Darthphere said:Because they keep him dead for a year and bring him back in time for the movie. DUH!
thor87 said:If we had our way, i think most of us would have Iron man six feet under by the end of civil war, so if we could kill him, how would you want him to die?
Varient said:Death by Snoo Snoo?
FadingCB said:I wouldn't, I still like IM. I hate how he's portrayed in CW, and no positive spin could make me see him as anything but a *****e. After CW tho, or possibly after Planet Hulk or something...eventually him and Cap will be slapping eachothers backs like this never happened. IM no matter how big of an ass is one of my more favorite comic characters, I'd say within top 10 easy. One recent bad arch doesn't mean I want him erased as a character, it just makes it harder to enjoy CW (tho I still do, just not as much as I could have).
How would I kill him off tho? Crushed pelvis, he'd hit on and then have sex with some hot super strengthed girl who got carried away during sex, and he'd die doing the thing he seemed to love doing to anything that moved while he was alive.
yahman said:Is he really that much of a 'Deuchebag' though ? Has everyone forgotten the whole point of the 'Whose side are u on' marketting campaign in the first place ? Has anyone stopped to think how ******ed Cap's perspective really is. I mean what the hell is he actually campagning for? His perspective really makes little to no sense when you consider it.
thor87 said:hmmm, ive got one question for you, WHOS SIDE ARE YOU ON
thor87 said:superheros arent terrorist, last time i checked,
thor87 said:when the trade center got destroyed the terrorist werent trying to save people
thor87 said:, when stamford happened at least the heroes were trying to do some good even though it didnt work out that way in the end, please dont compare our heroes, to the terrorists
yahman said:Recent events such as the House of M, Enemy of the State, Avengers dissasembled and Thor the Reigning, all suggest other wise. Especially when u consider them from a civillian perspective.
Now arent we glad we can look past the civilian perspectives to see the right and the wrong of the present situation. I would take it that you would think that US imprisonment of japponese citizens during ww2 as nessecary and just. Cause thats kinda what tony stark is doing, imprisoning all who wont register and serve.
Many muslim fundamentalists would disagree, and would state that in war there are always casualties in war.
Well its a good thing that we dont care wheter or not they disagree. And casualties of war can only happen when you have a war you are fighting, they randomly attacked us, those sons of dogs attacked us like cowards, and we most likely killed there familys for it.
Its unfair to apply rules to some and not others (I.e. why should rules apply to those who are apparently heroes and those who are not); whom are u 2 decide who is a heroe and who is a 'badguy'. Im sure various Iraq civilians would regard the U.S. and British forces as 'bad guys'.
ShadowBoxing said:AIDs...he should get AIDs.