Spiritual Experiences


....I need a horse!
Jan 18, 2012
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I am going out on a limb here posting this. But does anyone here meditate? Or tried to make contact with higher dimensional beings?

Share experiences if you'd like

Also, Anyone know anything about a spiritual race of beings called the Arcturians? I had an experience, and would love to share the experience with others who know anything.

I am here discussing mostly comics, but its the forum I am mostly active on, and since this is a general area, I figured I'd try give it a go.
I ain't afraid of no ghost.

Now that I got that off my chest, no. I'm too afraid to contact higher dimensional beings. I won't even try Bloody Mary.
A "spiritual" experience is when one has a predisposition to a spiritual belief, then uses confirmation bias to interpet an "experience" to this belief when it could be rationally explained.
A "spiritual" experience is when one has a predisposition to a spiritual belief, then uses confirmation bias to interpet an "experience" to this belief when it could be rationally explained.

what if one has an experience prior to a spiritual belief? What if one is a complete skeptic until said experience?....
I've never meditated personally but do dreams count here as spiritual experiences?

About 10 years ago when a good friend of mine died I had a very vivid dream about hanging out with him one last time. It felt like it went on for an entire day and at the end we were standing in the middle of a huge field at night on a dirt path. It felt very real and the moon was really close to the Earth so it was giving off a ton of light. He said, I gotta go now, and walked off and disappeared.

I've had all kind of dreams before, some kinky, some bizarre and some scary but this one had an impact. I thought about it for the rest of the week. I'm kinda convinced that this wasn't so much a dream but an out of body thing.
Groundbreaking Ghost Video

Undeniable proof and evidence that the dead are among us!
I had a friend in high school who once confided in me that she "talked to god". Like, not metaphorically or whatever, she claimed to have actual back and forth conversations with him.

...I stopped hanging out with her shortly after she revealed this to me.

I've had no such experiences myself.
I meditate but haven't had any "spiritual experiences". I mainly meditate to clear my mind and center myself. It helps with stress and sometimes after a nice meditation session I kind of feel more happy.

Closest I've ever come to anything like this was when I saw a ghostly figure in my room. Could have been dreaming but I was, and still am, pretty sure that I was wide awake and saw a ghost. However, just saw it that one time and that's been that.
Care to elaborate?

I am not sure I feel comfortable saying without ridicule.

If people come into this thread with an open mind, then yes I will elaborate.
Share your stories anyways! While I am a skeptic and a scientific-minded person doesn't mean I don't like hearing about paranormal/supernatural experiences.
Sorry, but don't believe in aliens or extra dimensional beings. Only believe in God, angels, and demons. It's all about deceit in these last days and I can't believe how blind people are to the plan.
Sorry, but don't believe in aliens or extra dimensional beings. Only believe in God, angels, and demons. It's all about deceit in these last days and I can't believe how blind people are to the plan.

Do elaborate.
Do elaborate.
Well, one of the biggest lies Lucifer has people believe is that he doesn't exist. But anyone who's an upper level mason, watches these music videos, sports commercials, and tv shows can see the obsession lately with fallen angels. It's almost to a degree of worship. I've heard people say that the reason Lucifer fell is because he's the most "human" being of all, which is complete utter bs if I ever heard it. God has made it clear that he put something in everyone, whether it be atheist to hardcore christian, but something in us yearns to find our Master, which is why I think a lot of people do all kinds of things to fill that void. Whether it is some kind of escape from reality through comics, drugs, science conventions.....everyone is trying to find God whether they realize it or not. But what Satan does it put something in front of us, for us to question God. Notice how Hollywood is putting all these movies out lately about alien invasions? Getting you ready that there is "something" up there but we don't know what? It all ties in with the fallen angel worship. Even the tv show Ancient Aliens is saying that all these bible stories were aliens, again which is bs. It's all about deception. In the end days, that's going to be the biggest thing going on, even the bible says God will send them strong delusions. I'll just say this because I really didn't want to write a novel and I know my thoughts are scattered around but I really didn't know how to say this in a few words. If you really want to know if demons exist, use an oijia(spelling) board. Those things would make an atheist cry out for Jesus.
I thought I'd had spiritual experiences but it turned out to just be a symptom of my manic depression, called ideas of reference. (Definition: Ideas of reference involve the belief that casual events, people's remarks, etc. are referring to oneself when, in fact, they are not.) These kinds of things happened to me throughout high school and college. Casual coincidences seemed, to me, to be proof of God.

I dont mean to say that people with a belief in a Higher Power are mentally ill but that it was true in my case.
I've played with a Ouija board. All it did was make me laugh. The ideomotor response doesn't scare me and I remain firmly an atheist. I used to live with an unbelievably new age-y person who did the Ouija board thing, tarot cards, astrology, vision quests on mescaline. I would occasionally participate just for the hell of it. She saw ghosts and prophecies and cosmic interference and divine coincidence everywhere she looked. It was equal measures hysterical and irritating. Not once did any of these crazy ideas ever seem real to me. Not once.

After stating that "you can't believe how blind people are to the plan," you seem awfully vague and unsure of what this plan actually is.
I've played with a Ouija board. All it did was make me laugh. The ideomotor response doesn't scare me and I remain firmly an atheist. I used to live with an unbelievably new age-y person who did the Ouija board thing, tarot cards, astrology, vision quests on mescaline. I would occasionally participate just for the hell of it. She saw ghosts and prophecies and cosmic interference and divine coincidence everywhere she looked. It was equal measures hysterical and irritating. Not once did any of these crazy ideas ever seem real to me. Not once.

After stating that "you can't believe how blind people are to the plan," you seem awfully vague and unsure of what this plan actually is.

No, I admitted I have problems explaining it. But you are an atheist so no matter what is said, you won't believe anyway. It's no knock against you but just being realistic. As far as the Ouija board thing, how many times did you use it? Honestly, the first time we did it, it did move but it wasn't until the second and third time that crap started moving on it's on in our house.
I don't believe in spirits or souls as actual tangible things. I think they're strictly metaphorical and all we have are our bodies and minds.
No, I admitted I have problems explaining it. But you are an atheist so no matter what is said, you won't believe anyway. It's no knock against you but just being realistic. As far as the Ouija board thing, how many times did you use it? Honestly, the first time we did it, it did move but it wasn't until the second and third time that crap started moving on it's on in our house.

I used it a couple times. My roommate and her friends where doing ritualized nonsense like that in my house constantly. Should it matter that I wasn't always participating? It happened under my roof and I never once saw anything paranormal happen there. Remember, you did say "Those things would make an atheist cry out for Jesus." Didn't happen.

I'm open to believing. You just have to actually make your case.
I commune with snake gods on a regular basis.
I used it a couple times. My roommate and her friends where doing ritualized nonsense like that in my house constantly. Should it matter that I wasn't always participating? It happened under my roof and I never once saw anything paranormal happen there. Remember, you did say "Those things would make an atheist cry out for Jesus." Didn't happen.

I'm open to believing. You just have to actually make your case.

No, you are right. I have heard people say that they used it and nothing happened. Me and the other people I know that have used it were not so lucky.
Docker. you simply need to research ouija boards to see there is a scientific explanation. Heck you tube. it.
There is nothing paranormal going on at all. Its everyone using it that subconsiously moves it.

I've used a ouija board plenty of times. at first as a believer. but I always suspected there was a rational explanation. Which was that we subconsciously move it. Hence, being able to predict what it is going to say when its a common thought. and why it said jibberish a lot Because the people using it had different ideas of what it was "trying" to say.


I suppose you will reject the science behind it as you seem to be pretty devout in the belief in demons and angels etc......

But you are an atheist so no matter what is said, you won't believe anyway

The quote you made above highlights your ignorance on atheism.

An atheist, generally speaking, would follow the evidence before accepting the truth behind the subject.
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Ah, good 'ol Darren Brown!

An atheist, generally speaking, would follow the evidence before accepting the truth behind the subject.

Precisely. I don't say "god/ghosts/astrology/bigfoot/whatever doesn't exist/isn't real," I'm saying "I have yet to encounter any evidence that would compel me to give those ideas credence, therefore I lack belief in them."

My mind is open. I'm willing to take the evidence as it comes. I would love to be wrong. What could be more thrilling than experiencing a paradigm shift in one's world view?
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