Well its not like Ted Kord has any chance of showing up on the big screen (Jaime is the definitive Blue Beetle), so might as well cast him as Hal Jordan.
Didn't the Arrow producers say a while back that they planned to introduce Ted but DC "had plans for him" so they chose Ray Palmer instead.
Okay with John as the lead and Hal being the background then who is the love interest for John especially if the film is centered around him
You can start one but I'd treat it like cap or BP, how he has a relationship with Sharon Carter but it's not all at the forefront of the story. Or start it small and build it as time goes. Some stories just don't have room for a love interest.
In a Green Lantern film who should be the lead Lantern? Hal or John? If you really had to choose between the 2
Hal. Though the human Lanterns arguably work better as a unit, so I would have both be co-leads as I hope the reboot would do. Neither should be in the background or play second fiddle to prop up the other one.
So both as co-leads would be like a buddy action film meet sci fi but also include comedic moments too
In a Green Lantern film who should be the lead Lantern? Hal or John? If you really had to choose between the 2
If this is truly a movie about the Green Lantern CORPS, I would go with The Manhunters for the villains. We see who the Guardians are, what the Corps is for, where Oa is, etc. Start the movie with whoever the main Lanterns are doing Corps business and saving sectors. One senior Lantern, one new Lantern. Neither are highly distinguished members yet. They get intel about missing and murdered Lanterns, they go back to Oa to investigate, and the whole movie is about them unraveling a conspiracy. "An attack from within" scenario, so to speak. Thwarting a coup de'tat. Finding out the Guardians aren't as benevolent as our Lanterns believed, losing faith in the Corps and regaining it by the end. By the end of the movie you have the Green Lantern Corps standing strong once more. And our Lanterns are now the esteemed heroes of the Guardians. Something like that.
Hal. Though the human Lanterns arguably work better as a unit, so I would have both be co-leads as I hope the reboot would do. Neither should be in the background or play second fiddle to prop up the other one.
You should definitely write this film...good idea