Starcraft 2!

Capt Throbberson

Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
It's official

Dear God, is it really true? After all these years its finally been announced. Now maybe after, oh what 10 years, we might actually get to play it.
holy mother of God... I have never been so f***in stoked about a PC game like I am now

this game is gonna rule
Dear God, is it really true? After all these years its finally been announced. Now maybe after, oh what 10 years, we might actually get to play it.

Heh, does anyone know what happened to Starcraft: Ghost? Is it still in development or did they scrap the project?
Ive never played Starcraft before. Have no idea what the big deal is
Heh, does anyone know what happened to Starcraft: Ghost? Is it still in development or did they scrap the project?

That project is completely dead in the water. I have a friend who writes for some gaming website and has been to E3 a few times. Two different times they had Starcraft: Ghost there and he said they were both two completely different games. Then the project was "delayed" and all information about it was removed from Blizzard. My friend tells me that its pretty much dead and never coming out. I'm actually ok with this. The great thing about Blizzard is that they have very high standards, and if Blizzard wasn't impressed by what the developers came up with, I'm glad they decided to scrap it instead of releasing a mediocre game.

You can read all about it here.
Ive never played Starcraft before. Have no idea what the big deal is

Well yes, if you haven't played then you certainly wouldn't know what the big deal is.
We'll probably see this in...what's a good guess...5 years?
if they already have screen shots and gameplay vids out, I'd assume it'll be alot sooner than 2008/09 I would assume
you know, it doesn't look that great compared to what you can do these days with graphics.
But Do I think it will be good?
Hell Yes.

I like this picture.
Maybe she's my favorite hero.

Remember her, Kerrigan, the uniquely styled hero. Will I be able to play as her in a solo play mission? Will she die at the end of the story? If the Zerg infested her then the protoss can do it too but not to infest, instead, to cleanse her and other infested beings.

I hope heroes in starcraft 2 will be able to level up like heroes in WOW and warcraft3. There will be level 3 psi storm, bigger area and greater damage, that purges enemies slowing them and removing buffs, ...kidding :yay:

I wish the protoss carrier will spawn more interceptors and carriers are equipped with ion cannon, like the alien ship in independence day ... but this will be overwhelming and might ruin the game balance. :yay:

I can't wait to play it. But I'm sure it will require high requirements. So I must upgrade my PC again.. hehe :yay:

I like this picture.
Maybe she's my favorite hero.

Remember her, Kerrigan, the uniquely styled hero. Will I be able to play as her in a solo play mission? Will she die at the end of the story? If the Zerg infested her then the protoss can do it too but not to infest, instead, to cleanse her and other infested beings.

I hope heroes in starcraft 2 will be able to level up like heroes in WOW and warcraft3. There will be level 3 psi storm, bigger area and greater damage, that purges enemies slowing them and removing buffs, ...kidding :yay:

I wish the protoss carrier will spawn more interceptors and carriers are equipped with ion cannon, like the alien ship in independence day ... but this will be overwhelming and might ruin the game balance. :yay:

I can't wait to play it. But I'm sure it will require high requirements. So I must upgrade my PC again.. hehe :yay:

I saw that pic. Really, really cool.

But I don't think the Protoss have carriers anymore. I know they've got the 'Mothership' things which are so powerful you can't actually get more than one on the map.

Think about it - its been four years since Aiur was abandoned. Dragoons have changed, and the Protoss have also gone War of the Worlds with some of their walkers.

Thats just what I've seen.

And those Battlecruisers look like they've become a super-Yamato gun chassis; the gun had better pwn even more than it did in Starcraft.

And as for release, one of the execs said that he wanted to launch the sequel 10 years after the first, so it'll be 2008. And I do think they'll make it (WAR has progressed fairly quickly).
we already have a thread talking about this...sigh...
zeratul > kerrigan.

btw, it seems the two will fight in a cinematic in scII.
I hope they will include starcraft world editor....

Yes there will be, as usual, like warcraft and starcraft.

I just love creating my own map :yay:.
I really hope they let us make more than just 200 units and let us highlight more than 12 units... those are probably the most biggest drawbacks for me in the first one.

and I would LOVE to have an editor.
The limit isstill 200, but you can select 24 units at a time I believe. They have plans on "increasing the total units" but they're not sure if they're going to go through with it, as it would require a lot of computer power to have a screen full of ~1200 zerglings all going at each other.
The limit isstill 200, but you can select 24 units at a time I believe. They have plans on "increasing the total units" but they're not sure if they're going to go through with it, as it would require a lot of computer power to have a screen full of ~1200 zerglings all going at each other.
I mean just like double it... instead of 200 units, make it 400 units. I don't need 600 units on the battlefield... it would be fun, but unnecessary
I think they have raised the unit cap, or even removed it entirely.

Can't quite remember it for sure (pretty sure it was on the IGN site).

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