Suprised it hasn't been made

The Geek Vault

Come at me bro
Apr 29, 2005
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What books or tv shows or video games or toy lines or anythign are you suprised HASN'T been made into a movie yet? For I've gotta say I always thought they'd eventually make a Amelia Bedilia movie remember the maid who got everything wrong? I always thought they'd make her into a movie along with Curious George. Also I'm suprised Thundercats isn't a movie yet?
What books or tv shows or video games or toy lines or anythign are you suprised HASN'T been made into a movie yet? For I've gotta say I always thought they'd eventually make a Amelia Bedilia movie remember the maid who got everything wrong? I always thought they'd make her into a movie along with Curious George. Also I'm suprised Thundercats isn't a movie yet?

ThunderCats was confirmed a while ago... :csad:
I know but I'm still suprised no one has taken it further ya know?
I was going to say Legend of Zelda, too...It seems like it could be big if done right.
For games I'd say Zelda and Star Fox both Suprise me of and Metriod
For games I'd say Zelda and Star Fox both Suprise me of and Metriod

Metroid was going to be made a few years ago with John Woo attached to direct...but that fell apart.
RAINBOW SIX. I'm still baffled that it hasn't been made into a franchise.
That could be quite an interesting set of movies....

I'm shocked that, despite how it obliterated Sept last year, Halo isn't going to be made
Gears of War
God of War

There have been rumors of them getting made but nothing too serious that I know of..
Felix the Cat. Not counting the animated movie that came out over 15 years ago.
Wonder Woman. It should have been made a while ago, but its been in development hell for so long now.
Metal Slug
God of War
i second legend of zelda.

and also i'll add:

megaman (hit game, hit cartoon. where's the f'n movie?)

Dexter's lab

The Flash

Captain A- oh wait, yeah already done I guess..

michael jordon movie (spacejam doesn't count)

Who framed rogger rabbit 2. (I know that the first movie was a once in a lifetime kind of thing but i'd still like it if they knocked out another one; probably never will though.)

Disney shows turned movies:

Ducktales, Talespin, Darkwing duck, Gargoyles, Gummi Bears. (goofy got one, why not the rest?)
I'm surprised nobody has attempted to adapt "The Catcher in the Rye" into a film yet. I'm also surprised that Marvel hasn't made a new Captain America movie.
Gears of War
God of War

There have been rumors of them getting made but nothing too serious that I know of..
Gears is getting a movie.
Halo. I mean come on it's had the highest grossing release of any entertainment thing ever.
Gears is getting a movie.
Halo. I mean come on it's had the highest grossing release of any entertainment thing ever.

Huh? Dont get me wrong Im not against the idea.But Halo sold about 9 million discs for the 360.,,and Nintendogs sold 17 million for the DS..Do you want a Nintendogs movie then?

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