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The Main Titles CGI Sequence: Why It's So Important

Now That You've Seen FF2, Rate The Opening Sequence!

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Lightning Strykez!

Former Mod On Pension Pay
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
The Opening Titles Sequence:
Why It's So Important

An Essay By Lightning Strykez


“First impressions are key in real estate as buyers often make up their minds about a home within the first few minutes of entering the front door.”--Dianne Usher​

The above quote underscores the huge role that presentation plays in making any kind of commercial sale. Whether it's selling a car, home, clothing, music or politics, first impressions make an indelible impact on would-be buyers. Indeed, it influences when or if they spend their hard-earned cash.

In a similar fashion, the opening titles for a motion picture is extremely important. Why? Because it's the film's figurative giftwrapping and it sets the momentum for audiences. In fact, its entire purpose is to effectively whet the appetite of moviegoers (the "consumers" in this case) for what is about to follow. The range of creativity employed in this area is virtually limitless, and with the recent bumper crop of comic book films, there's been a wide variety of approaches to opening credits. But have you noticed that in recent years studios have adopted different styles for their main titles?

For example, Sony's Spider-Man series has opted to display many cinematic details, including the staff, director, composer, etc against a creative "webbed" image montage. Meanwhile, Warner Bros. 2006 Superman Returns release boasted one of the most impressive CGI intros I've ever seen--it took you on a tour of the galaxy's heavenly bodies. Fox's CBM's have chosen for a more direct "get-right-into-it" approach. For example, the X-Men series featured brief, but elaborate CGI sequences featuring "genetic" themes. All of the above were extremely effective because they audiences primed "as soon as they entered the front door." And the themes were closely identified with the film's subject matter (Spider-Man=webbed montage, X-Men=mutant genes, Superman Returns=Kal-El's journey to earth, etc., etc.).

Sadly, 2005's Fantastic Four opening titles was somewhat underwhelming--not only for a FOX film, but for a CBM too. It didn't really have a personality or flair. Now, perhaps I'm spoiled...but I've come to expect a certain level of excellence from these properties now, and FF1's intro was bland to me...kinda just there. It was way too brief...and looked rather simple in comparison to other CBMs. Composer John Ottman had designed a brilliant introductory score, but last minute changes chopped it completely. In my opinion, this seriously harmed the film because to this day people cannot remember what Fantastic Four's theme is. Perhaps if it had been impressively presented from the beginning of the film, it would have resonated with audiences as it was reiterated later in the movie.

Now, I realize that Tim Story had a LOT to contend with on the first film, and cramped timing was one of them. That said, I have faith he will give us something better this go 'round. So what can be done? Will FF2's opening titles be something spectacular? Will they actually adopt a personality for the film by sewing something elaborate into the opening titles? Again, the possibilities are endless. True, by definition, the Fantastic Four really are mutants. Cosmically-powered--yes, but mutants nonetheless. Now surely going after another "genetically"-themed CGI sequence would be redundant to audiences. But certainly there has to be another concept out there that--when melded with John Ottman's signature theme--can truly give FF2's opening a dramatic kick-off.

Could it start off with a spoken soliloquy by the Watcher or Galactus? Will it embrace the key elements of creation--water, fire, earth and wind? Could it give us a flashback of character events that have transpired in the two years that have passed since the first film? What do you think?


1.) Are creative CBM titles important to you as a fan?

2.) If you can recall, what impression did the 2005 film's opening sequence have on you in theaters?

3.) If you were designing FF2's CGI intro, what conceptual ideas would you implement?

4.) Do you think FOX should give FF2 full length opening credits (a la the Spider-Man, and Superman Returns franchises)?
1). To myself as a viewer, not very important, I came to see the movie, not the opening titles.
2). I remember a short comic book montage....didn't really think much about it at all...honestly I don't remember any of the opening credits of any of the movies you mentioned except Superman...
3). I wouldn't make it a CGI, comicbook or otherwise introduction....I would make it a montage of what they've been doing over the past 2 years including, slittle video, magazine and newspaper articles....
4). I would rather Fox go with my #3....

All, In My Humble Opinion....
3). I wouldn't make it a CGI, comicbook or otherwise introduction....I would make it a montage of what they've been doing over the past 2 years including, slittle video, magazine and newspaper articles....

Ditto. Nothing more to say.
So just to clarify: you two are saying the opening titles should feature a brief montage of the FF's 2 year development as:

a.) Celebrities

b.) As a family/romantically

c.) As Superheroes


d.) A combination of the above?
I wouldn't mind them just getting to it...already in the middle of some action oriented scene in much the manner that James Bond movies used to start out. It is kind of like the splash page of a comic book. Maybe FF could take this, since it is a comic and claim it as it's own before we see the title sequence. Even the Lethal Weapon movies made use of that effect.
...honestly I don't remember any of the opening credits of any of the movies you mentioned except Superman...
3). I wouldn't make it a CGI, comicbook or otherwise introduction....I would make it a montage of what they've been doing over the past 2 years including, little video, magazine and newspaper articles....
4). I would rather Fox go with my #3....

All, In My Humble Opinion....

A thousand times yes to #3 - And you're right on about Superman's opening, that big S - I'd like to see a BIG "4" start at point-blank range (not recognizable as a "4" for the first second) and pull back majestically as the main FF theme kicks in, ala all the 'Star Wars" films. Then immediately it goes into the montage, perhaps continuing to incorporate the "4" in shifting scenes...

I'm glad you made this thread, Lightning. The opening is of utmost importance in setting the tone for a film like this. And unlike the Alex Ross paintings of Spiderman 1's highlights that opened Spiderman 2, Story has the chance here to create that same effect but with REAL ACTION SCENES - flashes of stuff we'll all wish we could see more of - and it doesn't have to break the budget; mix some brief action shots with magazine covers, newspaper pictures, tv news coverage - a lot of things that won't require setting up an expensive shoot. There can be a lot of humourous touches in there, too, something as simple as Johnny embarrassing Ben at a photo op...
Most importantly, though, we need to see that the FF have become seasoned superheroes and celebrities, especially if since they're about to be faced with Galactus, who is far more powerful than anything else they've ever dealt with

Done properly, this could really start FF2 off with a bang.
I sure hope Fox is reading this stuff as the movie enters post-production.

Big retracting "4", Fox.
(Just like "Star Wars" - It will work.)
Opening titles are a key factor. They can (or cannot) give the veiwer an impression of what the movie will be like. The FF titles were rushed, and the movie felt rushed, too.

P.S. Batman Begins didn't have an opening titles sequence. In fact, there were no credits at the beginning of the movie.
I seem to remember FF1's intro being like a view of the edge of a stack of FF comic books being flipped - you kind of picked out a few images of each hero for a split second. However, I didn't realize this until I later watched the DVD - it just went by too fast in the theater.

My wish for the upcoming opener would be like JMAfan said; a montage from the past two years - showing Sue/Reed's rekindling (getting us ready for a wedding), Ben/Alicia (& possibly Ben/Yancy Street gang), Johnny living like a star (with many girls) as well as the FF in full battle with many opponents and their status as heros and imaginauts.

I cannot wait for this movie! :ff:
I think a great intro is nice and all...but it doesn't effect my enjoyment of the actual film.
I think a great intro is nice and all...but it doesn't effect my enjoyment of the actual film.

I agree with you, but in this case.....with 2 years passing....I think a short description of what they've been doing over the past 2 years is important to bring people up to date......

As far as a comic montage, or cool CGI, I've never been one that really took much interest in that unless I saw that it was actually a part of the movie....so to speak....
1.) Are creative CBM titles important to you as a fan?

Yeah I think that they should really put some effort into this. This piecmeal quick work approach they took with the first movie is unacceptable. It lets the fans know right off that they are not scrimping on film time.

2.) If you can recall, what impression did the 2005 film's opening sequence have on you in theaters?

I can't recall anything of significance in the opening sequence of the first film.

The marvel and fox logos and a comic book flipping was there I think, or was that Xmen or Spiderman, it was the standard intro I think, as you see it left no impression. I loved the hulk opening sequence but no doubt fox thinks that was too much.

3.) If you were designing FF2's CGI intro, what conceptual ideas would you implement?

The FF are now celebrities, something like Fantastic Four day with the President giving them the keys to the city. Newspaper aricles flipping by showing them saving the world numerous times, movie and TV offers and the torch with the latest supermodel or something to that effect. A wedding notice would be good. All of this setting them up for failure at the hands of SS & Galactus.

4.) Do you think FOX should give FF2 full length opening credits (a la the Spider-Man, and Superman Returns franchises)?

Definitley and lets see some acknowlegment of the creators and the actors including second tier actors who play prominent parts in the movie.
1.) Are creative CBM titles important to you as a fan?

2.) If you can recall, what impression did the 2005 film's opening sequence have on you in theaters?

3.) If you were designing FF2's CGI intro, what conceptual ideas would you implement?
The lab of Reed, or their last missions, the space...

4.) Do you think FOX should give FF2 full length opening credits (a la the Spider-Man, and Superman Returns franchises)?
Yes,but not so long like Superman (it worked on Superman cause was a proposital long film) and creative like Spider-Man!
1.) Are creative CBM titles important to you as a fan?

Yes! I go into the movie excited to see the movie's opening as much as the movie! It creates the theme and mood the movie wants to set for the audience. A great one like the Professor X monologue in X1 & X2, followed by the genetics imagery immediately hooked the audience into that movie's theme.

2.) If you can recall, what impression did the 2005 film's opening sequence have on you in theaters?

Not good. I thought "This is a major Marvel movie and that's it?" It had no real "personality" to distinguish it from the other comic book movies as well giving itself it's own unique identity as a live action Fantastic Four movie.

3.) If you were designing FF2's CGI intro, what conceptual ideas would you implement?

The "celebrity" newspaper headlines sounds good. Alternatively, the wording can be made up of the FF's powers, maybe as far as all four powers creating the one word. I suggest they use Kyle Cooper/Imaginary Forces to do the opening intro. He's done many great intros including Spider-Man 1, Daredevil, Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3.

4.) Do you think FOX should give FF2 full length opening credits (a la the Spider-Man, and Superman Returns franchises)?

For sure! It needs to have a more epic feel this time around. From the get go, it should say "this is NOT going to be the first film". It would leave us with a better impression that they thought of the franchise with great care, to avoid the "cheap" look the first film gave.
For me, if the opening sequence of a movie is impressive, it gets me feeling excited and hyped up, and looking forward even more to the actual movie itself. It seems to me that if they have taken time to make the opening credits classy, then the movie might hopefully be of a similar standard as well.

As the first FF movie was released in Oz after the US, I already knew from the forum here that the opening credits were short and nothing spectacular...but I think if I had not heard anything about the movie before seeing it, I would have thought the opening sequence was short and rather unimpressive.

All that being said, I do hope we get something just a tad more interesting this time around!!! :word:
I was quite underwhelmed by the opening credits when I first saw it in theaters...It felt like as soon as they started, they were over...But, ya know, I think it's that we have been spoiled by the opening credits of other CBMs like the Hulk, X-Men, Spider-Man and the others..

1.) Are creative CBM titles important to you as a fan?

Not really,it can get you into a good mood right away i guess but i'd be hard pushed to recall the title sequences to some of my fav movies

2.) If you can recall, what impression did the 2005 film's opening sequence have on you in theaters?

No,i don't recall the title sequences at all so i guess it left no impression
3.) If you were designing FF2's CGI intro, what conceptual ideas would you implement?

Not to sound redundant but i think Kel nailed it
4.) Do you think FOX should give FF2 full length opening credits (a la the Spider-Man, and Superman Returns franchises)?

I think they should do the montage thing as i said in #3

1.) Are creative CBM titles important to you as a fan?

2.) If you can recall, what impression did the 2005 film's opening sequence have on you in theaters?

3.) If you were designing FF2's CGI intro, what conceptual ideas would you implement?

4.) Do you think FOX should give FF2 full length opening credits (a la the Spider-Man, and Superman Returns franchises)?

1) Absolutely. Donner's Superman, Burton's Batman, Raimi's Spider-Man...all of those had cool intros, and a driving score to go along with it. This is a MUST to give the film an epic feel...makes it seems like even more of an "event".

2) None whatsoever. The only thing i remember is the opening scene with the workman and Doom's statue, and that's pretty weak.

3) Im not a CGI designer...just a fan, so i dont know. i DO know that as a fan, i'd like it to be unique and special though.

4) See Question #1's response.
1.) Are creative CBM titles important to you as a fan?

Yes. They set the tone for the movie. A mini preview of the rest of the movie.

2.) If you can recall, what impression did the 2005 film's opening sequence have on you in theaters?

None. It was very week.

3.) If you were designing FF2's CGI intro, what conceptual ideas would you implement?

I think the opening of the teaser where we see the Surfer zooming towards earth. Then the title, against the galaxys background, then pan down from space, right to the wedding scene. That would be the way to start. Hit the ground running.

4.) Do you think FOX should give FF2 full length opening credits (a la the Spider-Man, and Superman Returns franchises)?

Save the credits till the end. They are a waste at the beginning of a movie. By the time they get done rolling the credits, you forget what the opening was about. The opening, then right into the movie. If you want to sit thru the credits, you can wait till the end. Watching the credits is like watching paint dry.
1.) Yes
2.) Nothing,It was just the logo.

3.) Dunno,something cool.

4.) Yes,hopefully it will be boombastic.
1.) Are creative CBM titles important to you as a fan?
Hell yes!​

2.) If you can recall, what impression did the 2005 film's opening sequence have on you in theaters?

I don't even remember it. :wow:

3.) If you were designing FF2's CGI intro, what conceptual ideas would you implement?​

I like the idea of showing past events, as far as graphics go, something with a cosmic storm would be nice, while exploring the four elements. So like moving in between shots of past events we move through a cosmic cloud and as we approach each heroes glory shot the mood of the cloud changes to represent their element of power. :)

Oh then with the final piece of the storm or cloud we are let into the Galaxy were we first meet the Surfer.

4.) Do you think FOX should give FF2 full length opening credits (a la the Spider-Man, and Superman Returns franchises)?​

For me, if the opening sequence of a movie is impressive, it gets me feeling excited and hyped up, and looking forward even more to the actual movie itself. It seems to me that if they have taken time to make the opening credits classy, then the movie might hopefully be of a similar standard as well.

I'd like to see a montage of "events between movies" take up about a minute, maybe a minute and a half,then remain on one of these action scenes as the movie begins... they're finishing up defeating somebody...
Then cut to at least 5-6 minutes of pure character development on the 4 before taking off in any particular direction...
And again:
HUGE "4", retracting from the camera as John Ottman's score kicks in, very much like the "Star Wars" openings.
It will work.
I'd like to see a montage of "events between movies" take up about a minute, maybe a minute and a half,then remain on one of these action scenes as the movie begins... they're finishing up defeating somebody...
Then cut to at least 5-6 minutes of pure character development on the 4 before taking off in any particular direction...
And again:
Big retracting "4", ala the "Star Wars" logo.
It will work.

Definitely......I want to see the 4 full on before even a glimpse of the SS....
Definitely......I want to see the 4 full on before even a glimpse of the SS....

Yes. I want every one of these films to be perceived as first and foremost about the First Family of Marvel.
I think the 4 will be the central focus, no matter who's getting introduced and groomed for their own franchise. :cwink:
Yes. I want every one of these films to be perceived as first and foremost about the First Family of Marvel.
I think the 4 will be the central focus, no matter who's getting introduced and groomed for their own franchise. :cwink:

We shall see on June 15th.......:o
1.) Are creative CBM titles important to you as a fan?

Yes, I kind of like a little icing on the cake sometimes. I loved the use of Alex Ross's drawings you mentioned and I wish the FF opener could have done a little bit along those lines for the first movie.

2.) If you can recall, what impression did the 2005 film's opening sequence have on you in theaters?

Not much at all. I could understand if the FF movie started out with a full out action sequence to get things going. But after the credits rolled, you just got a very mundane scene of Reed and Ben walking up to Trump Tower... I mean the Von Doom office building.

I know this sounds corny but going outside the comic movie realm.... think about the opening sequence of "Beverly Hills Cop" with Eddie Murphy dangling out of a speeding truck while "Neutron Dance" is blaring.... or "Purple Rain" starting out with the concert scene and "Let's Go Crazy" . You got a high energy opening sequence to jump start you into the movie.

3.) If you were designing FF2's CGI intro, what conceptual ideas would you implement?

I think, not knowing what the final storyline will be, it might be intriguing to start out with a teaser of a planet in a different solar system that is undergoing some kind of attack. We wouldn't see the Surfer necessarily yet but we could see the final phase of a planet being drained by Galactus (also unseen at this point). Something to give us an idea of the threat the FF will face.

4.) Do you think FOX should give FF2 full length opening credits (a la the Spider-Man, and Superman Returns franchises)?

I always enjoyed opening credits for some reason when I was a kid. Heck, I am even old enough to remember when a very long film like "Lawrence of Arabia" or "How the West was Won" had an intermission, with specially composed interlude music!

I think if they don't do the CGI scene like above, I also like JMAfan's idea of an opening montage of scenes. Maybe showing them appearing in the public or handling minor menaces... not the cat in the tree kind though. Maybe Johnny absorbing the flame of a forest fire, Reed doing some design on the Fantasticar, that mysterious freighter docking and unloading its cargo. Show Leonard taking the crate into a dark, forboding looking castle/fortress.​
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