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Spectacular Spider-man vs Spider-man Tas who is better

which spider-man cartoon was the best

  • Spider-Man (1967 TV series)

  • Spider-Man (1981 TV series)

  • Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

  • Spider-Man (1994 TV series)

  • Spider-Man Unlimited

  • Spider-Man: The New Animated Series

  • The Spectacular Spider-Man (TV series)

  • others(live action TV series, movies, etc)

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Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Spectacular Spider-man or which spider-man cartoon was the best from 1960-2009
We already have a thread like this.

There's no poll on the other one; but still.
I chose "Others(live action TV series, movies, etc)", because the live-action Spidey stuff are the best cartoons I've ever seen.
TSSM, IMO. Spider-Man TAS is still an awesome show and i grew up with it, but TSSM tops the cake, IMO. It just stays so true to the comics, etc. :up:
You haven't seen the Shocker episode then. And where in the comics was Gwen Stacy a Daria?

I like SSM too, but to say it's SO true to the comics is kinda wrong.

:thing: :doom: :thing:
YAnd where in the comics was Gwen Stacy a Daria?
Greg has stated that the reason Gwen has the "geek" look is because he wanted to show how he think Gwen Stacy would be in high school before she "blossomed". I guarantee you before the shows end, shes gonna have a make over.

I like SSM too, but to say it's SO true to the comics is kinda wrong.
Mmmm...not really.
YEa as i said in the other vs thread right now i think ssm is one of the best shows for spidey with all the attention to details they have taken and the stories, humor and character developments. All the other shows/movies have there good and bad points.
By and large, I prefer the art in TAS over Spectacular, but I give Spectacular the edge in terms of story telling. And no recycled animation.

TAS's art seemed more "realistic" to me, less cartoonish. Well, aside from the fact that all of the male characters seemed to be bodybuilders.
See what I mean?
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yea it would have been nice if ssm did have more realistic looking models but they choose their style for a reason if u remember what greg has said, and hey since cheeks has posted here maybe we can get him to say more on the style look for ssm.
I'd rather have cleaner designs with better animation over detailed designs and bad animation.

There were only a handful of episodes that had really good animation in TAS.
*stares* Didn't I just...Oh well let's work with it. I prefer TSSM as well.

I like the art style because it is new and different and isn't realistic (as I said before in another thread I prefer stylized designs when it comes to animation, comic books can deal with realistic designs because the images don't move.) ... Plus in the 90's series everyone was so buff it was crazy (Vulture...REALLY?)...Harry Osborne was like the ONLY skinny guy on that show...no wonder he went crazy. The 60's series had more realistic charcter models than Sp TAS, it certainly had the best looking Peter Parker.

The thing about SpTAS is the censors REALLY altered how the show could have been. The team trying to find loopholes in order to do the things they wanted to do made the series worse (PLASMA!) and showed how censored the show really was. When it comes to maturity of the series, Sp Tas was more dramatic but about the same level as TSSM maturity wise...if not a bit behind because of the censors... It makes sense for Kingpin to have a laser, but some street thug? Robbie Roberson had to be the hardest man in New York in the 90's since he's the only one with an actual gun. Kingpin being involved with EVERYTHING was a bit annoying...but I guess they wanted to show that he was the baddest villain of the show.
SSM because he actually punches his villains, and because I like the idea of starting him out as young and naive as possible as Spider-Man, instead of making him Spidey towards his adult life, as we saw in TAS.
SM:TAS may have had more realistic animation, but that doesn't make it better. SSM, while more stylized and non-photorealistic, looks better, because its animation is more fluid and better paced.
I'd say that SM:TAS and SSM are on similar levels of faithfulness. Overall I'd say SSM was better written.
The live action Japanese show where sPidey's an alien and rides around in a giant robot.

*gets smacked upside head*

Ow! I mean, SSM...
If i was to rank my top 10 eps, the invisible hand would probably be my favourite spideman episode to date

the rest of the top ten entries would be from tas though...

spec however does have a far stronger supporting cast considering it's only 16 eps in.

I think time will show that spectacular is the better series even if tas still has more hidden gem eps.
Count me in for SSM. The best adaptation of Spidey on screen hands down. I love this show. I have never been this amped about any cartoon. I still like TAS and it will always have a place in my heart but that was then. Great show for its time. The characterization and storytelling is what turns me on above all else.
I also like the voice actors more. In TAS, the Green Goblin's voice always irked me, but in this series it's deeper and more creepy, which for me is of course better.
Spectacular Spider-Man. It just seems to be going the right way, let's hope it does stays that way :). TAS is still a good show for its time, besides suffering through low quality animation, it made the best use of storytelling under its restrictions of the time. It had drama, action, and fun all of which are also found in Spec-Spidey.

So I guess you can't really compare the two because of the time factor, but overall they are equally enjoyable with what they have to offer. But that little inner voice says that SSM takes the cake by being slightly better.
yea i hope ssm can last just as long or longer then smtas.
Even though SSM has better writing and voice acting, and is overall a really great cartoon. Something about it just gives me the feeling that it's trying too hard. I don't know how else to say it, I especially thought Eddie Brock/Venom was kinda contrived and rushed.

Something about TAS still gives me a warm fuzzy I-Love-Being-A-Spidey-Fan kind of feeling. That I just don't get from SSM. Maybe it's cause I'm not a kid anymore, but I always feel like I know where SSM is going. I'm already sick of few episodes I've seen too often, where as I would watch any TAS episode no questions asked, any time I catch one.

Design wise TAS wins, the character designs were realistic and comic-bookish, while SSM is pretty cartoony. But the animation is smooth and fast paced so it makes up for the cartoonishness, that and not being constantly recycled like TAS. And like most people, I love that Spidey actual fights and punches in SSM. Give me another season or two and maybe my opinion will change but right now I'll have to declare TAS the better show.

However, this show DOES have the potential to eventually be the best Spidey show, it just isn't yet IMO. Now can we please get episode 16 on youtube?!
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