The Official: Twiddling our thumbs while waiting for anything Ghost Rider thread.

Uncanny Orb

That Guy With One Eye.
Feb 15, 2005
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I can't take it anymore I need some pictures of Ghost Rider, maybe some video from the movie, anything, something! I'd settle for a topless Eve shot.
Thankyou for your time.:ghost:
You'd 'settle' for a topless Eva shot? Thats that I want most. Screw Ghost Rider...

I hear ya though. It's been a long time since we've had anything especially any images. I wanna see something moving, some footage, a teaser, something. This place is dead lately.
I hear ya, guys.

After what MSJ said recently, I'd settle for a brief bit of Ghost Rider's voice. Of course, nothing would beat a proper, fully finished shot of HIM.

Topless Eva does come close though.

I keep checking the board everyday, hoping for some new info. I hate this part, the waiting....the release date change was nice though.

I'm still watching the con footage once or twice a day, hasn't gotten old yet.
The waiting is killing me actually. I know it'll probably be a while yet before we see some real news but it sure would be nice to have something to talk about. You're right about the con footage though, it does satisfy me a little when I'm feelin' down for news.
Well, this is nothing new, but I just saw Eva Mendes in Stuck On You and thought her performance was delightful. I'd only seen her in Once Upon a Time in Mexico and the Comic Con footage (both of which don't give her much time), so it came as a real pleasant surprise.

Lovely, ain't she.

Lovely Indeed. I haven't seen her in anything but Hitch, which I though was pretty good. She's not untalented...
You know I've had dreams where pics of GR have been released.

Also had dreams where I watched the movie.

Had two dreams back to back about a month ago. Watched GR then watched Punisher: War Zone.

Best dream sequence ever:mad:
Ok guys here's a pic of Ghost Rider.

Most recently I saw Eva Mendez in Training Day. Great movie.
Anyone remember an old Marvel Year In Review where they had a spoof ad of Ghost Rider doing a barbeque and advertising Hellfire Brickettes? It made me chuckle.

Hey, anything to keep us going through this blasted news drought!
I had kinda hoped that Blaze's stunt suit would be the one he's wearing in that pic.
Uncanny Orb said:
I can't take it anymore I need some pictures of Ghost Rider, maybe some video from the movie, anything, something! I'd settle for a topless Eve shot.
Thankyou for your time.:ghost:

I would like a pic Eva before anything of GR. I think it might have been bad to see something of GR too soon.
I saw the comic con stuff mentioned again. Those anyone have a link were it can still be found?
I'm pretty sure there are a couple of links for it in this thread;

Towards the last few pages...

Mr Nick said:
Anyone remember an old Marvel Year In Review where they had a spoof ad of Ghost Rider doing a barbeque and advertising Hellfire Brickettes? It made me chuckle.

Hey, anything to keep us going through this blasted news drought!

I don't really remember that but, I do have a pic involving campfires and Ghost Rider...

Yeah, it's pretty funny.

I would love to see a team up of those four though. Would be pretty interesting. 3 of them have been together but the addition of DD would be neat.
On a completely different note, I was just wondering what James Cameron thinks of Ghost Rider. He's got a penchant for leather clad skeletons who ride bikes. Funny that he was attached to Spider-Man for a while, but not Ghost Rider.

Does anyone know if he's ever talked about GR?

James Cameron has a penchant for leahter clad skeletons? I didnt' know that...

Who knows what he thinks but, at this point I'd love to read or hear anything about our boy. I really am goin' nuts waitin' for something about the movie. It's been so freakin' long since we got something. I'm hopin' that MSJ will pop on here someday soon and say hello and perhaps tell us how things are goin'.
I'm not. Not really. Don't get me wrong; I am a GR fan. I just haven't seen enough. There's barely any clips. Most of the pics we've seen are "unofficial". I'm looking for them to fire up my enthusiasm. (No pun intended.) :ghost:
I think Mr Nick was referring to T2, leather clad endoskeleton riding bike...:D

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