The Official Eradicator Thread


Feb 16, 2003
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If Eradicator was the villian instead of Braniac in Singer's sequel, or in a restart, how would you feel about that? How do you feel about Eradicator compared to others in Superman's rogue gallery, including Branaic?

Let me know.....
I think that in the sequel they should focus on Brainaic as the main villan but use the Eradicator as a villan to kill Jason. As the Eradicator is attempting to kill Jason, Superman is able to turn him against Brainiac and defeat him. They should keep the Eradictor cold with very little emotion. In future movies Superman should die and the Eradicator should take over Superman's body until Superman is re-born and keep it very close to the comics. I think that Routh would look great as the Eradicator and as the Cyborg.
How about have Tom Welling Play the Eradicator?
A nod to the fans who wanted TW for supes.
I wouldnt be against would in fact prolly be cool.
As long as the new villain's name does not rhyme with Ruthor or Dod then I'm down for it.
I would LOVE to see the eradicator in the sequel...
Billy Batson said:
How about have Tom Welling Play the Eradicator?
A nod to the fans who wanted TW for supes.

i think someone's obsessed...
I like the Eradicator, but just as a friend.
the biggest problem i have with Superman characters are their names...they have some of the goofiest sounding names.

brainiac, bizarro, metallo, myzplytyk, eradicator...they're okay for comics, but put it in a movie and it would just sound corny. the only villains i can think of that have decent names that i wouldn't laugh at are zod, parasite, and doomsday.
how does the eradicator look like?
I love the idea of the Eradicator for the next villian. I even got a title for this sequel:


The plot would combine some elements of Superman III and the "Day of the Krypton Man" comic book arc.
I'm reading through that Eradicator write-up on Superman Homepage, and it's got me thinking that the Eradicator could indeed be a damn cool villain for the next film. It would most certainly tie into Superman's Kryptonian heritage, as well as the Fortress...which is assumedly "dead" now, but, really, what's a Superman story without the Fortress? It'll be back somehow, and the Eradicator could definitely have a part in the story.
Sad thing is, Im sure Singer has never heard of Eradicator.
DorkyFresh said:
the biggest problem i have with Superman characters are their names...they have some of the goofiest sounding names.

brainiac, bizarro, metallo, myzplytyk, eradicator...they're okay for comics, but put it in a movie and it would just sound corny. the only villains i can think of that have decent names that i wouldn't laugh at are zod, parasite, and doomsday.

Dont forget Darkseid. I think thats a cool name:)
Question? What exactly is the difference between the Eradicator and the more modern version of Brainiac? To me it seems like they are both pretty much the same character.
DorkyFresh said:
the biggest problem i have with Superman characters are their names...they have some of the goofiest sounding names.

brainiac, bizarro, metallo, myzplytyk, eradicator...they're okay for comics, but put it in a movie and it would just sound corny. the only villains i can think of that have decent names that i wouldn't laugh at are zod, parasite, and doomsday.

Goofy names never seemed to hurt Spiderman much did it? Green Goblin, Doctor Sandman. Its not about the name, its all about Execution and writing. Which singer and his Yes-Men obviously cant do right.
Lighthouse said:
Question? What exactly is the difference between the Eradicator and the more modern version of Brainiac? To me it seems like they are both pretty much the same character.

The difference is that the more modern version of Brainiac is nothing like The Eradicator. The S:TAS version of Brainiac is basically a composite of Brainiac and The Eradicator, with The Eradicator's personality and origin and a Brainac-like MO.
gimmen64 said:
I think that in the sequel they should focus on Brainaic as the main villan but use the Eradicator as a villan to kill Jason. As the Eradicator is attempting to kill Jason

Why advocate killing a 5-6 year old ?

That is sick.
Reading his history on the Supeshome page i really dont think he would be an interesting villain personally
Well, if you're looking at my avatar right now, then you can probably deduce that I'm a big fan of the Eradicator. He's one of my favorite characters in the Superman mythos and was, IMO, by far the coolest of the "Four Superman." However, upon a recent re-viewing of Superman Returns, I began to think that involving the Eradicator in a sequel may be problematic, and here's why.

My biggest complaint about Superman Returns wasn't the costume, the Donner influence, or the kid. It was the fact that Superman simply wasn't given enough to do. I felt like we, at best, only got to know him as much as the other characters, when we should have gotten to know him MORE than any other character, in particular the other heroes of the story (Lois, Richard, Jason, etc). Now, if the Eradicator shows up and the story follows a similar pattern to the one in the comics, he'll redeem himself somewhere along the way and become something of a hero. If this happens, he will no doubt steal the show from Superman. And even if Routh himself plays both roles, that still doesn't change the fact that a movie about Superman should actually be ABOUT Superman.

If the Eradicator is used strictly as a villain, I see some problems there as well. I think one of the things that makes the character interesting is that it began as a weapon whose purpose was to preserve Kryptonian culture and obliterate anything that would comprimise that, yet once Kal-El died, its motivations changed and it attempted to carry on his legacy as a hero. This sets the Eradicator apart from your typical Terminator-type killing machine. But if he's made out to be a flat-out villain, chances are we'll get the E-1000. Just food for thought.

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