Stop saying you have haters!


Apr 19, 2006
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This is one of those trends that now bothers me: calling out your haters. It mostly bothers me because I'm quite sure they don't exist.

I hear it a lot from DJs, people who work in service sector jobs, and promoters at bars. It's not that I have a problem with letting a person know they are bothering you, but the arrogant conceit that you're being made famous, or that your haters are jealous to me is insane. In fact, sometimes I notice the "haters" in fact don't even give two craps, and it fact the Hatee is jealous of the Hater.

Very odd phenomenon indeed, and only exacerbated by Facebook.


In fact, I'm sure haters don't "make you famous". In fact, seems to me like all the drama drags you down and costs you major, major business opportunities.

My friend is very much like this. Screaming about his haters, and he's broke, of course, and works freelance, and never makes his employers sign contracts, and doesn't hold them to task when they underpay him. No, he simply accepts it, parties afterwards, blows that money, they blames them for not paying him enough. Then after the business relationship blows up later on he starts screaming about his haters.

It seems to be a philosophy of some very arrogant and delusional people.
But...what if you legitimately have people that hate you, wouldn't they be haters :huh:
Reminds me of a show they did for a short while.

The program featured celebrities confronting someone critical of their success, career, lifestyle, or fame while attempting to win them over and convince them that their animosity was misdirected.
Uwe Boll did something like that once. But he challenged them to a boxing match
They had Joe Francis on the show? What would he have to say to someone who doubted him?

"See I grew up to be the horrible rapist you always said I would :)"
I agree with the haters BS... Do you find it ironic that these people do nothing but talk about there haters... If you really dont care then shut the F up about your haters..
I'm sure everyone has haters , but no one feels to the need to exploit that more than drama queens on facebook.
I'm sure everyone has haters , but no one feels to the need to exploit that more than drama queens on facebook.

Yup,, How can you even have haters on Facebook? I thought only friends can see your profile... Please forgive me im not a fan of the social network stuff.. I dont want everyone to know what im doing allll the time.
Yup,, How can you even have haters on Facebook? I thought only friends can see your profile... Please forgive me im not a fan of the social network stuff.. I dont want everyone to know what im doing allll the time.
Kind of agree with you there.

I like Facebook, and I put up major things, like buying a home or getting a pet, or how cute said pet is, but fueling drama and or airing out personal BS shouldn't be done on Facebook. That's just stupid.
Yup,, How can you even have haters on Facebook? I thought only friends can see your profile... Please forgive me im not a fan of the social network stuff.. I dont want everyone to know what im doing allll the time.

People like to air their personal problems. I don't understand how so many girls can go on facebook and bash the hell out of their boyfriends for cheating or being jerks , but still don't leave them. It makes them look ridiculous.
This kinda reminds me of The Real World's first San Diego season, with the girl Frankie. She kept saying that all of her castmates hated her, when in all honestly they were all doing their own thing and not even paying much attention to her.
I didn't ask for your poetic assistance... hater.

Hey wait up... just trying to throw in a funny... why you gotta hate, you just wait till i post this on my facebook..... haters always hating on poetry
Most people who are constantly parading that they love their haters, have reasons to be hated.
Most people who are constantly parading that they love their haters, have reasons to be hated.
Most of the time the "hate" is more "pointing out how irresponsible and immature that person is".

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