The 2012 Republican National Convention


Feb 24, 2008
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We had threads for both of the conventions back in 2008 and I thought it might be good to have them again given how popular those threads were.

The Republican National Convention will be held from August 27-30, 2012 in Tampa, Florida.

Will you be watching?

Discuss all things CONVENTION!

The Official Website
I admire Paul's tenacity although the RNC has no genuine interest in implementing an iota of Paul's agenda in their platform.
Looking at the list of speakers, I like how they have a video for Ron Paul. Like they couldn't get him to talk in person.

It should also be said on "We Did Build That Day"

Sher Valenzuela, who is scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention next week, embodies the American Dream. The 58-year-old, who is running for lieutenant governor in Delaware, started an upholstery business with her husband in their garage more than a decade ago to pay for their son's autism treatments. The business, which makes padding for baseball umpires and vests for the Israeli military, now employs at least 40 workers and pulls in millions in revenue each year.

But there's one problem for Republicans, who hope to align Valenzuela's story with the convention's "We Built It" theme: She didn't actually build her company without the government's help.

Valenzuela's company received roughly $17 million in federal loans and contracts and she's openly encouraged other business owners to rely on taxpayer funding, Media Matters reported Thursday.
Well, Paul did come out saying that he "doesn't fully support" Romney. Rand, on the other hand, will actually be there at the convention.
Was the convention suspended again? I just turned on CNN and I'm seeing hurricane coverage.

Read Romney got 2,000+ votes. Paul got like 202....

GOP united my arse.
The Republican National Convention's decision to bar half of Maine's delegates for Rep. Ron Paul set off a fierce, angry Paul revolution Tuesday in the midst of the GOP's grand push to nominate Mitt Romney as its candidate for president.

The Paul delegates were blocked in an unusual set of challenges during earlier party proceedings, and Tuesday they tried to reverse the decision on the convention floor. When they failed despite what sounded like fierce support from many other delegates, they erupted. "We were robbed," they chanted, among other high-volume protests.

As Paul's Maine supporters left -- many emotional and visibly upset -- they made it clear they felt betrayed.

One reporter caught some especially rude language and hand gestures by a Paul supporter on the floor.

I hope Ron Paul ppl flock to Johnson or Obama just to get back at the GOP it will be priceless.
...that could be a PR nightmare.
A Troubling Chant on the Convention Floor

As I was standing in line for a sandwich next to an Italian and a Puerto Rican correspondent, a controversy was unfolding on the floor. The RonPaulites, whose furious devotion to a single idea have made them the Ellen Jamesians of the right, were protesting a decision by RNC officials not to seat members of the Maine delegation, which was split between Paul and Romney supporters following rule changes made just prior to the convention. There were energetic shouts of “Aye!” and “Nay!” as a Puerto Rican party functionary—Zoraida Fonalledas, the chairwoman of the Committee on Permanent Organization—took her turn at the main-stage lectern. As she began speaking in her accented English, some in the crowd started shouting “USA! USA!” The chanting carried on for nearly a minute while most of the other delegates and the media stood by in stunned silence. The Puerto Rican correspondent turned to me and asked, “Is this happening?” I said I honestly didn’t know what was happening—it was astonishing to see all the brittle work of narrative construction that is a modern political convention suddenly crack before our eyes.

Utterly disgusting and shameful.

I mean, the RNC chair having to step in and hammer the gavel...that's
That's reprehensible, the GOP has reached a new low

I don't think it's fair to characterize the whole GOP that way, but I think the GOP really needs to take a surgical razor to their fringe.
Hey Marx, I like how you post news stories. Is there a quick way to do it like that, or do you have to individually pick the font, size, etc..
I don't think it's fair to characterize the whole GOP that way, but I think the GOP really needs to take a surgical razor to their fringe.

I agree but I am starting to question how large the "fringe" actually is. I know the loudest, most obnoxious gets the most attention but it seems to be growing.
I agree but I am starting to question how large the "fringe" actually is. I know the loudest, most obnoxious gets the most attention but it seems to be growing.

They are growing louder because they are becoming increasingly more dated and irrelevant.
Hey Marx, I like how you post news stories. Is there a quick way to do it like that, or do you have to individually pick the font, size, etc..

You have to individually select everything but it's not hard at all to do.

All you do is post the link with a headline above. Highlight the headline. Change the font to four and change the color to whatever color you want. I usually do red for republican-leaning stories, blue for democratic-leaning stories, purple for independents, and black for a general story.

I usually add the "
" for the post icon to draw attention to it. :up:
I wish I had a drivers license and a car so I could go across the bridge to Tampa so I could try and meet the Daily Show crew. Would be awesome.

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