This post right here is exactly what you need to NOT do.
Don't blame the female gender for one relationship. You aren't stupid for allowing someone to get close to be blunt, what is stupid is to regret it.
It's going to hurt for a while, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to NOT throw a personal pity party. Seek comfort in friends, but also in yourself by understanding that everything in life teaches you something. What positive things can you take from this experience? Blaming yourself and others does nothing for you.
ATP, it's so hard.
I did EVERYTHING to be the best boyfriend ever. I did EVERYTHING to even explain to her how to be a better gf. I carried our weight, and she acts like I'm the one who failed. Everyday I think about her, and she does mental gymnastics to pretend that she's just awesome.
Emotionally: I was there for her if she neeeded to call me any time of the day. I always tried to think of her first.
Physically: TMI for SHH
Cash-ically: I've spent probably like $20,000 net on her.
I was always aces on everything that she wanted. And it ends because of some stupid fear of commitment ********. Damnit.
It's my fault. I was stupid. She's younger than me, I should have known. She's been 19 for a few months and I just 22 in September. I should never have gotten with someone so close to three years younger than me.. I should have been trying for like 25 or something..
My advice to you Silverstein, if you care about this girl, and I think from your posts you do, don't end it over some tough guy bull ****. She did something frustrating? People do. If you love them, you move past it. If you care about her, fight for it. That's what you oughta do. You should never give something like that up by choice, because one day it will be taken from you. And you don't recover from that. So cherish what you have for now.
I've tried talking to her, but part of why I broke up with her is that she has some kind of condition that makes her basically try to retroactively change our past. So things that I've done she'll sa never happened or happened differently.And she always tries to make me the badguy. I love her, but if she won't love me somebody else will...There are plenty of other factors, but it's that stupid ******** and then she'll, at the end of the day act like she still loves me, if only as a friend.
So I'm like **** that noise.
I've never had a problem getting numbers or talking to chicks. So what I want from her is unobtainable from someone unwilling to grow the **** up. So I'm moving on.
I don't know what to do, drinking doesn't even help anymore, because I'm not even sad anymore. I'm actually kind of happy. But it's winter and I miss the cuddling and the movies and everything. Yeah, paint me a jerk, I'd rather be a jerk and a *****e than heartbroken and alone.