Supergirl (1984)

I always rewatch this film every couple of years and looks like today is that day.

Just started it...of course its FAR from perfect or really good lol but there's something charming about it with how bad it is lol.

I do wish some parts of the film had been re-adapted/re-imagined for Supergirl the series.
I always rewatch this film every couple of years and looks like today is that day.

Just started it...of course its FAR from perfect or really good lol but there's something charming about it with how bad it is lol.

I do wish some parts of the film had been re-adapted/re-imagined for Supergirl the series.
(Love the new avatar)

I only watched it once and I actually enjoyed the first half an hour or so? Something like that but then things just get awful and weird with the villain and everything else.
(Love the new avatar)

I only watched it once and I actually enjoyed the first half an hour or so? Something like that but then things just get awful and weird with the villain and everything else.


They really wasted no time when it comes to this script. Kara somehow arrives on Earth with her costume on. She is able to magically turn into Linda Lee, and just joins school as if it aint nothing lol
I will always have a soft spot for this movie. I don’t know that I would call it “good,” but Helen Slater is perfect as Kara. I dare say her Supergirl would be remembered as fondly as Reeve’s Superman had she appeared in a better movie. Faye Dunaway was pretty hammy in this but still a better villain than the A-holes we got in Superman 3 and 4. I think the bigger problem with her character was that she was magic based. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I feel like magic generally needs to be kept out of Superman or Supergirl films unless you’re doing a crossover with Wonder Woman or Shazam. Because Supes is, at its core, a sci-fi story. You can merge fantasy and sci-fi (Star Wars and Dune do this really well) but it has to be done with care and this film definitely didn’t do that. It almost feels like a Supergirl film crossed with Conan the Destroyer or Legend.
I will always have a soft spot for this movie. I don’t know that I would call it “good,” but Helen Slater is perfect as Kara. I dare say her Supergirl would be remembered as fondly as Reeve’s Superman had she appeared in a better movie. Faye Dunaway was pretty hammy in this but still a better villain than the A-holes we got in Superman 3 and 4. I think the bigger problem with her character was that she was magic based. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I feel like magic generally needs to be kept out of Superman or Supergirl films unless you’re doing a crossover with Wonder Woman or Shazam. Because Supes is, at its core, a sci-fi story. You can merge fantasy and sci-fi (Star Wars and Dune do this really well) but it has to be done with care and this film definitely didn’t do that. It almost feels like a Supergirl film crossed with Conan the Destroyer or Legend.
The script needed some more drafts, it was occassionally too campy, the over the top acting by Dunaway really brings this down though.

I liked many scenes in this for example this scene..

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