Stupid things that have made you cry.....


A God Named Sparkles?
Nov 19, 2006
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What things have made you cry that are really stupid? Once Futurama made me cry (Not bawl, just tear up) on the episode with Fry's dog. *Sniff* Poor little thing waited 15 years for him.... Alien Ressurection also made me cry (Agian, not really cry, but brought a tear to my eye) at the end, with the poor Humalien :csad:. Boy, do silly things make me cry or what? Now put my mind at ease by telling me stupid things that have made you cry so I know I'm not the only one :cmad:.
Savannah Smiles, but I was like 6 or 7 years old. :o
Futurama's made me tear up more than once. Fry's dog, his brother, pretty much anytime they play up the "everyone you know has been dead for 1000 years" angle really.
What things have made you cry that are really stupid? Once Futurama made me cry (Not bawl, just tear up) on the episode with Fry's dog. *Sniff* Poor little thing waited 15 years for him.... Alien Ressurection also made me cry (Agian, not really cry, but brought a tear to my eye) at the end, with the poor Humalien :csad:. Boy, do silly things make me cry or what? Now put my mind at ease by telling me stupid things that have made you cry so I know I'm not the only one :cmad:.

...Can you fix the errors in your sig please? Nothing like trying to be witty in a sig, and then looking like an idiot, instead, with type-o's! :dry:

The angry face was not needed. :down

And I'm sick of people saying they cried during that ep of Futurama. It wasn't even that sad. :o
I was eating a glorious philly cheesesteak one day and was relishing it very muchso. It was picture perfect and smelled like meat cheesy goodness. You know how when you're very hungry, you tend to chew faster? Well, the fast chewing action was my undoing because my right canine tooth decided to go all nomad/cannibal and chomp on the inside of my lower lip.

It made me SO MAD! :cmad: Like HULK mad. So I grabbed my beer and drank deeply to make the pain go away, but then I drank so hard that I started choking. So I'm coughing, choking, holding my cheesesteak, spilling my beer and having an overall wonderful night. I stand up to put all these things I'm holding in my hands down on the table when I bang my knee on my, I-don't-know-why-the-hell-I-bought-it, huge, heavy coffee table. @#(*! :cmad:

I was so disgusted with my situation that I threw my remote against the wall, rendering channel surfing an impossibility. So I'm stuck with a crushed philly cheesesteak, half spilled beer, bruised leg and having to watch whatever the hells on VH1 for the rest of the night (Hogan Knows Best :()

Then I went to bed, dreamed about my dad yelling at me for wrecking his car and woke up w/tears in my eyes.

the end.
When Simba's father died. I teared up a bit. I was 9 at the time, though.
I was eating a glorious philly cheesesteak one day and was relishing it very muchso. It was picture perfect and smelled like meat cheesy goodness. You know how when you're very hungry, you tend to chew faster? Well, the fast chewing action was my undoing because my right canine tooth decided to go all nomad/cannibal and chomp on the inside of my lower lip.

It made me SO MAD! :cmad: Like HULK mad. So I grabbed my beer and drank deeply to make the pain go away, but then I drank so hard that I started choking. So I'm coughing, choking, holding my cheesesteak, spilling my beer and having an overall wonderful night. I stand up to put all these things I'm holding in my hands down on the table when I bang my knee on my, I-don't-know-why-the-hell-I-bought-it, huge, heavy coffee table. @#(*! :cmad:

I was so disgusted with my situation that I threw my remote against the wall, rendering channel surfing an impossibility. So I'm stuck with a crushed philly cheesesteak, half spilled beer, bruised leg and having to watch whatever the hells on VH1 for the rest of the night (Hogan Knows Best :()

Then I went to bed, dreamed about my dad yelling at me for wrecking his car and woke up w/tears in my eyes.

the end.

Your night would have gone better if you had gotten up off your ass and changed the channel using the buttons on the T.V. :p
I was eating a glorious philly cheesesteak one day and was relishing it very muchso. It was picture perfect and smelled like meat cheesy goodness. You know how when you're very hungry, you tend to chew faster? Well, the fast chewing action was my undoing because my right canine tooth decided to go all nomad/cannibal and chomp on the inside of my lower lip.

It made me SO MAD! :cmad: Like HULK mad. So I grabbed my beer and drank deeply to make the pain go away, but then I drank so hard that I started choking. So I'm coughing, choking, holding my cheesesteak, spilling my beer and having an overall wonderful night. I stand up to put all these things I'm holding in my hands down on the table when I bang my knee on my, I-don't-know-why-the-hell-I-bought-it, huge, heavy coffee table. @#(*! :cmad:

I was so disgusted with my situation that I threw my remote against the wall, rendering channel surfing an impossibility. So I'm stuck with a crushed philly cheesesteak, half spilled beer, bruised leg and having to watch whatever the hells on VH1 for the rest of the night (Hogan Knows Best :()

Then I went to bed, dreamed about my dad yelling at me for wrecking his car and woke up w/tears in my eyes.

the end.

You now need a Mastercard. :up:
...Can you fix the errors in your sig please? Nothing like trying to be witty in a sig, and then looking like an idiot, instead, with type-o's! :dry:

The angry face was not needed. :down

And I'm sick of people saying they cried during that ep of Futurama. It wasn't even that sad. :o
Okay, what Errors? The only things that MIGHT come across as a spelling error is "Ye" and "C'mon", but they're intentional. Plus I don't know why you think I was trying to be witty, anyway.
I was eating a glorious philly cheesesteak one day and was relishing it very muchso. It was picture perfect and smelled like meat cheesy goodness. You know how when you're very hungry, you tend to chew faster? Well, the fast chewing action was my undoing because my right canine tooth decided to go all nomad/cannibal and chomp on the inside of my lower lip.

It made me SO MAD! :cmad: Like HULK mad. So I grabbed my beer and drank deeply to make the pain go away, but then I drank so hard that I started choking. So I'm coughing, choking, holding my cheesesteak, spilling my beer and having an overall wonderful night. I stand up to put all these things I'm holding in my hands down on the table when I bang my knee on my, I-don't-know-why-the-hell-I-bought-it, huge, heavy coffee table. @#(*! :cmad:

I was so disgusted with my situation that I threw my remote against the wall, rendering channel surfing an impossibility. So I'm stuck with a crushed philly cheesesteak, half spilled beer, bruised leg and having to watch whatever the hells on VH1 for the rest of the night (Hogan Knows Best :()

Then I went to bed, dreamed about my dad yelling at me for wrecking his car and woke up w/tears in my eyes.

the end.

Gee that is pretty bad! I hope the car you dreamed about wrecking wasn't a Ferarri Enzo!:


futurama has no stupid things, even when it is being stupid.
Okay, what Errors? The only things that MIGHT come across as a spelling error is "Ye" and "C'mon", but they're intentional. Plus I don't know why you think I was trying to be witty, anyway.

Guess who's back as ELECTRON!
For all ye fans of the Supernatural beasts of the night.... (C'mon, join! What could be funner (I'm assuming you know that isn't a word? Or did you do it on purpose? :dry:) than kicking butt as a Werewolf or a Vampire?)
For Cthulu fans....

Main Entry: funner
Part of Speech: adj
Definition: an informal or nonstandard comparative form of fun
Example: basketball is funner than football, and soccer is the funnest game of all
Guess who's back as ELECTRON!
For all ye fans of the Supernatural beasts of the night.... (C'mon, join! What could be funner (I'm assuming you know that isn't a word? Or did you do it on purpose? :dry:) than kicking butt as a Werewolf or a Vampire?)
For Cthulu fans....

Main Entry: funner
Part of Speech: adj
Definition: an informal or nonstandard comparative form of fun
Example: basketball is funner than football, and soccer is the funnest game of all

Dude, did someone s**t in your cereal this morning or are you an English teacher?
this girl that i put all my time into made me cry...but then i realized how stupid the whole situation was...then it was kinda funny...but i did cry!(once for sadness next outta laughter)

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