The MSJ Discussion and Praise


Aug 23, 2002
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After watching DD DC, I want to send a pray to MSJ:

1) Don't let them do it again. Don't let those idiots in charge of the editing ruin your movie.

2) I think you are one of the best directors out there. Kick asses with Ghost Rider.

3) PLEEEASE do Daredevil 2.


Maybe it shouldn't be called a "prayer"...but a request...a DEMAND:mad:;)!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully he pops up here soon, although he's understandably busy right now.
Quite, I would say. I'm staying positive that he'll pop in here some day and say hello. He's done it before and will likely do it again.
I would like to apologize with the guys in charge of the editing with the theatrical version of DD. Actually the responsability falls on the producers: Gary Foster and Avi Arad.
In the featurette that came with the DC DVD Foster claims that he wanted to give speed to the movie (????????). I don't know what you think about this...

.... hasn't much to do with Ghost Rider now, but I think I had to rectify this.

Excuse me.

I Sure Msj Will Finally Be Allowed To Make The Movie They Should Make.
Well it is at a different that's a bit looser with these things than FOX.
skorponok said:
Well it is at a different that's a bit looser with these things than FOX.

there is a god. :) :)
Do you guys not remember why David Goyer left this project?

And what makes you so sure that Sony won't butt in with the film and won't try to sanitize it at all?
Isn't it Sony that has Ghost Rider? Goyer left because they wanted to make a PG-13 flick, and it doesn't bother me that they do. Ghost Rider could be done PG-13 easily.
TheVileOne said:
Do you guys not remember why David Goyer left this project?

And what makes you so sure that New Line won't butt in with the film and won't try to sanitize it at all?

New Line? its at Columbia/Sony....and its wayyyy too early to say if they are going to interfere like 20th Century did w/ Daredevil. Im not familiar w/ Columbia's track record on sticking their noses where it doesnt belong during the production of a film but it seems you might Vile One. do you have any examples?
I'm just saying, considering how much everyone seems to love the director's cut of Daredevil which was supposedly Johnson's real version of the movie, who's to say the executives won't try to have "make it more like Spider-man" again. So my hope is that Johnson will work with producers that will protect his vision of the movie which Gary Foster did not seem to do for him on Daredevil.
By the sounds of it, MSJ has a lot of control of this movie and we all know that he is very passionate about it. I can't see them taking that away from him. Plus, he's already proven himself now. His Directors cut was a hit, proving Sony wrong. They even respect him enough to be a producer (for Elektra anyway). Who knows, maybe he's a producer on this one too. I wouldn't doubt it in the least.
Sony knows how to handle their properties better than most. You've seen Spidey, they've earned th' benefit o' th' doubt with their final products.
Agreed. I wouldn't want this movie in any other hands than Sony. I trust them because of how well the Spidey franchise has turned out... and yes, I do know that it's not all up to Sony. Spidey turned out the way it did because of a lot of things, cast, director, blah blah blah. But without the support from the production company (and money) they movies wouldn't have been that good.
Well the man with love for fan-boys proved it again last night.

I had heard the Ghost Rider party was now at the Treasury Gardens and that they were filming Wednesday and Thursday nights. I play in a band and we had rehearsal Wednesday and a show on Thursday so I was spewing I wouldn't get down there.

It had totally left my brain until driving to the show last night I realised we were playing just 5 minutes from the Treasury Gardens. Needless to say we finished the set, downed a couple of beers and I dragged the rest of the band down to the set.

Same deal as the cemetary - vans, trucks and more vans. Security seemed more relaxed though and people were everywhere. Walking along the trailers I was explaining to friends who people like Blackheart and Gary Foster are.

Two new names came up, and this is just from memory so forgive spelling, two trailers had the names - Abigor & Gerswill.

Getting towards the end of the trailers and about to head down further to the set I saw who looked like... yes it is... "Mark!"

MSJ: "Yah!?"

Me: "Hey man, I just wanted to shake your hand and say hi"

Me: Extends hand...

MSJ: "oh cool..."

MSJ: Shakes...

Me: "I actually met you at the Q&A late last year"

MSJ: "Oh which one were you?"

Me: "the dude in the Spiderman t-shirt with all the questions about Ben Affleck and Kevin Smith"

Here MSJ shows a very believable sign of recognition on his face which made my day.

MSJ: "Oh yeah man for sure, so you've come down to see whats happening"

Me: "Yeah I've visited the other sets a few times just hoping to catch a glimpse of something"

MSJ: "You weren't the crazy guys yelling stuff over there were you"

Me: "Nah nah"

MSJ: "Did you come down to the city set the other day, it was cool man, we were blowing up shops, police cars, its was great.

Me: "Nah I wish, I read about it on the internet, which isn't quite the same I guess"

MSJ: "Oh its on the internet? Man it was awesome, anyway dude I should keep running, good to see ya"

Me: "Yeah man, thanks, seeya later.


Now the following is how I wished the conversation continued...

Me: "Now Mark, I would be willing to set my head of fire to be part of this movie"

MSJ: "Oh cool, hey Nick!"

Nicholas Cage: "Yo"

MSJ: "This guy will do the flaming head parts for ya"

Nicholas Cage: "Awesome, I'll be in my trailer then."

MSJ: "First up is the love scene, Speds I want you to meet someone..."

Eva Mendez: "Hey handsome!"


PS> Sorry Biggun, in the crazy nervous of talking to the man I forgot to name drop you, but I'll be keeping that secret weapon should the moment arise again.

great to hear,i like the sounds of the all the stuff getting destroyed:cool:

Thanks for the post and keep dreaming of Eva:p
did MSJ seem annoyed that wednesday night's shooting was posted up on the 'net?
last thing i want to do is annoy this guy, because he seems so nice and accomodating for the fans (and also the online fans).
that's why i don't bring my camera along to the sets. even though i'm kept at the barricades during filming and can't seem too much, i still respect the privacy MSJ would like until the movie's released on the big screen.
Speds said:
Two new names came up, and this is just from memory so forgive spelling, two trailers had the names - Abigor & Gerswill.

Hmmm..could this be the names of the other two demons?? Great post, man. I wish you could have asked MSJ when he was gonna come back on here and update us. Awesome post though.
Abe said:
did MSJ seem annoyed that wednesday night's shooting was posted up on the 'net?
last thing i want to do is annoy this guy, because he seems so nice and accomodating for the fans (and also the online fans).
that's why i don't bring my camera along to the sets. even though i'm kept at the barricades during filming and can't seem too much, i still respect the privacy MSJ would like until the movie's released on the big screen.

Yeah I really spewing I said (I'm a ****in idiot).... It was just I was little nervous and he asked was I at the set I just blurted and out came that. He seemed ok with it, he might have gone on into his trailer and cussed about though haha.

I was the same, never want to upset him or the crew. Some mates wanted try to get real close but I didn't wanna be the people that get yelled at and escorted off the premises... I wanted to be the nice little dorky fan-boy that people, crew or cast can see has a genuine interest and love for this character/movie and then maybe they would give me the time of day.
Recently i thought about all this continuous source of news, if it could ruin the movie somehow...and i came to the conclusion that it can't, at least until they are still quite undefined.
We could get a glimpse of the type of scenes, some distant photo, but a lot of this movie is gonna be cgi and editing...
Also, all theese "first hand reports" could make Msj think that we don't trust him, that we are all breathing on his neck, and this is absolutely untrue, and i don't think he deserves something like that...
The thing i don't want to happen is something like the "Doom issue" in the F4 forum.
Fortunately most of hardcore GR fans tend to be far more patient, we are all old stone like cowboys...
Did the GhostRider director also do Daredevil? DD was such a let down
yeah, that being said though i don't think he'd appreciate all the photos being posted online. not to bag the guy who took this one inparticular, but the photo of the crew ID tags was a bit much i thought.
not only does it look bad on security for letting a photographer slip in to take the shot, but what if someone replicated it in order to get on the set?
it's stuff like that which COULD lead to a domino effect. in the end MSJ authorises a complete lockdown of the sets and no unauthorised people are allowed anywhere near them.
this is something i particularly don't want to see. i'm very happy with what i've seen from the sidelines so far. i'd hate to have to "move along" away from the sets during shooting, because of online photos and (in particular), my "side-line set reports" i post on the main screen.
i'd feel a GREAT shame if it came to that.
glassdemon said:
Did the GhostRider director also do Daredevil? DD was such a let down

Yeah he did. I think he did a great job on Daredevil, at first I thought it was just ok. I then saw Elektra (Mark was also involved here) and loved it, went back and re-watched Daredevil and ****in loved it. The bit where Elektra left an "Elektra" necklace but in brail.... awesome! :daredevil

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