World The Iron Spider Costum... be honest


Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
Aside from the stupid Death and Rebirth angle that prompted it, aside from the fact that his 3 extra legs having cameras is stupid. As a visual piece, is it starting to grow on you at all? I know it is for me, even if I haven't liked any of the stories that brought it about, I'm really looking forward to the role it symbolizes for Peter in Civil War, and how the whole suit will play out.

same here i guess kinda like the costume from batman beyond

i hate its in the promos but now its perfect when ever i see it
Personally, I always liked the costume, its just that it cant hold a candle to the original.
i voted, but i really don't see why we need another iron spidey thread.
Yeah it's a dark time for the Spider-Man board lately, I just figured amidst exhausting all possible avenues of conversation we might as well put it to a poll.
That Turner cover does look cool but that's probably because he draws the legs so they don't look like bits of straw. The right artist can make anything look good but I still don't like the suit overall...mostly because of the legs.
Zenien said:
Aside from the stupid Death and Rebirth angle that prompted it, aside from the fact that his 3 extra legs having cameras is stupid. As a visual piece, is it starting to grow on you at all? I know it is for me, even if I haven't liked any of the stories that brought it about, I'm really looking forward to the role it symbolizes for Peter in Civil War, and how the whole suit will play out.

Why did you need to start ANOTHER thread on that monstrosity? Someone just took a poll showing pretty clearly where people stand on the costume (Which paralells the poll taken at Newsarama just after the drawings were released).
7 out of 10 hate that POS.

Let it go.

To me that is one of the coolest pictures of Spider-Man I have ever seen. Awesome.:up:
Ehh... if it were an alternate reality thing or the Ultimate version of the short-lived Spider-Armor, nobody'd have any problem with it. At all.

I haven't read any books with it yet, so I can't say either way. Though in my humble opinion, you can't beat the classic duds. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, and they definitely weren't in need of repair.
The flight (Gliding whatever :rolleyes:) and the stingers ruined pretty much an acceptance or tolerance I could have or would had for the suit

That said, that Turner drawing is very very nice :up:
In the most recent spectacular there's a sequence where Spidey is essentially gliding for like 8 panels... keeping up with Iron Man... I don't see why he shouldn't, y'know, SWING AROUND once in a while. :o

But there's more than enough complaining lately so I'll cut that rant short. :o

Dragon said:
Why did you need to start ANOTHER thread on that monstrosity? Someone just took a poll showing pretty clearly where people stand on the costume (Which paralells the poll taken at Newsarama just after the drawings were released).
7 out of 10 hate that POS.

Let it go.

1) I did a search, revealed nothing. If I saw another recent thread I wouldn't have amde this one.
2) I'm not holding onto anything, so it would be hard to "let go"
3) It's nice to see that you're still jerk. ;)

I'm really starting to like the look of the new suit, it's just the circumstances around it that brought it into being and an ability or two that it has that I dislike. I voted I "prefer the traditional" but I'm actually not entirely 100 percent sure. It certainly doesn't suck imo, in fact most alternate Spider-Man outfits are at least decent... I haven't seen a very catching rendition of his clasic outfit for a long time, so maybe that is influencing me somewhat.
Every time I start to except it, something else seems to happen to pull me back. Him flying, for example, in FNSM. I just don't want Spidey to fly. And I hate that there's three legs. Why three? If the extra legs are to resemble a spider's legs, what's the 8th one? His *cough*?

Most recently though was the thread for Spider-Man in July. Spidey fighting Captain America. Now that sounds like a memorable fight. One that would be exciting to see. But we can't say anything about the outcome afterwards because he wasn't in his regular limit of powers. Basically, if he wins, we Spidey fans have no bragging rights. It'd be like if Spidey fought Daredevil, but from a fighter plane or on the back of a wooly mammoth he never got off of. My point is that it isn't just 'Spidey' fighting Cap. It's his suit too.
MattXG said:

To me that is one of the coolest pictures of Spider-Man I have ever seen. Awesome.:up:

Spider-Man is in that picture?!?! Where?!

Honestly, why do we need yet ANOTHER thread for this horrible costume? There have been 5 or 6 polls asking what everyone thinks of it, and in every poll, 75% of the board hates it. They either hated it all along, or they liked it, but they hate it now. I don't see why we need another thread with another poll that will yield the same results.
Zenien said:
Aside from the stupid Death and Rebirth angle that prompted it, aside from the fact that his 3 extra legs having cameras is stupid. As a visual piece, is it starting to grow on you at all? I know it is for me, even if I haven't liked any of the stories that brought it about, I'm really looking forward to the role it symbolizes for Peter in Civil War, and how the whole suit will play out.

Why did you post this?
Why do peeps feel the need to make more threads asking what we think of the Iron costume?
Just about everybody hates it, is that much for your brain to retain past three days?
Damn this is getting REALLY borring.
Th' costume looks good with good artists, but those spats hafta go.
Zenien said:
In the most recent spectacular there's a sequence where Spidey is essentially gliding for like 8 panels... keeping up with Iron Man... I don't see why he shouldn't, y'know, SWING AROUND once in a while. :o

But there's more than enough complaining lately so I'll cut that rant short. :o

1) I did a search, revealed nothing. If I saw another recent thread I wouldn't have amde this one.
2) I'm not holding onto anything, so it would be hard to "let go"
3) It's nice to see that you're still jerk. ;)

I'm really starting to like the look of the new suit, it's just the circumstances around it that brought it into being and an ability or two that it has that I dislike. I voted I "prefer the traditional" but I'm actually not entirely 100 percent sure. It certainly doesn't suck imo, in fact most alternate Spider-Man outfits are at least decent... I haven't seen a very catching rendition of his clasic outfit for a long time, so maybe that is influencing me somewhat.

Love you too baby. ;)

But as MaxCarange mentioned, there was a thread we were posting, polling as recently as last week no farther than page 2.

If you like that abomination, more power to ya. But when you say "be honest" in your thread title you imply we haven't been. Simply because you see some value in that creatively-bankrupt pile o' crap, that even its creator says sucks, we all must have some affinity for it that we dare not express (After all fans hate change :rolleyes:). We don't.

But I'm sure that even after Spidey sheds the suit like a second hand coat, we'll be seeing it again. Marvel, bereft of ideas will likely do a "Venom" placing the suit in the hands of a villain and making him Spidey's new nemesis.
SHUT UP DRAGON!!! You never know when JoeQ might be snooping around here for ideas. ;)
I like almost all alternate costumes. So yeah, no real problems with it.
Organic stingers have got to go, though.
Grim Goblin said:
SHUT UP DRAGON!!! You never know when JoeQ might be snooping around here for ideas. ;)

At this point.. Why should we pretend? :( ;)
It has grown on me, but I prefer the original. But I don't understand why people who hates it gets so upset, since it is just a temporary costume and will be gone after all this Civil War-stuff (or?)
I still maintain that the sidekick suit is horrendous, no artist can make it look good & I'll be immeasurably glad when they do away with it once & for all.
maybe marvel can give the suit to someone else to make a new hero like tony did with the guardsman and war machine armors
Galactus said:
It has grown on me, but I prefer the original. But I don't understand why people who hates it gets so upset, since it is just a temporary costume and will be gone after all this Civil War-stuff (or?)


its not just a new crap temporary costume, its a sign of the times.
Joe Q and JMS keep changing SM more and more w/ every passing arc just for the sake of sensationalistic shock storylines to the point that now he is no longer the Spider-man we all once knew and loved.

If the only less than cool thing that had happened to SM in the last two years was that he had been given a cruddy costume, I could definitely handle that.
Dragon said:
But I'm sure that even after Spidey sheds the suit like a second hand coat, we'll be seeing it again. Marvel, bereft of ideas will likely do a "Venom" placing the suit in the hands of a villain and making him Spidey's new nemesis.

Well, seeing Spidey in his old red and blues beating the crap out of somebody in the iron-spidey costume does have it's appeal.

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