The Incredible Hulk Hype Meter - How hyped are you?


Watchin' you!
Dec 30, 2002
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I mean seriously, there seems to be none! Is Marvel making a mistake by waiting so long to leave bread crumbs for the fans? I think this will hurt the B.O. if they don't move soon. Opinions peeps!
I mean seriously, there seems to be none! Is Marvel making a mistake by waiting so long to leave bread crumbs for the fans? I think this will hurt the B.O. if they don't move soon. Opinions peeps!

I gotta admit, it's pretty anorexic. It's a pretty stacked summer next year, I hope Hulk doesn't try to do the 'Sleeper" thing with it's promotion. It needs to establish a presence fast like the first movie did.
I mean seriously, there seems to be none! Is Marvel making a mistake by waiting so long to leave bread crumbs for the fans? I think this will hurt the B.O. if they don't move soon. Opinions peeps!

Well I am willing to wait out the rest of the month. But I really believe they should start moving this December coming. By January the first stage of the hype building should either be complete or completing. Teaser Trailer, Official Poster etc. If by January we still have nothing then I will start to be worried.
It's too early. Stuff will trickle in from now until the Superbowl or whenever the trailer is released but it's been proven the best strategy is to go all out about a month or so before the film is released. The NFL playoff's and the Superbowl are the best time start the campaign of course. Don't worry...before you know it you'll have a crapload of Hulk imagery to talk about.
It's too early. Stuff will trickle in from now until the Superbowl or whenever the trailer is released but it's been proven the best strategy is to go all out about a month or so before the film is released. The NFL playoff's and the Superbowl are the best time start the campaign of course. Don't worry...before you know it you'll have a crapload of Hulk imagery to talk about.

Aight! Well I guess I have no choice but to go with the "Advanced Salesman/Marketer" Hee! Hee! But I hope we at least have one breadcrumb like an official poster as a Christmas present :woot:
Aight! Well I guess I have no choice but to go with the "Advanced Salesman/Marketer" Hee! Hee! But I hope we at least have one breadcrumb like an official poster as a Christmas present :woot:

I didn't go to evil sales school for 5 freakin years for you to call me Mr.
Surely they should have started releasing official stills by now at least.
It's funny how a thread always gets started complaining about the lack of promotion for a film that's six months to a year away.
IMO they need to get a teaser trailer out in December to get hype building with the general public, right now if you mention that a HULK film is coming out this summer, you hear "The 1st one sucked", so Marvel, Universal, whoever needs to get something going on this now. We are Hulk fans, we all are looking forward to this film and we know that this is going to be really good, but the general movie watching public needs to think that as well, 6 months out from a movie is about right for a teaser, look at TDK, IM, SM3, they all had something out 8 months to 1 year ahead of their release dates, THI needs something big and good in December to get this hype machine rolling.
They probably have their reasons. The logical one is that the first was marketed as action-packed and did horrendously. To market this again as an action film, they need footage. At the moment, they're still working on it. The second issue is the realism debate; people are going to turn blue in the face if they just get a Hulk shadow or see a hand that isn't rendered "just right." The third is that the "show nothing" approach won't work two times in a row. The final thought is that marketing agencies are probably going to be tepid about getting behind this film fully until they see more than raw animatics of the character.

That's just a few reasons, and I'm not even taking other factors into consideration.
I mean seriously, there seems to be none! Is Marvel making a mistake by waiting so long to leave bread crumbs for the fans? I think this will hurt the B.O. if they don't move soon. Opinions peeps!

William Hurt? :woot:
Marvel & Universal are making no mistakes here. They're doing it right. I think a few people there might know a thing or two about making movies and marketing them. ;)
maybe they has some CGI/Post Production problems:

Well I am willing to wait out the rest of the month. But I really believe they should start moving this December coming. By January the first stage of the hype building should either be complete or completing. Teaser Trailer, Official Poster etc. If by January we still have nothing then I will start to be worried.

Feel the same way
I'm hyped for this movie but not as much as a few months ago because it's taking Marvel too damn long to release information, pictures, etc. I want to see a new clear picture of the Hulk & a picture of the Abomination. That might make me more hyped for the movie but even though my hype isn't that high for this movie right now, I still plan on seeing it.
I'm hyped for this movie but not as much as a few months ago because it's taking Marvel too damn long to release information, pictures, etc. I want to see a new clear picture of the Hulk & a picture of the Abomination. That might make me more hyped for the movie but even though my hype isn't that high for this movie right now, I still plan on seeing it.
I know how u are feeling, but December is the key month here. Everyone is busy shopping for Christmas and not many people are going to the movies in masses yet. When Christmas hits, the Hulk madness will start saturating the web, tv, movies and boards. The posters, trailer/teaser should be out by Christmas and slamming us at the Superbowl.
Werent they waiting on a new graphics engine (is that the proper term?) that was supposed to be a V2.0 of the one used to render the Silver Surfer in FF? Honestly, I think that they made a mistake in releasing that head shot of their Hulk concept so early. I would have waited and released a high-res shot of a fully rendered image, 'cause once it is rendered, it's going look quite different than the released pic.
i dont think that its to early for this movie to start with promotion at all. irom man is due a month before hulk, and it already has teaser, poster, and there was shots of the ironman suit months ago!
It's not too early for Marvel to begin advertising this film. And why Marvel has yet to release a teaser/poster/stills as of yet is questionable to a certain degree, but on the other hand I would much rather Marvel wow us with a awesome Poster/Teaser come Dec/Jan, than release something that still needs to be polished, and essentially a "work in progress".
I'm hyped for this movie but not as much as a few months ago because it's taking Marvel too damn long to release information, pictures, etc. I want to see a new clear picture of the Hulk & a picture of the Abomination. That might make me more hyped for the movie but even though my hype isn't that high for this movie right now, I still plan on seeing it.

Yes, I feel the same... first for november, then for thanksgiving... now december/christmas/january... and we are still waitin something...
Well, they may be trying to avoid the whole controversy that Ang's film had. That film released a trailer as late as the Superbowl and Hulk was ill was apparent that the animation wasn't ready yet, but they rushed it for the trailer release.....remember how everyone (like this community) slammed that?
Maybe they just want to take their time and not have a repeat of the public starting to badmouth it because they simply rushed to put out a trailer.
I dunno about this, so far I feel much more hype for Iron Man, even though he´s a less known and popular character than Hulk. Let´s face it, the ghost of the first movie´s BO disappointment still haunts this movie.

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