The DC/Marvel Rematch You Want

there is a ***** fight i would pay to see. double that up with a jarvis/alfred showdown and im there for 3.99

anyways i would love to see an iron fist v. batman. i think you could do a kickass martial arts fight scene between those two.

steel vs. iron man. thats a cool fight of tech geniuses.

i know this is kinda weird cause its villains but i'd love to see a lex luthor v. doctor doom. that could be sick if they did it right.

finally id love to see two of my favorite villians duke it out with an apocalypse/darkseid showdown. talk about a battle of the titans, that would be friggin sweet.

anyone else game for these showdowns?:doom::doom::doom:
It would sux if done right! Doom would own Lex faster than Flash doing a hundred yard dash.
No, it's a reason to not count him out as a pushover. Once you get past that, it's his power, skill and tenacity that would get him to win.

Let's see if the gloves are off and Namor gets all his powers then he can do everything AM can do plus a great deal more. He's also older with more fight experience and a more brutal combatant.

And corp is right, superfriends ruined Aquaman. Personally I like aquaman in theory, but I haven't read a comic I liked him in since Justice. Though whenever I think of him I always get that family guy episode where he asks the fist to fetch him a drink and "try to keep the water out of it".
There's gotta be a point at which you just accept that Namor's powers ain't coming back. He's in the top tier of super-strong characters, he can fly, he can breathe underwater, and that's about it for him for the last few decades.
There's gotta be a point at which you just accept that Namor's powers ain't coming back. He's in the top tier of super-strong characters, he can fly, he can breathe underwater, and that's about it for him for the last few decades.

That really just depends on whose writting him. No one ever explained away his other powers, I think writers just got lazy down the line and went with something easy that wouldn't require actual research.

I don't mind if they get rid of them but to say that because he hasn't used them recently they just disappear doesn't fly. In a hypothetical match between the two Namor has every ability Aquaman has plus some. Unless they write an issue where he loses them then they still exist whether used or not.
Eh, it's happened to a lot of Marvel's earlier characters. Going literally decades without ever using the powers seems like a pretty clear indicator that people simply assume he doesn't have them anymore.
Well then I guess Supes still has his amnesia kiss.
Well, Superman's powers were at least explained away by CoIE and Man of Steel. Still, it all boils down to the same thing: You establish a perception of the characters by their portrayals in the comics. If those portrayals omit powers for decades, it's essentially the same thing as just saying the character no longer has those powers. At this point, if anyone even remembered his old powers, I'd expect a one-shot with a story about how Namor lost them before I'd expect to see them reintegrated into the modern comics.
There's gotta be a point at which you just accept that Namor's powers ain't coming back. He's in the top tier of super-strong characters, he can fly, he can breathe underwater, and that's about it for him for the last few decades.

What other powers did he previously have?
I guess he could copy the powers of any marine life, according to moraldeficiency and CaptainStacy.
Well, Superman's powers were at least explained away by CoIE and Man of Steel. Still, it all boils down to the same thing: You establish a perception of the characters by their portrayals in the comics. If those portrayals omit powers for decades, it's essentially the same thing as just saying the character no longer has those powers. At this point, if anyone even remembered his old powers, I'd expect a one-shot with a story about how Namor lost them before I'd expect to see them reintegrated into the modern comics.

While I agree in theory with that it translates to a slippery slope. Basically if a writer takes over a book and writes a character out of character like say the way bendis has done with someone like Hank Pym and Clint Barton and continues it for long enough is the fundamental character changed? Pym got over the wife beating rep to become a real hero but is now devolved into someone still tormented and fighting with these demons. So by your logic Pym now is the man bendis writes him as. See how that can suck?

We cherry pick the way our characters are written and depicted to fit what we see them as in our minds and that's cool. But if we're talking a hypothetical here then we really can only go with what's been established on paper and on paper namor still has numerous abilities even if we haven't seen them for years.

So while I agree with your logic for the most part it still doesn't fly without that one shot or a mention of why something isn't there anymore.
Well he's got that damn horn for commanding sea life and he used the powers of an electric eel once. I'll scan my FF files.

:ff: :ff: :ff:
Pym's only regressed for the past 5 years or so. When was the last time Namor used any of his other powers besides the super-strength and flight we all know about?

Anyway, I actually agree with you that it would be just as valid for Namor to use the powers again, since there's nothing that officially got rid of them. I was just saying they'll probably never be used again because, frankly, most people don't even know about them.
What other powers did he previously have?

He can control marine life (not talk to but override completely), his body can also simulate many abilities of marine life from electric shocks to various marine poisons.

Well color me an *******, I just looked it up on wiki and it says the powers were retconed away in a reprinting of the original issue from the early issues of FF (the first comics I ever read and why I happen to dig him more than AM).

So I'm wrong, though now I have to go read that issue. Anyone have a scan of Marvel Tales #9 (July 1967)?
Anyway, I actually agree with you that it would be just as valid for Namor to use the powers again, since there's nothing that officially got rid of them. I was just saying they'll probably never be used again because, frankly, most people don't even know about them.

It's a shame I loved those early FF issues with him. The additional abilites made him much more menancing especially to his rival reed, since mere strength shouldn't really hurt him (unless it's a hulk punch which defies all mystic and physical laws).
I wouldn't mind if they retained the electric eel power, at least. That would be particularly potent underwater.
I have... but I have to go in a trance to pinpoint the exact issue and I don't want to get my insence.

:ff: :ff: :ff:

Ah... here's one. FF6



:ff: :ff: :ff:
Personally I thought the senses thing was the best. With those Namor makes wolverine and daredevil combined look like jokes as trackers.

Franklin it was FF #9 I was thinking of, but that's pretty cool too.
Namor: I will charge the very air with electricity, just like an electric eel!
Sue: I will cover you in a blanket, just like your mother!


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