The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion Thread - - - - - - - - - - - Part 143

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I love how it is full of obvious remarks. Like this one about Bane:

Oh thanks for the heads up Jett! I've been looking at the background or at the floor whenever Bane was onscreen. This time around I'll be extra sure to watch for Hardy's performance, which I hadn't noticed!

You know I always loved Batman on Film but in recent years I've lost a little respect for Jett, he was up for Batman vs Superman then backtracked when Nolan decided to do Begins, he's now deadest against Justice League and he always said he wanted Batman to be like Bond and he thought the first two Nolan films were the perfect starting off point but then p when Nolan decided to end his series with a trilogy he was all against the series continuing. He back tracks a lot and it bothers me to the point where I can read his reviews anymore.
He's the worst...

Rude, ignorant and above all arrogant. I don't go anywhere near his site.
He's the worst...

Rude, ignorant and above all arrogant. I don't go anywhere near his site.

I almost feel he doesn't believe what he says so he has to keep saying it. Like with his The Dark Knight is the greatest CBM of all- tine, then he said Rises was better so that's now the greatest CBM of all time. Yes you may believe it but you don't have to keep saying so.

I also hated what he said about Avengers he clearly enjoyed it but because it wasn't Batman he had to knock it down by saying it wasn't a game changer. What annoys me most about that comment was how was it not a game changer. I really have lost all respect for the guy.
The word I'd use to describe Jett is abrasive. I don't think he's really all that bad though, you just kind of have to take a lot of things he says with a grain of salt. He's one of those guys that knows he has a ton of haters, so a lot of the time I feel like he phrases his thoughts in a way that intentionally riles them up.

His site is what got me through the "dark ages" of Batman movies so I'll always be grateful for that. But the internet was a much smaller place then. Now there are so many options available for how to get your Batman news, so it's easy enough to avoid him if you don't like him at least.
Well i kind of agree with him about Avengers. But yeah, i dont mind the guy. You have to take his comments with a grain of salt like BatLobster says. I usually agree with what he says about Nolans batman but his current stand on Justice League makes me roll my eyes a bit.

He's becoming close-minded with what he thinks Batman can or can't do.
The word I'd use to describe Jett is abrasive. I don't think he's really all that bad though, you just kind of have to take a lot of things he says with a grain of salt. He's one of those guys that knows he has a ton of haters, so a lot of the time I feel like he phrases his thoughts in a way that intentionally riles them up.

His site is what got me through the "dark ages" of Batman movies so I'll always be grateful for that. But the internet was a much smaller place then. Now there are so many options available for how to get your Batman news, so it's easy enough to avoid him if you don't like him at least.

I've emailed Jett a few times he is an OK guy I just have lost abit of respect for him recently. I just don't like the back tracking but maybe you're right with his abrasiveness.
Just popping in to let you guys know, that this Hotel I've been guarding is an Art Museum too called 21C Museum hotel.
I found out last night that a sculpture of Batman is supposed to hang from the ceiling of the excersize room. I'm not sure WHICH Batman or WHO the artist is, but I will post a pic when it's put up as they are putting the finishing touches on the building.
Just popping in to let you guys know, that this Hotel I've been guarding is an Art Museum too called 21C Museum hotel.
I found out last night that a sculpture of Batman is supposed to hang from the ceiling of the excersize room. I'm not sure WHICH Batman or WHO the artist is, but I will post a pic when it's put up as they are putting the finishing touches on the building.

Awesome, look forward to seeing it
Sort of makes sense tho. The Heiress Of Walmart built an American Art museum less than a mile from where this Hotel is called Crystal Bridges, I think it's about time comicbook art is a part of art museums.
Some of the greats, Like Hal Foster, Frazetta, and even the Hildebrandt Brothers are over looked.
The only issue I ever had with Jett is that he was close-minded. You weren't allowed to discuss possible spoilers on Batman On Film, which in itself is bad enough, and after a while, you weren't allowed to discuss anything negative, or to even analyze the Nolan Batfilms in any real sense without getting banned.
I loved TDKR but i could also see it's problems, the guy is so ignorant.
I (surprise, suprise) said I still preferred Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman to Nolan very good but ''neutered'' version of the character. Not to mention it was all in a civil conversation.

He called me stupid and removed me.

I (surprise, suprise) said I still preferred Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman to Nolan very good but ''neutered'' version of the character. Not to mention it was all in a civil conversation.

He called me stupid and removed me.

Appalling conduct and an all too common theme. I see through him like glass and have no time for it.
Yeah, stories like that, you can only :facepalm:

It's unfortunate, cause I think that forum used to be home to some of the best Batman-related discussions on the net. But with all the super-strict policies there and the hoops you have to jump through for membership now, it's sort of become the doldrums.
All I know is that Batman News 2.0 is going to make the current Batman News design look like it's from 90s ;) Coming next month if all goes well!
I love your site by the way... especially your lengthy comic reviews. How do you read sooooo many a month?
I love your site by the way... especially your lengthy comic reviews. How do you read sooooo many a month?
Thanks! I actually don't do the comic book reviews, Andrew Asberry does. He browses these forums every now and then. I don't know how he does it!
Okay, so this is random, bare with me please. Around the time TDK came out, Verizon and Nokia were making a bunch of content for the movie, and I remember they did this web comic called "The Shadow of Ra's al Ghul". It was basically a little story set in between BB and TDK in which Bruce is suspicious that Ra's might still be alive. I remember it being pretty cool and I was curious to check it out again in light of TDKR. I was able to track down this site ( which has previews, but I can't seem to find it on Youtube or in video form anywhere.

Just putting it out there in case anyone else was interested.
Okay, so this is random, bare with me please. Around the time TDK came out, Verizon and Nokia were making a bunch of content for the movie, and I remember they did this web comic called "The Shadow of Ra's al Ghul". It was basically a little story set in between BB and TDK in which Bruce is suspicious that Ra's might still be alive. I remember it being pretty cool and I was curious to check it out again in light of TDKR. I was able to track down this site ( which has previews, but I can't seem to find it on Youtube or in video form anywhere.

Just putting it out there in case anyone else was interested.

Like the novelizations for the first two films, the motion comic was written by Dennis O'Neil. It's accessible using BD Live.

EPISODE 1 (2:47)
The monster known as Ra's al Ghul struggles for his life as Batman leaves him on the elevated train. Presumed to be dead, Batman's mentor still has followers carrying out his dirty work.

WHAT HAPPENS: Batman fights a bunch of guys who kill themselves at the end rather than talk, other than to say they serve Ra's al Ghul. They were making off with stuff intended for the Wayne Foundation charity.

EPISODE 2 (4:49)
Still questioning the death of Ra's al Ghul, Bruce Wayne meets up with his beloved Ms. Rachel Dawes at the Gotham Historical Society Fundraiser. The gifted engineer Lucius Fox is also in attendance and Mr. Wayne, who will need his expertise, assigns a little project for his complicated journey.

WHAT HAPPENS: A charity gala with Rachel. Bruce says to Alfred that Ra's likes targeting charities, and that he doubted the immortality of Ra's al Ghul. Bruce says to Lucius he doesn't like charity events. He asks Lucius to help his "friend' (Batman).

EPISODE 3 (2:58)
Much later, halfway around the world, Batman encounters a not-so-warm welcome as he returns to the Himalayas for what should have been a surprise visit.

WHAT HAPPENS: He returns as Batman and is shot at. His batsuit (the old one) protects him. He wonders if someone betrayed his arrival.

EPISODE 4 (3:33)
Batman travels though the cold and treacherous Mountains to reach the once destroyed Monastery. As he battles with his mentor's loyal followers, he sees that the demon is alive and well... or is he?

WHAT HAPPENS: The monastery has been rebuilt. Batman fights some guys and calls them the boot campers (trainees). A guy that looks like decoy Ra's al Ghul is pretending to take orders from a cloaked straw man on the chair. He fights the man (not the straw man), but Batman doesn't kill him and Batman leaves.
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I totally forgot that it was accessible via BD Live. Thank you for the detailed answer Magnar!
One thing about I am curious about Jett -- he wasn't always like this. He was once an enthusiastic Bat fan who liked to see its cinematic career revived like you and me. Certain circumstances slowly led to him becoming an optimistic supporter of Nolan, to an unabashed lover of his films, and then to a near militant defender of his work (beyond any shame or show of hypocriticism), or at least his Batman work (does he like any other Nolan?). Now that Nolan's trilogy is over, now that a newer version of Nolan free Batman is looming on the horizon, will Jett ease off on his Nolan trance? Will he slowly concede that Nolan's Batman isn't the end all be all of (Bat) cinema and give the new films a chance, or will he refuse to even give it credit because it's not Nolan's Batman? Will old Jett the Batfan beat out Jett the religious Nolanite that he later became? Reversing his character development back to just a Batfan? I wonder.
I (surprise, suprise) said I still preferred Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman to Nolan very good but ''neutered'' version of the character. Not to mention it was all in a civil conversation.

He called me stupid and removed me.



Sorry, not laughing at you for being kicked off. I'm laughing at how pathetic Jett is for doing that. What kind of forum bans you for having a preference different to theirs?
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