I've whipped up a sketch to represent TrailerCues thoughts on the PS3 font.
Two young men, Jeremy and Ernest, are browsing their local computer game shop.
Jeremy: "Hey, look. There's Devil May Cry 4. I think I'll get it."
Ernest: "But wait one second."
J: "What?"
E: "There's something familiar about this."
J: "There is?"
E: "OMGZZZZZ!!!! It's the font. It's the font! OMGZZZZ!!!! It's the Spiderman font. Sony are totally lazy. They're totally just using the Spiderman font! OMGZZZZZZ!!!!"
J: "So?"
E: "So, Sony are totally lazy. Totally a rip off. Totally don't buy a Sony game ever because the font is the same as the Spiderman font. OMGZZZZ!!!!! You should buy a 360 game. The font on their boxes is fresh, inventive, innovative and takes the fonts on video games cases to a whole new groundbreaking level."
J: "It's just a font dude. I don't really care."
E: "But OMGZZZZ!!!!! The Wii font is playful. Full of joyous energy and youthful exuberance. It harks to the roots of video games, drawing us in with a sense of familiarity and robust lines. Sony are totally lazy. OMGZZZ!!!"
J: "Yeah, I don't care. It's just a font. It has absolutely no impact on the game I'm about to buy, because it's just a font. No one really cares about the font. I'm buying Devil May Cry 4."
E: "But OMGZZZZ!!! Sony are lazy. You're encouraging them to be lazy. You're feeding their laziness by buying their PS3 games with their awful Spiderman font. Do unimaginative. Who would buy a PS3 game now?"
J: "Go away."
There we have it. Jeremy is a sensible reflection of your average gamer, who actually couldn't care less about the font on the PS3 cases.