The Things That Make You Cry

So I'm sort of a cry baby, here are some of the things that consistently make me cry.

The Ballad of Utah Carroll by Marty Robins*
Less than half but more than a quarter of Star Trek movies/episodes
The Batman storyline "A Death in the Family"
The movie Rain Man.**
The movie I am Sam.
Most movies where the main character has some sort of learning disability, ******ation, or autism.
Some more powerful video games like Max Payne and Dragon Age.
Several shows outside of Star Trek have made me cry including "Fringe, House, Bones, Battlestar Galactica (New and Old), Lie to Me, and countless other less memorable occasions however generally they are singular instances. Only crying at one episode on one occasion however all of the above make me cry even after seeing them once.

*It doesn't matter who sings it or even if I just read the lyrics either. I tried to sing along with it in the car and I nearly wrecked.

**You can just about turn it on and I'll be crying within about 6 minutes.

So my point is that it's okay to cry or laugh or giggle or get angry during movies and TV shows. The creators of these things are trying to get you to have an emotional response and there's nothing wrong with having it. So share with the Hype, we're all hear for you. What makes you cry?
You've seen too many dead bodies, dude.

You're either having a mental breakdown or you're a pu$$y... fortunately I'm a nice guy and am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt...
The entire "The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me" album by Brand New.
"Noro" by Brand New.
"Millstone" by Brand New, especially the 2nd verse:

"I used to pray like God was listening.
I used to make my parents proud.
I was the glue that kept my friends together,
Now they don't talk and we don't go out."
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Last time I cried was after the last family court appearance over Maya because I felt I let her down because I did the legally sensible thing for her.
It gets worse, I was on a bus for most of the way and filled with self-loathing because she was 4 at the time and I felt that she relied on me to do the right thing by her and to protect her and I knew that if I did right by her I'd be viewed as petty... So I had to go against that and it just about tore me in two... had my ulcer flaring as well.

I'm generally not a crier.

I tend to cry most at movies [UP! for instance had me -bawling-.]... but if I'm not crying at a movie I'm usually very angry. Crying is my way of releasing anger, as funny as it sounds. If I get that angry and I'm crying, you know it's 'cause I'm trying not to break things.
You've seen too many dead bodies, dude.

You're either having a mental breakdown or you're a pu$$y... fortunately I'm a nice guy and am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt...

Hahaha... Thanks dude.
The first "The Land Before Time" movie. T_T Actually every single movie that Don Bluth was a producer for in the 1980s.
I cried when Captain Kirk died in Star Trek Generations.
I cried at the end of The Pursuit of Happyness. I balled my eyes out. And when Frodo leaves for the Grey Havens in ROTK. I had to hold back the tears in 2003. The theater was packed and I looked over and my mom was crying.
I'm generally not a crier.

I tend to cry most at movies [UP! for instance had me -bawling-.]... but if I'm not crying at a movie I'm usually very angry. Crying is my way of releasing anger, as funny as it sounds. If I get that angry and I'm crying, you know it's 'cause I'm trying not to break things.

i do that too

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