The Danger Room

Byrd Man

El Hombre Pájaro
May 25, 2006
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Welcome to The Danger Room, who wants a good ole fashioned slobber-knocking! Here we have a chance to take out our hostilities on each other and kick some ass! Here are the rules.

  • You can be any character you currently play in a comic RPG. So, MB and I having Supes and Hulk duke it out is acceptable due to the fact that we play them in RPGs. No CAH, or any other RPG in a diffrent media. Comics only.
  • while this is not technically an RPG it is aligned with it and should be respected as the others are .
  • You must stay in character with your character.
  • Before the fights begin, you must say what your character has on their person. I don't wanna see Bats whip out a anti-Hulk gun and kill Hulk all of a sudden.
  • No massive brawls. Two on two is the limit on fight memebers.
  • You can only be involved in mutiple fights if your character is battling a character in a different location. (IE: Superman can't fight both Lex Luthor and Spider-Man in Metropolis.)
  • Before a fight must begin, you have to run it by the other RPer you're fighting with
  • The fights won't last any longer than four days. You must have an end befoe then
  • You must say the location of the match in the opening post.
  • This will be the only thread. OOC comments can be allowed here
  • The first post from each player should say "Begin" at the top and the last post should say "End" at the bottom.
And with that, let's get it on!!!
To clarify its not related to the Dream Team League or the Role-Players league It's to supplement and act as training/practice grounds for fighting in the RPGs. :yay:

This practicing can help for ALL the RPG's but to limit flaming/arguing we've limited it to playing Comic Based Characters due to them having *set* limits.
Most of you have those so, no complaining!

I shall post this in large letters again:

This thread is for training, and practicing your fight skill writing, and maybe in some instances to let off steam and test run a fight before actually using it in an RPG.

This practicing can help for ALL the RPG's but to limit flaming/arguing we've limited it to playing Comic Based Characters due to them having *set* limits.
Most of you have those so no complaining!

Also this is not for character development roleplaying, deep psychological issues and thoughts are to be kept for the RPG's, just let your character fight.


Most of what I'm going to say Byrd already said it but I will do it anyway,

More than one fight is allowed at one time, however it is strictly, for now, One Vs. One. All Fights are Mutual, no planning needs to be involved, it's not an arc, it's just fighting, no winner needs to be declared, the fight ends when both parties consent to it.

You can fight in civilian identities of hero identities of your characters.

  • All fights between two players should start with each of them posting [Begin] in their first posts, along with the components for the fight.
  • All fights between two players should end with each of them posting [End].


Character - Kinda self-explanitory

Location - Must be somewhere practical for each character. Rogue can not fight on the Moon, and Aqua-man has a disadvantage in the desert. All characters carry the same weaknesses they do in the comics/RPGs.

Weapons - All Weapons carried by the characters must be listed in the first post from each player.

Clothing - Sometimes the clothing effects the characters, please state which costume they are wearing and please have them wear a costume...I don't want to see a nude Wolverine and Cyclops rolling in the mud together.

Health - List the health of the characters you're playing, have they been sick? Are they injured?


There will be no OOC thread, all OOC comments should be tagged as being OOC with IC then being shown for in character.

If there is more than one fight going on at a time, prefix your threads with your characters name.

Watching/Spectators are fine, however limit OOC comments please, and tage them as OOC posts. :)

All Fights Done and Pending will be posted in THIS thread...if you'd like to Battle someone please PM Me, or post in the Bulletin Board thread in the Application/General Forum and we'll get it up here, but remember you need to have a Partner already set up and consenting.

But feel welcome to watch, there will be NO OOC thread to go with this since it is it's own thing...once a fight has started please no spectator comments. ;)

Current & Pending Fights Are Listed Here!
Click Me! I Dare ya!

P.S. If this fails it was Byrd's idea :cwink:




Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) Byrd Man



Black Canary (Dinah Lance) Twylight

Location: Oliver Queen's Bedroom

Ollie's Gear: Right now, Ollie is in full GA costume. He has his bow, arrows (trick along with regular ones) and his sword.

Dinah's Gear: Dinah is in full costume. Her only weapon is a bo staff.
[OOC] I list my own stuff Byrd! No God-Modding :p[/OOC]

Ollie vs. Dinah

Character: Black Canary
Location: Ollie Queens Bedroom
Weapons: Bo Staff
Costume: Current one
Health: Perfect!

[OOC] Got nothing right now, you start[/OOC]
Bats Vs Dinah

Character: Black Canary
Location: The Brownstone
Weapons: Bo Staff
Costume: Current one
Health: Perfect!

[OOC] Bring it Bat boy[/OOC]
The Bat Vs. The Canary

Character: Batman/Bruce Wayne (Ultimate DC)
Location: The Justice Society Brownstone, New York City
Weapons: Battle ravaged, but fully equipped utility belt consisting of various trick gadgets, such as grappling hooks, gas bombs, and batarangs.
Costume: Dark Knight armor.
Health: Peak condition.

[OOC: Oh, it'll be brought, Pretty Bird.]
The Bat Vs. The Canary

Dinah smiles and circles her bo staff at her side before lunging forward, Her hands firmly gripping the staff at its middle, her legs braced, the end of the staff levelled at the crack of armor at his shoulder.

[OOC] Not a word at how sucky it is, and why is he on a police car? o_O[/OOC]
[OOC] I list my own stuff Byrd! No God-Modding :p[/OOC]

Ollie vs. Dinah

Character: Black Canary
Location: Ollie Queens Bedroom
Weapons: Bo Staff
Costume: Current one
Health: Perfect!

[OOC] Got nothing right now, you start[/OOC]

[OOC] I'm gonna enjoy this! :cmad: [/OOC]


Dinah flys through the air and slams hard against the wall. If she were any other woman, I'd feel bad about hitting her. But because of it's her, I actually enjoy it.

"I hope that hurt you...alot."

In my full Green Arrow getup, I leap onto my bed and crouch, waiting for her to make a move. When she finally does, I leap through the air and land on her.

"This has been coming along time...."
Arrow vs Canary
[OOC] I'm gonna enjoy this! :cmad: [/OOC]


Dinah flys through the air and slams hard against the wall. If she were any other woman, I'd feel bad about hitting her. But because of it's her, I actually enjoy it.

"I hope that hurt you...alot."

In my full Green Arrow getup, I leap onto my bed and crouch, waiting for her to make a move. When she finally does, I leap through the air and land on her.

"This has been coming along time...."

Dinah wiped the blood from her mouth and brought her leg up between his before thrusting her palm into his nose. Rolling out from under him she stood. Her feet spread in a fight stance her hands held out in front of her ready for action.

"Oh trust me, not half as long for you as it has been for me."

She lunged forward with her fist, to catch him across the chin in a solid punch.

[OOC] last one is open to be interpreted[/OOC]
Dinah wiped the blood from her mouth and brought her leg up between his before thrusting her palm into his nose. Rolling out from under him she stood. Her feet spread in a fight stance her hands held out in front of her ready for action.

"Oh trust me, not half as long for you as it has been for me."

She lunged forward with her fist, to catch him across the chin in a solid punch.

[OOC] last one is open to be interpreted[/OOC]

Blood splatters on the wall and I feel one of my teeth pop loose. Eh, it's a false one to begin with, Roy knocked it out years ago during a sparring session.

"You *****!"

I gain my bearing enough to kick her legs out from underneath her. She falls hard to the floor and I whip my sword out.

"C'mon, Birdy. Let's see how that stick of your holds up to some real steel."
The Bat Vs. The Canary

Dinah smiles and circles her bo staff at her side before lunging forward, Her hands firmly gripping the staff at its middle, her legs braced, the end of the staff levelled at the crack of armor at his shoulder.

[OOC] Not a word at how sucky it is, and why is he on a police car? o_O[/OOC]

[OOC] Quiet, you! Batman can perch where he pleases! [/OOC]

She's strong. Fast. Everything I feared her to be, since her arrival in Gotham. Naturally, I question what strengths are on my side, and what weaknesses. But such thought comes at a less than favorable end, as I realize who I'm up against. So, I decide to go with the rarer approach...

Act, and don't think.

She comes towards me with the staff. Strong titanium alloy, no doubt. Lucky, Wayne Enterprises specializes in such fields, if not it's CEO alone. I thrust my gauntlets up, and brace for impact as the staff collides, sending off an impressive array of sparks. I grit my teeth...

Damn it, she's better than I expected. I actually begin to feel my forearms shake, under the strain.

"If I wanted a fight, I would've asked.", I growl, taking the staff, pulling, and bracing her abdominals with my boot.

Dropping to the ground, I pull harder, and kick, sending her flying over me. It does little good, as she flips, and lands with a sure amount of footing. She's quick, that's apparent. Have to play on her weaknesses... if, that is, I find any.

I leap to my feet, and gauge her, indicating for her to come straight at me. Her weaknesses will become that much more obvious through strategical combat. Then, only then, can I learn what she's doing in Gotham.


"But I'll oblige anyway."
Arrow vs Canary

Blood splatters on the wall and I feel one of my teeth pop loose. Eh, it's a false one to begin with, Roy knocked it out years ago during a sparring session.

"You *****!"

I gain my bearing enough to kick her legs out from underneath her. She falls hard to the floor and I whip my sword out.

"C'mon, Birdy. Let's see how that stick of your holds up to some real steel."

I hit the ground with a *thud* my right hip taking most of the impact. The bedroom leaves little room for maneuverability but it makes up with diversions. grabbing a pillow I thrust it into the sword, causing an explosion of feathers. Taking the opportunity I catch his legs with my own, and upper cut him in the jaw as he comes down.

Struggling to stand I grab my staff from the floor and shove the end into his kidney.
The Bat Vs. The Canary

The Bat Vs. The Canary

[OOC] Quiet, you! Batman can perch where he pleases! [/OOC]

She's strong. Fast. Everything I feared her to be, since her arrival in Gotham. Naturally, I question what strengths are on my side, and what weaknesses. But such thought comes at a less than favorable end, as I realize who I'm up against. So, I decide to go with the rarer approach...

Act, and don't think.

She comes towards me with the staff. Strong titanium alloy, no doubt. Lucky, Wayne Enterprises specializes in such fields, if not it's CEO alone. I thrust my gauntlets up, and brace for impact as the staff collides, sending off an impressive array of sparks. I grit my teeth...

Damn it, she's better than I expected. I actually begin to feel my forearms shake, under the strain.

"If I wanted a fight, I would've asked.", I growl, taking the staff, pulling, and bracing her abdominals with my boot.

Dropping to the ground, I pull harder, and kick, sending her flying over me. It does little good, as she flips, and lands with a sure amount of footing. She's quick, that's apparent. Have to play on her weaknesses... if, that is, I find any.

I leap to my feet, and gauge her, indicating for her to come straight at me. Her weaknesses will become that much more obvious through strategical combat. Then, only then, can I learn what she's doing in Gotham.


"But I'll oblige anyway."

Like he expects me to come straight for him, I wasn't born yesterday. He holds himself with confidence that's rightly justified from that last move. He's strong, fast and knows how to use his body weight to it's full ability.

"I don't generally need to ask."

I move forward, feign a side kick but switching out in the last moment and catch him in the abdomen with a roundhouse, following up with a left hook and my right palm to his chin. I wince as my hand meats his armored mask. He comes prepared that's for sure.
Arrow vs Canary

I hit the ground with a *thud* my right hip taking most of the impact. The bedroom leaves little room for maneuverability but it makes up with diversions. grabbing a pillow I thrust it into the sword, causing an explosion of feathers. Taking the opportunity I catch his legs with my own, and upper cut him in the jaw as he comes down.

Struggling to stand I grab my staff from the floor and shove the end into his kidney.

I wince in pain as the stick connects with my kindey. God, I already have problems pissing now..

Forget it, forget the pain. Push it to the back of you mind.

I hear Dinah's stick cutting through the air and heading towards my skull. I roll away as quickly as I can, the stick makes a large slap as it smacks agianst the floor. She swings at me again, this time I have my sword up and in position to block her blow.

"Isn't that just like an airhead? Bring a stick to a knife fight?"
The Bat Vs. The Canary

The Bat Vs. The Canary

Like he expects me to come straight for him, I wasn't born yesterday. He holds himself with confidence that's rightly justified from that last move. He's strong, fast and knows how to use his body weight to it's full ability.

"I don't generally need to ask."

I move forward, feign a side kick but switching out in the last moment and catch him in the abdomen with a roundhouse, following up with a left hook and my right palm to his chin. I wince as my hand meats his armored mask. He comes prepared that's for sure.

I stumble back, nearly winded from the last hit. Even with the armor... it doesn't matter. I still felt it. Which means she's obviously been trained to penpoint the weaker nerves and softer bones. Were I not wearing the cowl, I'd hate to imagine what could've happened...

Strength, speed, and calculation. Definitely not her weaker points. But neither are they mine. Which either means we're far too evenly matched... or I just have to keep digging. And all the signs are scattered at this point, making my task all the more harder.

The pain in my lower chest still singes, as I regain footing just in time to avoid a fall. She's relentless. A smart move, on her part. But there is nothing that will stop me from making sure she comes out of this un-intact. There's a lesson to be learned, in meddling in affairs in which you don't belong. And a little pain isn't going to stop that...

I grab her arm as she lunges for another punch, this time at my chin. She's noticed the armor. A pity. I was hoping to at least allow her to continue believing she actually stood a chance. With a precisive elbow, I strike her in the arm, and follow that attack with a knee to the waistline. She staggers back, as I leap forward, and tackle her, slamming my head as hard as I can into her nose.

I don't make a habit out of brutality against females. But god knows, I've been tempted too many times as it is. And it may be the only way to end this mindless struggle...
The Bat Vs. The Canary

I stumble back, nearly winded from the last hit. Even with the armor... it doesn't matter. I still felt it. Which means she's obviously been trained to penpoint the weaker nerves and softer bones. Were I not wearing the cowl, I'd hate to imagine what could've happened...

Strength, speed, and calculation. Definitely not her weaker points. But neither are they mine. Which either means we're far too evenly matched... or I just have to keep digging. And all the signs are scattered at this point, making my task all the more harder.

The pain in my lower chest still singes, as I regain footing just in time to avoid a fall. She's relentless. A smart move, on her part. But there is nothing that will stop me from making sure she comes out of this un-intact. There's a lesson to be learned, in meddling in affairs in which you don't belong. And a little pain isn't going to stop that...

I grab her arm as she lunges for another punch, this time at my chin. She's noticed the armor. A pity. I was hoping to at least allow her to continue believing she actually stood a chance. With a precisive elbow, I strike her in the arm, and follow that attack with a knee to the waistline. She staggers back, as I leap forward, and tackle her, slamming my head as hard as I can into her nose.

I don't make a habit out of brutality against females. But god knows, I've been tempted too many times as it is. And it may be the only way to end this mindless struggle...

"Ah!" try as I might to hold it in, the cry escaped my lips. I don't want to show any weakness or fear, but that hurt! His head comes towards me and I tilt back to create distance and lessen the blow as much as I can.

It connects anyway, bringing tears to my eyes. Anger boils up inside me as my nose smarts, in a trained reaction I bring my knee up to his groin, wrapping my leg around his and pulling it out from under him. I have to get him down, he's to much of a threat if he stands. He hits the ground with a thud as his back connects to it. But the impact will do little to stun him given his armor.

His armor gives him a distinct advantage over me, covering most of the practical pressure points. His arms however, givn the smaller armor patches, and the potentially light structure of their manufacture might give me a chance if I manage to hit it hard enough.

Regaining my balance I lean over I strike the Pericardium 4 pressure point as he hits the ground. Taking the opening that gives me I step away from him slightly so he can't catch my legs.
Flash Clash!

The waves of the world were shot, upright, as two twin blurs of crimson energy dashed across them in between the space of seconds. By the time anyone would notice, they would be long gone, in their limitless battle that would shake the foundations of the world, were it ever captured in motion. All of that ran through Wally West's mind in the blink of an eye. And still, he did not care for a moment. He just kept punching away, trying his hardest to make his advasary scream for mercy, as he watched the imposter's blood seeped onto a costume Wally knew all too well.

A sonic boom echoed straight through Metropolis, Gotham City, Bludhaven, and Star, before finally, the conflict came to a momentary halt, as the streaks of energy came crashing through the walls of Keystone City's brightest, boldest, and most treasured monument ever forged. A monument to heroes long since passed, and others still fighting the good fight. In seconds, the southeast wall of that very building was reduced to mere rubble, as both scarlet-clad men came to a stop, glaring at eachother with hatred for reasons they didn't fully understand.

Wally glared at the imposter, as lightning surged through his eyes, and crossed his entire body, giving off a violent discharge, as he could only come up with one taunt to gague his enemy to fight back, and make it a worthy victory for him.

"I don't know who you are, or where you came from, pal. But I know this much... you are not Barry Allen!"
Flash Clash!

The waves of the world were shot, upright, as two twin blurs of crimson energy dashed across them in between the space of seconds. By the time anyone would notice, they would be long gone, in their limitless battle that would shake the foundations of the world, were it ever captured in motion. All of that ran through Wally West's mind in the blink of an eye. And still, he did not care for a moment. He just kept punching away, trying his hardest to make his advasary scream for mercy, as he watched the imposter's blood seeped onto a costume Wally knew all too well.

A sonic boom echoed straight through Metropolis, Gotham City, Bludhaven, and Star, before finally, the conflict came to a momentary halt, as the streaks of energy came crashing through the walls of Keystone City's brightest, boldest, and most treasured monument ever forged. A monument to heroes long since passed, and others still fighting the good fight. In seconds, the southeast wall of that very building was reduced to mere rubble, as both scarlet-clad men came to a stop, glaring at eachother with hatred for reasons they didn't fully understand.

Wally glared at the imposter, as lightning surged through his eyes, and crossed his entire body, giving off a violent discharge, as he could only come up with one taunt to gague his enemy to fight back, and make it a worthy victory for him.

"I don't know who you are, or where you came from, pal. But I know this much... you are not Barry Allen!"

I stand across from my nephew, the same one who's resented me all these years for killing Thawne, who's wearing his own Flash costume. It makes me proud, and kind of angry.

"I am Barry Allen! But I don't think you're Wally West. Wally isn't even speaking to me! Why would he put on a Flash suit??"

I dissapear from the imposter's sight, appearing behind him and grabbing him around the throat.

"Who sent you?!"
Crispus Allen vs. The Joker

Character: Crispus Allen
Location: 24-hour Wal-Mart
Weapons: Gun
Costume: Standard dress
Health: Prime

“Yes, Dore, I’ll get the Apple Jacks, not the Corn Pops this time,” Detective Crispus Allen said over his cellphone as he handled a box of breakfast cereal in his hand. He ended the conversation and looked at the cereal again. “What’s the difference, anyway?” he mused as he put the box in his cart. He was just off the night shift and had to stop at the Wal-Mart for ‘essential breakfast foods’. Sometimes, he thought his wife worried too much.

He hummed a little song as he went through the aisles, stopping here and there to look at the multitude of products and place one of them in his cart. Stopping at the toy section, Crispus looked at the ‘Mask of Zorro’-set on sale. Jake would probably like that, he thought as he placed the item in his cart and went along, humming a few more bars.

Character - The Joker
Location - 24 Hour Wal-Mart
Weapons - Several handguns, a knife, an acid-squirting trick flower, an electric joy-buzzer, razor-sharp playing cards, an exploding yo-yo, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree
Clothing - Purple suit, with a green waistcoat and blue shirt underneth, and a purple overcoat on top.
Health - Wonderful, thanks for asking!


"Oh, I love shopping in Wal-Mart at 3am, you meet some real weirdos. HA HA!"

The Joker sauntered through the aisles of Wal-Mart, his cart filled to the brim with diapers. Lots of diapers, nothing else. Don't even ask why.

"Egads! Could it be! Crispy, one of the ol' boys in blue!"

The Joker had spotted Crispus Allen doing some late night shopping of his own. The cop hadn't spotted The Joker yet. The Clown Prince of Crime decided to toddle along and say hello. Abandoning his cart, he approached Crispus.

"Good evening Officer, I'd like to report a shooting. This one..."

The Joker pulled out a handgun, and shot a passing shelf-stacker in the head.


Blood splattered on Crispus’ tailored suit. Instinctively, he pulled his gun and turned to aim it at the criminal. To his shock and horror, the Joker stood before him. “You,” he said, his hands quivering, even with Crispus’ usually steel nerves. He’d heard enough stories about the Joker. Heck, he had been to the funerals of the cops he had killed. He had at one time, even met the deranged man. The Joker obviously remembered him too.

In situations where man is confronted by intense stress or danger, they can be overtaken by three reactions. Fight, flight or freeze. Crispus’ brain yelled fight, his heart screamed for flight, and his body couldn’t help but freeze. He stared at the Joker helplessly and then to the man the Joker had just killed. The Joker seemed amused.

Crispus was not.

Heart gave in to his brain, as did his body.

It was time to fight.

Crispus fired off two shots, aimed at the Joker’s right leg.
The Joker jumped backwards, evading the first shot. But the second shot clipped his thigh, causing him to tumble backwards through a display tower of canned brockwursts.


The Joker emerged from the wreckage clutching his right leg, firing his handgun wildly in all directions.
One of the wildly shot bullets of the Joker narrowly missed Crispus’ head while another scraped his shoulder. It hurt nonetheless and Crispus weighed his options as he ducked behind the shelves of canned fruits. He could shoot just as wildly as the Joker, in hopes of hitting him, or he could do what he became a cop for in the first place:

To serve and protect.

“Everybody, get out, NOW!” he yelled as he ran through to the store to the entrance. He had to get the civilians out first. “NOW!” he yelled again as he guided the people out of the store. Then Crispus heard the shots stopping and reached for the nearby phone, frantically dialling the number of the police department.

The line was dead.
One of the wildly shot bullets of the Joker narrowly missed Crispus’ head while another scraped his shoulder. It hurt nonetheless and Crispus weighed his options as he ducked behind the shelves of canned fruits. He could shoot just as wildly as the Joker, in hopes of hitting him, or he could do what he became a cop for in the first place:

To serve and protect.

“Everybody, get out, NOW!” he yelled as he ran through to the store to the entrance. He had to get the civilians out first. “NOW!” he yelled again as he guided the people out of the store. Then Crispus heard the shots stopping and reached for the nearby phone, frantically dialling the number of the police department.

The line was dead.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Why don't you reach out and touch someone?"

The Joker hurled a watermelon at Crispus.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Why don't you reach out and touch someone?"

Crispus Allen narrowly dodged the watermelon, ducking behind the counter. The crazy ****ing clown, he thought to himself as he looked around for materials to use. He’d have to save the gun for precisions shots. The only two things in reach were a stapler and a tagging gun. He needed to get back into the store.

Crispus jumped up from behind the counter, taking the chair and kicking it towards the Joker.

Quickly, he ran away, in the direction of the condiments section.

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