Last week of July for Comics week…more Knight terrors.
Knight Terrors #2
Second issue works…the main one of this Arc is just feeling better than all these tie ins.
Like you can tell the rest is just for the gimmick, but this one is where the story moves.
And in that, the arc works well and has a lot of potential.
A different timing would have probably helped the story.
But like I said before, things run good on so many comics that putting the breaks on them to do this arc, hurts the event more than anything.
Like you get a hot running Detective Comics arc, you stop that for a okay Detective Comics tie in that visually is neat, but could have easily worked as backup.
And that is the story of many of these.
Action Comics, Shazam, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman etc.
Which does Knight Terrors rather dirty because the potential is there.
I could see Knight Terrors be popular because of the Covers, there are a lot of strong covers going around with these.
Like the Detective Comics Cover…really really cool look.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #3
That one is a bit of a weird one.
Because I didn’t catch the news that Kings Joker part here wouldn’t be in this issue.
So its weird seeing it promoted as this continuation but it not having that at all.
Liked the first story, but the rest was okay at best.
Not much to say to this really…it sells itself by showing the first fight against Joker.
We certainly had better Anthology books.
Sucks because I had high expectations to a series called Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor #1
@CrimsonMist s word isn’t enough, take mine too…this one is absolutely incredible.
The flow of this, the characterization, the relationship between clark and lex, the writing, the art…it all works so well and creates something special.
It blew me away and im looking forward to how this continues.
Im a sucker for these kind of stories.
Stories that tackle the Moral of the Superhero.
We certainly need these kind of stories these days.
I cant tell you how many times i saw people say that Superheroes should at least kill their main villain.
We need more stories that show us that this is not right, that even the worst person deserves to be saved.
If they are worth it or not, is not the heroes decision to make.
On that i would love to see a story that tackles the whole "batman should kill the joker" mindset and how that would spiral out of control.
Too many are too comfortable with making Batman into the Punisher.
At the moment im super glad how things run with Superman and his Family.
So much incredible good stuff running in the comics alone.
But then you got A TV show that is beloved, the new cartoon is praised, the live action movie so far shapes up to be good…Superman fans eat so good currently and im happy for them…and also for me who likes good Superman stuff too.
Alone Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor makes it worth it to go to your comic book store.
That one is really really good.
Other than that, not much else.
Knight Terrors still isn’t throwing heavy punches that make it a must read.
And so the month is probably the least expensive if you aren’t into that Story.