The Official Mass Effect Thread

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Daffy Duck Vs The Joker
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Posted in ME3 thread but thought it might deserve its own.

New Mass Effect forming at BioWare
September 18, 2012 1:05PM PDT
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Company general manager says studio has plans for next game in the series, as well as brand new IP set in fictional universe

BioWare founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka left the role-playing game studio today, but that does not mean the company is slowing down. Studio general manager Aaryn Flynn announced today that BioWare, under the direction of producer Casey Hudson, has plans for an additional "full" Mass Effect game.
More Mass Effect is coming.

Flynn did not divulge any concrete details regarding this project, but called on fans to offer up their own ideas for where the Mass Effect series should go next. Mass Effect 3 executive producer Michael Gamble teased in February that BioWare has "so much to draw from" for a future Mass Effect game.
Additionally, Flynn announced that Hudson is also presently leading a team that is assembling the vision for an all-new game set in a fictional universe. This project is being built from the bottom up, he said, running on "new gaming technology." Further specifics were not mentioned, but he may be referencing new platforms from Microsoft and Sony, which are rumored to be on store shelves during the back half of 2013.

With yesterday's announcement that BioWare's co-founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka will be retiring from the company they built together, BioWare General Manager, Aaryn Flynn issued a statement regarding the future of the developer and its franchises, including Mass Effect.
While we noted that Mass Effect 3 will be getting single-player story DLC in the form of the Omega add-on coming this fall, we didn't really draw as much attention to it within the news piece as we should have. So, here it is in full, from Aaryn Flynn's statement:
"Executive Producer Casey Hudson and his team are coming off an amazing eight-year run with the Mass Effect trilogy. But they’re not done yet. We are releasing more multiplayer content and we have more single-player stories coming throughout the next six months, including Omega which is coming in the Fall. But the Mass Effect universe is vast, and Casey and our teams have plans for another full game. “Where to go next?” with such a project has been a question a lot of us have been asking, and we’d all love to hear your ideas."
That's right. BioWare is planning another full Mass Effect game, while Casey Hudson and his team are also "putting together their vision for an all new game set in a fictional universe, built from the bottom-up with all new gaming technology." A new next-gen BioWare IP? Yup.
Casey Hudson really shouldn't be leading the new project.
I think that article meant that Bioware is working on both a new ME game AND a new IP.
I don't know. I think it's just a thread for the news?
I am now claiming this thread as my personal pleasure barge.

...What does 'IP' stand for?

Forgive my ignorance.
This is really interesting news, can't wait to see what they'll come up with.
if they make a new ME game, I'd rather they start a new series with a new protagonist ( or else a spin-off with a new protagonist ).

and, I hope they incorporate the new powers, abilities, and classes in ME 3's MP into the new game.
Totally agreed on all counts. I think a new protagonist is a given at this point but also just on the class/power point you made.

I've really liked the six classes they've used thus far throughout the trilogy but some of the ideas and concepts from the MP classes could really lend themselves to different types of characters and gameplay if they got fleshed out further (thinking of stuff like the Justicar bubble, or Geth healing turrets) but especially "melee" classes like the Krogan, the Vorcha or some of the N7 characters
yeah. they could keep the 6 base classes, and make some of the MP classes/powers as "evolutions" to the base classes. For example, the MP Adept Fury could be an evolution branch of the base Adept class.

or even better, take a page from Skryim and other games, and do away with set classes. make all powers and abilities open to the player and let them evolve their character the way they want.
Casey Hudson really shouldn't be leading the new project.
I don't have much knowledge of the history here. What is the deal with Hudson please?

I think that article meant that Bioware is working on both a new ME game AND a new IP.
Is this thread for ME4 or the new IP?

I don't know. I think it's just a thread for the news?
Yeah, new game & separate new IP from the above although I was reading a few different sources before I posted those links and some seemed to suggest it was one or the other.

Yup, this thread is just for the news itself. As the ME3 thread is still active I didn't want to make 2 new threads.

I am now claiming this thread as my personal pleasure barge.

The barge never stops. ;)

I don't have much knowledge of the history here. What is the deal with Hudson please?

People blame him for the state of the original endings, which is totally fair. He tried to get clever by playing into ambiguity and it blew up in his face.

Somehow this undoes the fact that he was the project lead on KoTOR, ME1, ME2 and the majority of ME3 that people liked, essentially entertaining people for the better part of a decade, and he is now teh satanz and can't ever make another game. Its all a little histrionic personally but that's the net for you.

Yeah, new game & separate new IP from the above although I was reading a few different sources before I posted those links and some seemed to suggest it was one or the other.

Yup, this thread is just for the news itself. As the ME3 thread is still active I didn't want to make 2 new threads.

I imagine we won't even begin hearing anything about ME 4(?) until the end of next year. Judging by the comment its in extremely early stages and it sounds like the ME team is going to be focused on DLC until at least next March.

I suspect the new IP whatever that is has to be further along in the planning process.

yeah. they could keep the 6 base classes, and make some of the MP classes/powers as "evolutions" to the base classes. For example, the MP Adept Fury could be an evolution branch of the base Adept class.

Specialization classes would be very welcome.
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The barge never stops. ;)

People blame him for the state of the original endings, which is totally fair. He tried to get clever by playing into ambiguity and it blew up in his face.

Somehow this undoes the fact that he was the project lead on KoTOR, ME1, ME2 and the majority of ME3 that people liked, essentially entertaining people for the better part of a decade, and he is now teh satanz and can't ever make another game. Its all a little histrionic personally but that's the net for you.

I imagine we won't even begin hearing anything about ME 4(?) until the end of next year. Judging by the comment its in extremely early stages and it sounds like the ME team is going to be focused on DLC until at least next March.

I suspect the new IP whatever that is has to be further along in the planning process.

Specialization classes would be very welcome.
He and Walters seemed to have a lot more control with ME3 that the previous two titles. I just don't like hearing that two of Bioware's founding fathers are leaving the company, and one of the main guys behind the original endings is now the head guy in charge of a new trilogy.

Let's just say I'll see him a bit as that Peter Molyeneux(?) guy from the Halo franchise. Take what he says with a grain of salt.
Hudson had the same direct involvement with ME3 that he had with ME2 and ME1, he has always been making story and plot decisions. The destruction of the Normandy and joining up with Cerberus in ME2 for example came straight from Hudson according to Walters in an interview he gave about a year ago. The whole idea for ME came from a pitch Hudson made to the founders when the company decided they wanted to pursue their own IP.
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I hope we get a bigger skill tree and more inventory/armor options as in ME1, but keep the battle mechanics the same as 2 & 3.
I was personally happy with 3's skill tree but I don't think they've managed to nail down inventory yet. I don't necessarily want 1's inventory because that was too cluttered but I wasn't nuts about 3's iterative upgrades where you increased the weapon's stats. I think I'd like to see the return of Omni-tools and Biotic Amps though.

Maybe combat drone upgrades for characters that can use it and the like. That kind of stuff.
Speaking of weapons, the weight of your weapons should affect your movement speed and agility as well and not just the power cooldown.
I thought the skill tree in 3 was fine, but I would like to see it expanded in future games. And personally, if they're going to continue making Mass Effect a linear corridor shooter, I think they should just do away with the idea of loot and inventory all together. To me, the way it gets shuffled around from game to game clearly makes it seem like they don't care about it too much, and I would rather them focus that effort on something they do care about and is actually important in the game.
Yes it seems as though they are more interested in making it more FPS, I guess that's fine, as long as they keep improving on the dialogue/choices and character interaction.
He and Walters seemed to have a lot more control with ME3 that the previous two titles. I just don't like hearing that two of Bioware's founding fathers are leaving the company, and one of the main guys behind the original endings is now the head guy in charge of a new trilogy.

Let's just say I'll see him a bit as that Peter Molyeneux(?) guy from the Halo franchise. Take what he says with a grain of salt.

Fable not Halo
I'd rather it be a sequel. this way they can address the aftermath of your decisions in the 1st trilogy.
I wonder how much they will be listening to responses and letting it affect what they do. I mean in the series the ending is one of the only things that wasn't received well so maybe with better actual playtesters they would be fine. But can't hurt to listen and then act best way whether that means following or ignoring feedback.
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