The Resident Evil Thread

That would be a weird move if Re9 is the last mainline game. Surely with more remakes, possibly for Zero, 1, 5, Code Veronica and 6. They would want more numbered games beyond 9, as they can't keep remaking every RE game forever.

Closing chapter, eh?
From this link, it said neXt chapter/saga after Re9.

I don't think a reboot would work for such an old franchise like this. There's just too much baggage/ history to do a page 1 reboot.
I like all the ridiculous continuity and lore established over so many games, so I prefer the series to never get rebooted.
I finished the very first Resident Evil last summer on the classic side of Playstation Plus. I'm hoping they put Resident Evil 2 on there at some point. Loved that game.
I finished the very first Resident Evil last summer on the classic side of Playstation Plus. I'm hoping they put Resident Evil 2 on there at some point. Loved that game.
RE2 is my series favourite.
I finished the very first Resident Evil last summer on the classic side of Playstation Plus. I'm hoping they put Resident Evil 2 on there at some point. Loved that game.
Last night, i just watched a walk through of Re1's mansion parts to familiarize myself again with the old map.

For some reason, I like the mansion's look more in the 1996 game, than in the remake. I feel like the details of the remake when it came to the visual look of the mansion looked too grand for me.

If they remake the first game in RE Engine, I'm hoping a miX of both mansions. Not too empty/plain and also not too grand/maXimalist. I'm also not a fan of the eXtra rooms in the remake. They made that mansion too big.
I know I'm way late, but finally playing RE4 Remake.
Doing what I always do, start off on easy (assisted iirc for this game) and then move on to other difficulty modes. I love comparing enemy health/damage, item placement, loot drops, etc.
It does feel a bit too easy at times, very much with training wheels at times. So, can't wait to get to the other difficulties and compare.

But i'm loving it.
I've been loving the RE4 Remake, but I don't have a lot of time put in. I'm on a 2nd run-through, about to take on Krauser for good, and I still don't have my previous infinite rocket-launcher lol.
Enough of the remakes make new games or reboot the entire franchise.
I watched that fiXed camera video as well I think last week and yeah it is cool.

I think Capcom could easily offer 1st person/fiXed camera if they want to. I feel like we are already in 2024, this should be an option now, well since GTA V came out in PS4 (that game offers 3rd/1st person).
It's my favorite. I once played it for an entire day straight. Only taking breaks for the rest room and food. I was addicted.
nice. was it just and an AI partner or did you have a friend playing with you?
You could play almost any other game in this series and have a better time. An incredibly half-assed sequel.
lol well Mr. Joe Von Zombie, I'm actually not really into zombie games or the horror genre, for that matter. I made an exception for tlour and for this game particularly because I had the nostalgia of watching my cousins play it back in 2009, and one of my best friends persuaded me to buy it on sale from the Pstore so that we could co-op.
I don't like the sound of RE Open world game for RE9.

Is it going to be like those FromSoftware games, where you are thrown in a big location. You can freeroam yet enemies are just everywhere.

Or is it going to be like GTA/Assassin's Creed, when there's npcs on the street and you can ride a vehicle while going to point A to point B.

It sounds eXperimental like RE6 (with its multiple campaigns) and I hope it doesn't backfire.
nice. was it just and an AI partner or did you have a friend playing with you?

lol well Mr. Joe Von Zombie, I'm actually not really into zombie games or the horror genre, for that matter. I made an exception for tlour and for this game particularly because I had the nostalgia of watching my cousins play it back in 2009, and one of my best friends persuaded me to buy it on sale from the Pstore so that we could co-op.
I went solo every time. Sheva was hassle sometimes, but overall it wasn't a big deal. Haters can burn, because I love that game and had a blast.

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