The Things That Make You Cry

Majic Walrus

Faster than an Iceberg.
Jun 14, 2008
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So I'm sort of a cry baby, here are some of the things that consistently make me cry.

The Ballad of Utah Carroll by Marty Robins*
Less than half but more than a quarter of Star Trek movies/episodes
The Batman storyline "A Death in the Family"
The movie Rain Man.**
The movie I am Sam.
Most movies where the main character has some sort of learning disability, ******ation, or autism.
Some more powerful video games like Max Payne and Dragon Age.
Several shows outside of Star Trek have made me cry including "Fringe, House, Bones, Battlestar Galactica (New and Old), Lie to Me, and countless other less memorable occasions however generally they are singular instances. Only crying at one episode on one occasion however all of the above make me cry even after seeing them once.

*It doesn't matter who sings it or even if I just read the lyrics either. I tried to sing along with it in the car and I nearly wrecked.

**You can just about turn it on and I'll be crying within about 6 minutes.

So my point is that it's okay to cry or laugh or giggle or get angry during movies and TV shows. The creators of these things are trying to get you to have an emotional response and there's nothing wrong with having it. So share with the Hype, we're all hear for you. What makes you cry?
The only time it's permissible for a man to cry is at a relatives funeral or at his child's wedding.
i think a man should be able to cry when he wants. who is to say what is 'permissible'? if a song or a moment moves you to tears, what's wrong with it? at least is shows you can feel something? that's the only way i really emote these days.

crying doesn't always mean sobbing, body shaking freak outs. even a lone tear is alright, just not 24/7 lol
I really respect a man that is able to break the stereotype and cry if he needs to. I hate that macho ******** that says a man shouldn't be able to.
Ok, about time someone says it on here... You big *****!


This made me totally cry. :(

The only time it's permissible for a man to cry is at a relatives funeral or at his child's wedding.

Okay, Hank Hill. :dry:

Anyway, I'll cry during a movie from time to time. The ending of Forrest Gump usually gets me anytime I see it. In Up!, when Carl was looking through his wife's scrapbook, that made me tear up pretty good.
When I do long division and I get a remainder.
When I went through the gas chamber and they made me take of my mask and open my eyes. I cried a river.
Smallville being renewed for another season. :cmad:
Okay, Hank Hill. :dry:
Anyway, I'll cry during a movie from time to time. The ending of Forrest Gump usually gets me anytime I see it. In Up!, when Carl was looking through his wife's scrapbook, that made me tear up pretty good.

Hank Hill? I'll take that as a compliment. I can tell the exact date and time of the last time I cried, and the time before that, and the time before that. Mar 18, 2009 - Grandfather's funeral. Nov 29, 2008 - Grandmother's death/my birthday. Memorial Day 2007 - Grandmother's death. I could go on. I'm just not an emotional person.

On a side note, I can also tell every time I've ever pukes because that's even more infrequent.
Girls defintely love a man who cries all the time!...cause thats the manly type they look for. :awesome:

I actually dont even cry at the point where I think there may be something wrong with me.

I do cry when I sign into the hype and my visitor/message box says 0. :csad:

Only a really well done scene in a movie can make me "feel a little something" but not really cry. For some reason a scene that comes to mind...and its kinda in the Incredible Hulk movie Betty finds out that Bruce is still alive. The scene in the restaurant when she is pretty sure she sees him and the scene when she finds him walking in the rain and they embrace each other. lol
Sad/touching/romantic movies DEFINITELY make me cry. Only within the past few years or so, though, which I find interesting. I guess as I've gotten older I've become more emotionally open. you're making me cry! lol

Im trying to think of some really good scenes from different movies that give you that emotional rollercoaster having trouble though. It's all about the build up though.
The Notebook & A Walk to Remember are sob-fests. The Pursuit of Happyness and Pay It Forward were really tear-inducing, too.
i cried at the end of Pay It Forward

cried my eyes out when i saw the Green Mile in theatres
I cried like a new born baby during most of Michael Jackson's memorial service and This Is It movie. I don't think I ever cried like that on my life. Even I was surprised.
Comparisons to Hank Hill are usually good, but not in this case.
Ooh, I cried at the end of Pay too. Hated what happened at the end.. :csad:

What, because I'm not a crier? That's funny.

I find it weird that people cry because of movies.
I'm not the crying type, and that's not because of some ******ed macho thing. I'm a thinker that tries to find anyway to solve a problem, so when I'm feeling down I try to figure a way to fix things. Some things can't be fixed though, and when I run into something that can't be fixed I tend to get more angry than sad.

I did bawl like a baby at my grandfather's funeral. I normally don't cry at funeral's because I'm so analytical that I'm in deep thought. My grandfather meant a ton to me, and his death came at a really terrible time when I found out that my protege was a con artist. He was such a brilliant man, and I hate that I sometimes can't call him to talk to him about things. I really miss that man.:csad:

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