The Avengers Speculation: Lineup for Avengers 2


Jan 12, 2012
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So I was wondering if the big 3 would even be in the next Avengers film. So who might be in it?

I'd say safe bet Cap and Thor. Not too sure about Iron Man though he is usually pretty essential.

BW and Hawkeye will likely be back.

I wonder about the Hulk.

As for new cast, I'd say Ant Man and possibly Wasp as well as the characters from GOTG.

I wonder if they'll ever try to do what they did on the comics and strip the lineup down to Cap and some second stringers like they did in Avengers #16. Maybe Cap, BW, Hawkeye, Antman and Wasp?


edit*: guess I should'a put this in Avengers sequels forum.
Definitely all the heroes will be there. We may have some smaller heroes introduced in the film. S.H.I.E.L.D. knows what to do. ;)
You don't have to wonder about the Hulk
the amazing spider-man should appear as a cameo or something :D
The dynamics of a film franchise are different than in a comic franchise. I'm sure the six from the first film will be back. We'll get one or two at best joining. Given news and speculation, Ant-Man (possibly with Wasp in tow) and Ms. Marvel are likely.
I'd like to see Ant-Man and Wasp appear. I feel like it would be odd to keep skipping them, even if Edgar Wright has his own plans for Ant-Man.

I can see them adding Black Panther or Ms. Marvel, though with the rumoured Panther film I can see them skipping him until after his film is done.
I'd like to see Ant-Man and Wasp appear. I feel like it would be odd to keep skipping them, even if Edgar Wright has his own plans for Ant-Man.

I can see them adding Black Panther or Ms. Marvel, though with the rumoured Panther film I can see them skipping him until after his film is done.

they probably won't do ant man or wasp. or panther, not till after their solo movies. maybe a cameo though
She Hulk would be pretty easy to work into the plot.
they probably won't do ant man or wasp. or panther, not till after their solo movies. maybe a cameo though

Ant-man at least will probably have his movie before Avengers 2. Though from what I've heard so far it's not looking likely that Wasp (even as just Janet) will turn up in that, so I'm unsure in the possibility of her turning up elsewhere. Personally I'd like her to be left out until they're ready to have Ant-man at the same time.

She Hulk would be pretty easy to work into the plot.

I'm not so sure. I'd expect they'd have to explain her origin since she's not going to have a solo movie and I don't see them going for derivative heroes when they still have the heroes they're derived from on the team and there are better candidates.
I'd like to see Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch at some point.
The only definite addition will be Falcon. Everything else is up in the air.
Iron Man
Captain America
The Hulk
Black Widow
War Machine
Ms. Marvel

"Fury's Eleven." :oldrazz:
Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow
War Machine (according to a recent interview with Cheadle, might also be in the Avengers 2)

Just a couple of more months and we will see how things start to shape up once Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 come out.

Ant Man movie will be the first movie in Phase III, I believe. And maybe even a Dr. Strange movie since he is rumored to have an apperance (maybe cameo or relatively minor screen time) in Thor:TDW.
And maybe even a Dr. Strange movie since he is rumored to have an apperance (maybe cameo or relatively minor screen time) in Thor:TDW.
That rumor was BS and the Strange movie in Phase III has already be confirmed
maybe the Avengers will break ties with S.H.I.E.L.D at some point. then they restart with pym and van dyne as members.
maybe the Avengers will break ties with S.H.I.E.L.D at some point. then they restart with pym and van dyne as members.

Technically, they've already broken ties with SHIELD. Fury got the team together, but most of them were pissed off at him and stopped trusting him when they found out he was planning to use the Cube to make weapons (the same way Red Skull did for HYDRA back in WWII). And everybody went their separate ways at the end of the movie. So for now, the Avengers are already disassembled.
I imagine Steve and Bruce are shackin up at Avengers tower. Steve's probably late on his rent at his home in Brooklyn. Bruce doesn't really have a much better option.

Tony has a nice house in Cali (for the time being) and Thor has a palace. :p Natasha and Clint probably still have contracts with SHIELD and nice homes elsewhere on the planet.
I imagine it'll pretty much be the same line-up as the first Avengers. They could also have Black Widow and Hawkeye get taken out by villains at some point. The team needs to find some replacements and recruit Ms. Marvel and Ant-Man. Or they might just need more members to defeat Thanos. It could be neat to see Ms. Marvel introduced in an Avengers film and then get an origin movie later, if the public reacts well to her. I think it would be interesting to have a new member forced onto the team. It could create a bit of tension and interplay with existing members, as they try to figure her/his origin out. "How did you get your powers again?" I do feel the team needs more than 1 female member.

She-Hulk won't happen. She'd have to be all CGI, which I feel would be harder to pull of than Hulk. She-Hulk would have to not only have a presence but also a sexiness to her. Might be really hard to do correctly. Of course, maybe she can be Hulk's replacement in Avengers 3?

If they keep recruiting members, maybe by Avengers 3, the team could be rather large. They could have them split into smaller teams to deal with different locations/crises simultaneously. Would be a great way of creating tension by allowing for cross-cutting between teams and situations.
Why kill characters ? Since Black Widow & Hawkeye are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have them leave the group for a mission or something & then bring in new heroes
Get rid of Hawkeye, introduce Ant-Man and maybe just Star Lord. Too many heroes would make it far too busy. I doubt the core members (all the ones who had individual movies) will be removed unless RDJ makes the baffling decision to leave after his contract is up.
Iron Man (will be incapacitated for some portion of the film)
Captain America
Black Widow (will betray the team somehow)
Hawkeye (will have more time to shine with everything else going down the ****ter)

Rocket Raccoon
Adam Warlock
Nova (only one I'm not so sure about showing up)
Iron Man (will be incapacitated for some portion of the film)
Captain America
Black Widow (will betray the team somehow)
Hawkeye (will have more time to shine with everything else going down the ****ter)

Rocket Raccoon
Adam Warlock
Nova (only one I'm not so sure about showing up)

Agreed, for the most part. I still think War Machine joins the club, too, and Avengers 2 becomes "Avengers Affirmative Action Edition." Still a sausage-fest, though: so, with Widow still being the only girl on the team in TA2, I don't think they're going to make it even MORE of an all-boys' club by turning her into a traitor.

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