Comics The SUPERIOR Spider-Man

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Jun 18, 2006
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so after TASM #700 the title ends and we are getting a new series, a new Spidey, with a new costume:


stupidest title EVER for Spidey... just makes him sound so arrogant and egotistical...

yeah, THIS'LL last...

my ass...
Not liking the re-design.

Not liking "Superior" replacing "Amazing."

Not sure about a more "aggressive" Spidey.

I have a bad feeling...

Dan has worked up a lot of good will... hope knows what he's doing.
Retractable claws? For what? Is the superior Spider-Man unable to climb walls on his own? Because the Amazing one could, if I recall. And if not for that, then all he's doing is stabbing his enemies when he kicks them, which doesn't seem like Spidey's style, or stabbing his palm when he makes a fist.
I never liked seeing Spidey's toes through the costume, but having his big toe seperated looks...dumb.
The extra bumps on the belt and boots are okay. But why remove the arm stripes? What's wrong with them?!
Because Alpha needs to climb walls somehow, so he needs the mini claws. :whatever:
Because Alpha needs to climb walls somehow, so he needs the mini claws. :whatever:
I hope Alpha wont replace Peter. I don't mind Miles Morales, but you can't kill off both Peters.
Besides, doesn't Alpha have cosmic powers, including flight?
I don't mind a darker Spider-Man, but this doesn't seem like it's the right way to do it. Maybe it turns out great, but I'm not holding my breath. I still think if they want a big event, have Spidey beat up Mephisto and get his marriage back.
Alpha is the only logical option to take up the mask without this being a total curve, but even so, this is just pointless. I can only say I'm glad that it DOESN'T bear the name of 'Amazing'.

Having said that, I'll still probably pick this up, just to give Dan Slott the benefit of a doubt as he has well enough earned on my part.
this whole thing is just going nowhere fast and will never last...

give it time... if Alpha replaces Peter, I guaran-damn-tee you, Peter WILL return and Alpha WILL be just a footnote or an asterisk in Spidey history and also that the book will return to it's PROPER and original title and numbering...

so IF Alpha has any fans out there, don't hold your breath waiting for him to be the new and permanent Spider-Man or that the new costume will stick around as a permanent replacement...

uhuh, NEVER gonna happen...

silly fools... tricks are for kids...
So does this claw mean the costume is made of unstable molecules?
Rumours that it could be Ben Reilly under the mask... thoughts?
this whole thing is just going nowhere fast and will never last...

give it time... if Alpha replaces Peter, I guaran-damn-tee you, Peter WILL return and Alpha WILL be just a footnote or an asterisk in Spidey history and also that the book will return to it's PROPER and original title and numbering...

so IF Alpha has any fans out there, don't hold your breath waiting for him to be the new and permanent Spider-Man or that the new costume will stick around as a permanent replacement...

uhuh, NEVER gonna happen...

silly fools... tricks are for kids...

Why are you even going on the premise that this is intended to be permanent to begin with?
Rumours that it could be Ben Reilly under the mask... thoughts?

There's a 0.00000001% chance of that happening in my mind. The last tie we saw him, he was a pile of ash over 15yrs ago. I doubt in the next 5 issues he's going to be brought back out of nowhere considering we have Kaine and Alpha just out there...
Why are you even going on the premise that this is intended to be permanent to begin with?

because they seem to give the impression that it WILL be...

at least that's how I always read it when they make these kinds of changes to the status quo..
because they seem to give the impression that it WILL be...

at least that's how I always read it when they make these kinds of changes to the status quo..

Sorry but you're wrong on that one. I suggest reading the interviews Dan Slott has been doing for months now. He's been saying something that I've been harping on constantly......he's reminding everyone to just keep reading post ASM 700 because he knows he's doing something that's gonna "split the internet in half". He's going so far as to stop interacting with fans on the message boards so he doesn't let the cat out of the bag out of frustration.

If he's making it a point to say that all the time, it leads me to believe that he has a payoff in mind and this "possible new" Superior Spider-Man is going to last 12 issues....tops.

So far he was right on about the split the internet in half part, I can't blame him for dropping off the face of the internet.
Rumours that it could be Ben Reilly under the mask... thoughts?

This is a pretty random rumor... and most likely came from the overactive imagination of a fan. NO way they would have a third Peter Parker character in Marvel continuity as a spidery person.
Sorry but you're wrong on that one. I suggest reading the interviews Dan Slott has been doing for months now. He's been saying something that I've been harping on constantly......he's reminding everyone to just keep reading post ASM 700 because he knows he's doing something that's gonna "split the internet in half". He's going so far as to stop interacting with fans on the message boards so he doesn't let the cat out of the bag out of frustration.

If he's making it a point to say that all the time, it leads me to believe that he has a payoff in mind and this "possible new" Superior Spider-Man is going to last 12 issues....tops.

So far he was right on about the split the internet in half part, I can't blame him for dropping off the face of the internet.

well, we shall see and time will tell... we'll see how it all goes down the road and whether it blows up in Slott's face or not...
I think it's not going to be Peter because of the retractable claws that will enable whoever is behind the mask to crawl on walls...

Well, if it's Alpha becoming Spider-Man because Peter becomes incapacitated in some way, perhaps MJ becomes Alpha's mentor in a way. She was Pete's moral compass for years, this could be a new spin on that. There's a lot of different context you could look at Spider-Man and MJ together doesn't necessarily mean romantically.
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