The Dark Knight The look of two-face?


I wish the suit and tie was like this (simple, white stripes). I don't really want it cut right through the middle like TAS--it was a bit distracting.
How about this? this too TAS?



Brilliant. That's how he should look. Suave, intelligent, not distracting, looks like someone you wouldn't wanna mess with. That's great. I'm getting Scarface vibes from that picture.
I want him to look like he did in The Long Halloween.
Brilliant. That's how he should look. Suave, intelligent, not distracting, looks like someone you wouldn't wanna mess with. That's great. I'm getting Scarface vibes from that picture.

It looks like TAS version of Two-Face, I wouldn't this look at all in Batman 3. The suit is spot on, don't you think?

Both of these are GREAT.

What I REALLY want is for it to not be a straight line down the middle like with Tommy Lee Jones (btw, Tommy Lee Jones could have been GREAT, it was the director. If it had still been Burton then Jones and Carrey would have been awesome) It doesn't have to way out there, just like some jaggedness with the line. Because honestly, if it happened, what would the odds be that all the acid stops EXACTLY on the line seperating the two halves of his facee?
Which would everyone prefer? The hamburger look from The Long Halloween, or the more realistic scar-tissue look?
In my opinion, it should be a decent mixture of both, with the missing lips/eyelid and the hair burnt off with maybe a little of pale, frizzled fluff at the edges of the burn, sort of like the stuff that grows under a cast.
Chances are that this is the way they'll go, probably looking at medical journals and whatnot for some ideas of what it will look like. As for the suit, i definitely like what was done in The Long Halloween with the altered suit. You have to have the altered suit, it's part of his most recognizable persona. But they have to make it believable. Something he could have done himself. It would be easy to explain too, "they" (whover he would have the ties to in the film) could just drop off a couple of suits when he gets checked into the hospital for when he's released, (surely there would be plenty of media present for something like that), one would be black with light pinstripes, the other Grey with dark pinstripes or no stripes at all. When he escapes, he could just grab the two. They could even show a decent close-up shot of him grabbing the two off the hospital hangers from the closet, just a dark and fast extreme close-up that could be very cool if done correctly. There's so many ways the character could be done correctly, which is why the Batman Forever crap is so horrible. Even with my extremely limited knowledge of film, i can think of a better treatment of the character than Schumacher, which is why he's such a *****ebag.
Anyone else that would rather have his face by symetrical? Like, only a huge spot of burned flesh and a spot of hair missing on a side of his face.

I know it would kinda be a change from the comics, but more 'realistic' for this series.
i found this floating around online:


I don't like the eye (which would mean he's blind), but I love the muscle texture. The lip is very subtle too, which I like--unlike TAS. :whatever:
Uh, sick dude... seriously gross, did you need to bring those pics out?
Uh, sick dude... seriously gross, did you need to bring those pics out?

Yes, because I think this is along the lines of what we will see for Two Face.

How is that any different than some of the other pics posted here. Well drawn scars don't bother you but seeing how this can devastate a real person (like it will devastate Harvey Dent) does? :huh:
I like the look of the last picture. I think that's the direction Nolan is going to take it.
I really hope he has the miscolored eye and funky lip.
In all honesty: that was one of the sickest posts I've seen in a while.
Sick gross, imo. There's a difference between manips and seeing actual victims, especially the second pic you posted. First pic, okay- second down right disturbing and NOTHING like Two-Face.

Manips- okay... but, that has got to be the sickest pic I have ever saw. And I'm usually one able to stomache alot of gross things.
the eye should be clouded, but not completely white like a vampire or something. I actually liked the style of the animated show's two-face, except the coloring of everything. Just change the coloring to more of a pink skin-tone and make it all a bit more subtle, but keep the same basic type of disfiguration and it would be good.
Sick as in: "Gross".

That **** was kinda nasty, and it's also kinda ****ed up to post someone else's misfortunes.

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