One Last Job
"Its just one more job, Mikey. After this we'll be home free."
Kaci Campbell and Mikey Walters sat in a small 1985 Honda Civic CRX outside a the Roadhouse Bar and Grill, small bar in Lethbridge, Alberta. It had been a long night of clubbing, and Mikey and Kaci were now contemplating the job ahead of them.
"I know, Kaci, but it doesn't seem right." The life of a criminal was starting to get to him. "I can only fight my conscience for so long."
"What are you gonna do? Tell TJ you're out? You know too much, he'd knock you for sure." TJ Quinton, the leader of the small band of bank-robbers that called themselves the Elements, was a large man known for his short temper and unforgiving attitude.
Mikey sighed. "I guess you're right."
Kaci grabbed Mikey's hand and squeezed it gently. "Don't worry. After this we can retire. Between the five of us we'll be home free. We can get that little cabin up in Jasper and spend the rest of our lives together in the mountains." She kissed him gently on the lips.
Mikey turned his gaze out the window at the cold winter air. "I hope you're right, Kace."
Mick Marshall woke up to the soft touch of his wife's hand on his face. A gentle kiss dragged across his lips. "Good morning, honey."
Mick sat up to see his six year old son, Blake, on the foot of his bed, holding a small tray with a glass of orange juice and a large plate of waffles. "Happy Birthday, Daddy!"
He smiled. "Thanks, little man!" He took the tray from his son.
"You didn't need to do this you know." Mick kissed his wife again as Blake nestled his way under the covers.
His wife, Wendy, pulled out a small rectangular box from the bed-side table. "I know, but I wanted to." She handed it to her husband. "Happy Birthday."
Mick ripped open the paper to find a beautiful watch. "Oh honey, its wonderful!"
"I helped Mommy pick it out!" Blake grabbed the glass of orange juice and sipped slightly from it, then placed it back on the tray. "Sorry, Daddy, I was thirsty."
Mick smiled at patted his son on the back. "No problem. You can have my birthday juice anyday!"
Mick Marshall was a local police officer, father of one, and according to his wife, husband of the year. Everything was just as he'd always dreamed.
Wendy got off the bed and slipped on some shoes. "Well, you boys enjoy your breakfast. I'm off to do some errands, and when I get back, we're going to have to celebrate."
Mick looked up. "Well, why don't we all go? Then we can stop by Wal-Mart and pick up some sleds. Its finally gotten snowy around here, and it'd be a shame to waster it. Its not everyday I get my own birthday off."
Blake jumped out of the bed, jumping up and down. "Yay! I'll go get my snowsuit on!" He bolted out of the room.
Wendy turned back to her husband. "Later tonight, the two of us will be doing a little private celebration of our own."
"Alright, ladies, listen up. We've got 24 hours until our time." TJ and the rest of the Elements gathered around the table, discussing the events to follow. "Weevil, how are techs looking?"
Weevil, a small young man in his late teens pushed up his glasses as he spoke. "Things are looking good. Police scramblers are already in place, which should eliminate any communication with the bank and the outside world."
It always amazed Mikey how smart Weevil really was. It almost seemed unnatural how good he was at electronics. He had developed all the technology for the operation, including weaponry, communication diffusers, and explosives.
"Wonderful." He turned to the rest of the team. "So, let's review the plan. At 1500 hours tomorrow, we enter the ATB on Mayor Magrath Drive and demand the vault to be emptied." He turned to a black muscular man sitting on his left hand. "Showtime, we're going to need you on crowd control on this one. Make sure we don't have any heroes on this one. We don't need a repeat of the fiasco in Edmonton three weeks ago."
"Got it, boss."
"Wrench, how is transportation?"
Wrench, another younger member of the group, responded in a deep raspy voice. "Good. I reinforced the inner walls of the van with a bullet proof material, and got an oil change."
Mikey looked over at him. "An oil change?"
Wrench shrugged. "What?"
"Alright, let's get one thing straight guys. This is a fool-proof mission. Anyone gets gunned down and they get left behind. So don't f*** up."
Mikey looked at Kaci. He still didn't want to to it. He had seen his life nearly be thrown away several times, yet he was risking it again. This was the list time, for her. He was done after this. Under the table, Kaci squeezed his hand and smiled at him.
"Things will work out, Mikey. Just keep on your game and will be in that cabin in no time."
"I cannot believe the lines at this bank."
Mick Marshall and his wife Wendy stood in line at the Alberta Treasury Bank, their son Blake sleeping in Wendy's arms. "Mick, I'm just going to take Blake to the car. I'll wait for you out there."
Mick kissed his wife on the cheek lightly. "Okay. I'll be out as soon as I can."
This was stupid. What was Mikey doing?
Wrench pulled the can in front of the bank, Weevil sitting in the passenger seat. "Alright, ladies, here's your stop."
TJ turned to his crew. "Let's roll. Remember, in and out. No f*** ups."
Showtime turned to his teammates, a large grin spread across his face. "It's showtime."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to invite you all to remain calm!" TJ waved his large rifle in the air. "Believe it or not, but you are in the middle of a bank robbery! Do not be alarmed, and don't bother calling 911. We've already set up signal scramblers, rendering your cellphones useless."
Showtime raised his arms, revealing two large uzis. "We're ain't here to hurt nobody, so just form a small group over there and we'll be in and out in no time.
Meanwhile, TJ, Mikey and Kaci walked up to the tills.
"We want all the money. Now." Kaci waved her gun in the teller's face. "And don't go pressing that little button. The last thing we need is your cold corpse on the ground."
The teller nervously fumbled with the cash in the till. "Here, take it."
Mikey scowled at her. "Not the money in the till, you b****. Take us to the vault."
The teller trembled a bit, unsure of what to do.
TJ aimed the gun at her. "You gonna hesitate? Huh?!" He aimed his gun at her knee, firing three times. The woman fell to the ground in anguish. "Remember your hesitation when you're on crutches, b****." He turned to the teller next to her. "YOU! Take us to the vault or you'll get one in the head!" He turned to Mikey and Kaci. "Stay here and keep watch."
Mick stared at the large, black man in front of him. He held a large rifle in his hand, and a sickening grin on his face. "Fun s***, huh?"
Mick had to do something. He looked down at his cellphone. No signal. Damn. He'd need another way to communicate with the police. If he could get to the emergency button under the till, they would be here in a matter of minutes.
Mick knelt down as if he was going to tie his shoe.
"HEY YOU! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOIN?!" The black man suddenly became very loud and aggressive.
Mick stayed on the ground. "I'm just tying my shoe. Relax." He slowly unfastened a small pistol from his ankle and slipped it into his sleeve. "See, no harm done." Suddenly, he pulled it out and fired two shots, one in each of the man's knees, sending him crashing to the floor.
"AHHHH! F***!" Mick ran up to the man, and kicked him hard in the jaw, knocking him unconscious.
Suddenly, a young woman turned at him, aiming both her uzis at her. "SHOWTIME!! You'll pay for that motherf***er!"
Mick quickly grabbed both uzis from the black man and aimed them at her. "Don't make any moves you'll regret."
Mikey turned around to find Kaci and a man in a grey hoodie aiming the guns at each other. "Oh s***." He aimed his uzis at the man as well. "Don't f*** with us, pal! We ain't here for you, we're here for the money."
The man aimed one of the guns at Mikey, leaving the other on Kaci. "Well, you picked the wrong day then, pal. I'm Officer Mick Marshall from Local Law Enforcement, and I'm afraid you f***ed with the wrong guy."
"Bulls***!" Kaci began to walk towards Officer Marshall angrily. "You think you can f*** with us? DO YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN BLOODY WELL F*** WITH US?!"
Calmly, Officer Marshall raised his gun to Kaci's chest. "Calm down, young lady. You're already in enough trouble as it is. We'd hate to see-"
Officer Marshall and Kaci both dropped collapsed to their knees. Marshall held his stomach, while Kaci laid on the floor, her chest bleeding badly.
Mick held his stomach as it bled. He hadn't meant to shoot the girl. He had shot her in the chest when he'd felt the pain.
"NO!" The man ran up to the girl and held her. "Kaci! No!"
Mick held up his gun again. "Listen, pal. Just put the gun away and surrender yourself. Nobody else needs to get hurt here."
The man would not pull his eyes away from Kaci. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."
Kaci looked up at the man, fear in her eyes. "Mikey..."
Suddenly, the group's leader emerged from the back of the bank. "Aw s***." He held up his gun and fired it several times as a warning. "Let's roll, Mikey! We've gotta get the hell out of here!!"
This couldn't be happening. Not now. This was supposed to be his last job. "We can't leave them. I'm not leaving her!"
TJ yelled loudly at Mikey. "Get the f*** off the ground! You knew the plan! Any f*** ups and you get left behind!"
Officer Marshall whispered to Mikey. "You're going to prison you know. If you bring this to an end I'll make sure you get a fair trial with a good lawyer. I can do that you know."
Mikey turned to him, not making a noise, then turned to Kaci for a moment. He turned back to Marshall. "And her?"
"Same thing."
"HEY YOU!!!" TJ unloaded three rounds into the cop's chest, knocking him back onto the floor in a pool of blood. "Let's go, Mikey."
Mikey stood up. "I'm not leaving without her."
TJ smirked, then aimed his gun at Mikey. "Fine, more money for me." He fired his run at Mikey, sending him to the ground in pain as his leg gave out. TJ ran out of the door, a duffel bag over each shoulder full of money.
"Get the hell out of here!" TJ slammed the door shut in the van as they sped off.
Weevil looked over at TJ. "What happened to the others? Mikey? Kaci? Showtime?"
TJ sighed. "Somebody wanted to be a saint."
Wrench looked back. "Are they dead?"
"Just drive, dammit. Mission accomplished."
"Hey, Mikey, you've got a visitor."
Mikey stood up and to find Mick Marshall at his cell. "Hey Mikey."
"Hey, Mick."
"We got TJ Quinton, Mike. The money too."
Mikey nodded slightly. "Where did you find him?"
"A small place out of Ottawa. We also managed to apprehend Rob Poirier and Matt Byrd."
"Wrench and Weevil."
"Yeah. They're all being charged with armed robbery, assault, and a dozen other related charges." He looked down for a moment, then back up at Mikey. "I want to thank you, Mikey. If it wasn't for you, we would have never found them."
Mikey shrugged. "Its the least I can do to make up for my crimes."
"I've let the judge know, and I'm suggesting an early parole."
"Thanks, Mick." He looked his chest. "It still amazes me how lucky you are."
"Passed both lungs and my heart, tearing only through muscle." He looked at his watch. "I've gotta run. I just wanted to thank you." He held out a small rectangular box through the bars. "Happy Birthday, Mikey."
Mikey opened up the gift to find a silver watch. "Thanks, Mick."
"My wife gave me the day of the robbery. I wanted you to have it." With that, turned and walked away, leaving Mikey alone in his cell.
There wasn't a day he didn't wish he could take it back. A day he could convince Kaci to not do it.
Soon, Kaci would be out of the hospital and rehabilitation and she would be joining him. Hopefully, one day they would be able to get that cabin in Jasper. He would do everything he could to reach that.
He stared down at the watch. Now all he had was time.