First off, the show is trying to be too much like the X-MEN. It is virtually the same premise. People without anything affecting them to made them to have super powers. It is just like they were born and one day they find out they have powers. I feel a lawsuit is justified from Marvel Comics coming on about this.
The screener I saw was just 58 minutes long from the two hours version which without commercials would be around 98 minutes or so. All I had to say is that thank god because the show is a complete mess. They say the show is like Lost. Where people are connected in some way aside from having super powers there is nothing making them connected to each other. The main characters are all over the place as in they lives way too far from each other and none know of each other. I don’t see how these people are ever going to find themselves and be like a group maybe in season 4 or 5. If the series is going to survive, the main characters on the show need to find each other and fast otherwise it will just be a one character per episode even if the pilot contains all of the main characters. There is just one character and one plotline that interests me was the Indian character (Mohinder Suresh) that is trying to find out who killed his father from researching people who has special powers. The dialogues are sometime cheesy. Especially the Japanese lines speaking that took place in Japan spoken by one of the main character on the show. I find the Japanese character very annoying. Not lovable like the character Jin on Lost. Milo Ventimiglia character Peter Petrelli is way too “Fantastic Four”ist. He thinks that he should do something great with his life with his powers so he have to announce it every time he is on screen. Maybe he hasn’t heard of mutant registration like in X-MEN. Moving the show to Monday night at 10pm would be like a death sentence and it should be because the show is very hard to follow which accompanied by bad dialogues. Who wrote this crap? Oh yeah, people who one-day decided to rip-off the world of X-MEN.
The pilot portion didn’t have the Greg Grunberg’s Matt Parkman character in it so thank god for that because there was way too many characters with their own plot and life to presented in the first 58 minutes. The show just tried too hard to present the condition of how each character came to have powers and learning how to use them.
I hope the pilot episode will be re-shoot, rewritten, and reinvented because this show will die as soon as it aired. I was very looking forward to the show but now I’ve seen it, well let just say I rather watches David Caruso on CSI Miami with his bad acting than watching Heroes.