer Raimi's and it's really not even close. I was overjoyed at seeing the first Spider-Man movie, and ended up going to see it 4 times. Saw Spider-Man 2 twice. Those movies just nailed the spirit of the character even if they took some liberties with some details.

TASM tries but just feels off. My tipping point was Peter "outing" himself to Gwen, a girl he barely knows, so he can score a makeout session with her. No Peter Parker I've ever seen did that, or would even think about doing that. That felt like more than simply taking liberties with details.
The only good Raimi movie was SM2. SM1 was ok. He handled the spider bite and bens death perfectly. What kills SM1 for me is the first fight between GG and Spider-Man. It was under whelming beyond belief. I remember thinking when it first started we were going to get an awesome ariel battle like in the comics. My heart sank when GG said "we'll meet again Spider-Man" and i realized the fight was over. Raimi continuingly making the final battle about rescuing MJ was :doh: three movies in a row.

The fact that Marc doesn't make the finale about rescuing the damsel in distress puts his a notch above Raimi's Spider-Man.
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The only good Raimi movie was SM2.
Ugh, no, it's the most cringeworthy one of them, and I really like all three of them

The fact that Marc doesn't make the finale about rescuing the damsel in distress a notch above Raimi's Spider-Man.
I agree, I was afraid to see one more movie with DiD when I saw that scene with the Lizard in Oscorp looking at the closet Gwen was hiding in
Webb, they got peter and spidey right, i just wish we got the full movie without the studio cutting a lot of sense from it, adding stuff like the plane crush.. don´t get me wrong, the movie to me is an 8, but having seen it for the third time it just feel incomplete, some arcs, lizard´s motivation.. lizard´s plan, the lizard cops.. etc etc, of course the part of pete´s parents and Ratha´s, i just hate it that this goes off the record and nobody talks about it officially, i wish fans could really be heard, like WE TRUST in Marc Webb, and we want his cut.. and im guessing Webb is not sure to comeback with this terms, studio shoehorning stuff etc, i mean didn´t they approve the script in the first place.. etc.. i know things can be left unanswered for sequels, but this time just feels CUT from it.. loving the action, characters etc.

and i would have done the end fight be more personal, maybe smaller, a victory for only Peter to know and stuff..

Anyway cannot wait for the bluray, i know we won´t see a lot of what was cut, but as a fan i just SMILE whenever we see him go ¨hey I'm swinging´ere!¨ and BE spider on screen!! loved it in spite of everything.
Ugh, no, it's the most cringeworthy one of them, and I really like all three of them

I agree, I was afraid to see one more movie with DiD when I saw that scene with the Lizard in Oscorp looking at the closet Gwen was hiding in


Harry and MJ doing the twist? :doh: I have to look away during this part, it's so bad..

Peter dancing in the street. :doh:

Peter singing and dancing to make MJ jealous at the club?

The "Wicked cool" kids during the final battle.

Peter smooth talking Betty Brant?:doh:

I'm sorry but i must respectfully disagree!!!!
ASM is better. The characters aren't perfectly written of course, but they seem to behave more naturally than Raimi's. The lead acting is stronger and everything aesthetically is more satisfying. ASM's Peter is more accurate, which is really what matters most.
Webb's easily

I still don't see Raimi's as Spider-man where are the wisecracks? Webb's Spidey was Spidey from the comics.

Also you felt Peter's pain in Webb's when his Uncle Ben died and you didn't in Raimi's
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The only good Raimi movie was SM2. SM1 was ok. He handled the spider bite and bens death perfectly. What kills SM1 for me is the first fight between GG and Spider-Man. It was under whelming beyond belief. I remember thinking when it first started we were going to get an awesome ariel battle like in the comics. My heart sank when GG said "we'll meet again Spider-Man" and i realized the fight was over. Raimi continuingly making the final battle about rescuing MJ was :doh: three movies in a row.

The fact that Marc doesn't make the finale about rescuing the damsel in distress puts his a notch above Raimi's Spider-Man.

Same here. I got afraid when I saw the first scene with Peter catching the school bus and somehow Raimi got all the possible dated cliches about the nerd student in less than 2 minutes. And I gave up when Spider-man is introduced and you can barely see him (except for that Spider-man's face shot unexplicably made with evident CGI).

Harry and MJ doing the twist? :doh: I have to look away during this part, it's so bad..

Peter dancing in the street. :doh:

Peter singing and dancing to make MJ jealous at the club?

The "Wicked cool" kids during the final battle.

Peter smooth talking Betty Brant?:doh:

I'm sorry but i must respectfully disagree!!!!

I ahve to agree. SM3 is the biggest collection of cringeworthy moments.

Harry and MJ doing the twist? :doh: I have to look away during this part, it's so bad..
Two friends having fun, one of them is loosening stress, don't see the :eek: :doh: in it

Peter dancing in the street. :doh:
Was released before the movie, some saw it and still entered the movie, then complained about it

[/quote]Peter singing and dancing to make MJ jealous at the club? [/quote]Saying "This one's for you" is not singing

Peter smooth talking Betty Brant?:doh:
Bad Peter, angry at his girlfriend, something should happen

And none of this is remotely as bad as how b***** and annoying MJ is in SM2, no matter how much her act is justified, she sucks, and her running out of her wedding is the epitome of everything wrong in her the whole movie
And power losing for troubles, I made fun of that a few times :doh:
Too much sulking and sorrow, be a little chipper will ya? But he only gets chipper after MJ cheats on her groom :jedi
Among other things, so pfft, SM2 is the weakest of the lot, it's good, but not great, too cringeworthy compared to everything people complained about in the third movie
Two friends having fun, one of them is loosening stress, don't see the :eek: :doh: in it

Was released before the movie, some saw it and still entered the movie, then complained about it

Peter singing and dancing to make MJ jealous at the club?Saying "This one's for you" is not singing

Bad Peter, angry at his girlfriend, something should happen

And none of this is remotely as bad as how b***** and annoying MJ is in SM2, no matter how much her act is justified, she sucks, and her running out of her wedding is the epitome of everything wrong in her the whole movie
And power losing for troubles, I made fun of that a few times :doh:
Too much sulking and sorrow, be a little chipper will ya? But he only gets chipper after MJ cheats on her groom :jedi
Among other things, so pfft, SM2 is the weakest of the lot, it's good, but not great, too cringeworthy compared to everything people complained about in the third movie

I don't see how ppl seeing it before the movie has anything to do with why I don't like it.:huh:

He says more that one line in the club scene, he says something before he starts gyrating his hips and snapping his fingers; it's the chorus of the song.

SM2 at least has a few cool action sequences to offset the cringe. SM3 had none. Even the new goblin fight at the beginning was bad.

And MJ worst in SM2 than SM3? She whined about any and everything in SM3.
I posted this in another tread, but the best scene in SM3 was after she got fired, she walks out of the theater and a crowd of ppl start clapping and she thinks it's for her..only to realize it's for Spidey!:woot:I couldn't wait for her to die by SM3.

More SM3 cringe:

The fact that Harry's butler knew all along that Spidey hadn't killed GG/Norman.:doh:

Sandman being Bens killer :doh:...do i really need to list them all? It's pretty much the ENTIRE movie, man!

I'm sorry, but SM3 is a montage of one cringeworthy scene after the other.
I don't see how ppl seeing it before the movie has anything to do with why I don't like it.:huh:
They saw it without complaining as much as as they did about it after entering the movie
If someone sees something they don't like before seeing the thing holding that thing, complaints about it after you seeing the full product shouldn't be multiplied

He says more that one line in the club scene, he says something before he starts gyrating his hips and snapping his fingers; it's the chorus of the song.
One alright or lets go then maybe? But he does not sing

And MJ worst in SM2 than SM3? She whined about any and everything in SM3.
She whined about a few critics in the news paper, that was uncool, but then she bit her teeth on a sequence of events to make her face cringe, seeing how Gwen behaved by Peter in their dinner date was too much, and she had the right to be ticked at that moment. No whining follows

MJ in SM2
  • Dates a guy
  • Whines about her friend not showing just once to her play
  • He talks to her saying stupid stuff on the phone, but she's pissed cause he missed her play
  • He talks to her later, she b****es to him about him
  • He sees her show and asks her for dinner, she gets piss mad, though she had a giddy smile after he showed to her play, and this question didn't tick her in SM1 in the exact same situation, how about thinking it's a friendly dinner? No? B****ing and moaning
  • The John asks her if she invited Peter and she's "Oh that jerk, no", then kisses John and thinks of Peter to go kiss him in a diner
  • She gets kidnapped, learns Peter is Spider-Man and is saved, then leaves her groom before going to the altar in a "f***-off, I'm heading to that guy I kept trashing for a while" mindset
And then people say she's worse in SM3, yet defend her so strongly in SM2 where she's -by far- a bigger b****
Ah yeah, what a fine lady
I posted this in another tread, but the best scene in SM3 was after she got fired, she walks out of the theater and a crowd of ppl start clapping and she thinks it's for her..only to realize it's for Spidey!:woot:I couldn't wait for her to die by SM3.
She was "Oh wow, I enter a crowd and they cheer, they love me", but a guy shouts "Go Spidey", and she's hit by reality, so it's understandable disappointment

More SM3 cringe:

The fact that Harry's butler knew all along that Spidey hadn't killed GG/Norman.:doh:

Sandman being Bens killer :doh:...do i really need to list them all? It's pretty much the ENTIRE movie, man!
It was mentioned in the DAMN TRAILER
Heck, it was mentioned in more than one trailer, and a released scene

I'm sorry, but SM3 is a montage of one cringeworthy scene after the other.
So quit discussing it
They saw it without complaining as much as as they did about it after entering the movie
If someone sees something they don't like before seeing the thing holding that thing, complaints about it after you seeing the full product shouldn't be multiplied

One alright or lets go then maybe? But he does not sing

She whined about a few critics in the news paper, that was uncool, but then she bit her teeth on a sequence of events to make her face cringe, seeing how Gwen behaved by Peter in their dinner date was too much, and she had the right to be ticked at that moment. No whining follows

MJ in SM2
  • Dates a guy
  • Whines about her friend not showing just once to her play
  • He talks to her saying stupid stuff on the phone, but she's pissed cause he missed her play
  • He talks to her later, she b****es to him about him
  • He sees her show and asks her for dinner, she gets piss mad, though she had a giddy smile after he showed to her play, and this question didn't tick her in SM1 in the exact same situation, how about thinking it's a friendly dinner? No? B****ing and moaning
  • The John asks her if she invited Peter and she's "Oh that jerk, no", then kisses John and thinks of Peter to go kiss him in a diner
  • She gets kidnapped, learns Peter is Spider-Man and is saved, then leaves her groom before going to the altar in a "f***-off, I'm heading to that guy I kept trashing for a while" mindset
And then people say she's worse in SM3, yet defend her so strongly in SM2 where she's -by far- a bigger b****
Ah yeah, what a fine lady
She was "Oh wow, I enter a crowd and they cheer, they love me", but a guy shouts "Go Spidey", and she's hit by reality, so it's understandable disappointment


It was mentioned in the DAMN TRAILER
Heck, it was mentioned in more than one trailer, and a released scene

So quit discussing it

Don't understand why you keep breaking my post down and rebutting ever claim. You think SM2 was more cringe worthy than SM3. I think SM3 was worst than SM2. The end.
I've been thinking/revisiting a lot lately about the Raimi Saga and mainly the 1st film, just coming off the ASM thrill to see where I stand assuredly and I definitely prefer Marc Webb's take. By miles.
Question: Has anybody here actually ever DONE the Twist?

Follow-up question: Could you do it with a straight face - or without feeling at least inwardly COMPLETELY EMBARRASSED?

I challenge you to try it. Right now. Set up a webcam. lol
No, over-cheesed and corny = bad.

Yeah, it's so crazy that we don't think the quality of a movie is defined by reviewers.

^ The whole argument in two sentences, honestly. Nuff said.
Question: Has anybody here actually ever DONE the Twist?

Follow-up question: Could you do it with a straight face - or without feeling at least inwardly COMPLETELY EMBARRASSED?

I challenge you to try it. Right now. Set up a webcam. lol

I had no shame in doing the Twist at Prom, and completely enjoying it :woot:
I find it hilarious the hate being piled on the Raimi movies, especially since they are some of the highest grossing CBM ever.

I guess the "new = better" theme is going strong.
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