The Villains of Ant-Man Thread

i don't know about Radioactive Man. they could always make him a sympathetic villain. at least one website seems to think that Scott Lang is the villain of the movie. but they are basing it on Wright's comments about it being easier to have the villain be a product of the hero (instead of trying to create one from scratch). i have my doubts. but it would explain why they have gone with Rudd instead of two actors. maybe Lang will be the villain; up until you find out why he has stolen Pym's equipment. just a guess.
AIM would automatically connect Ant Man to the rest of the MCU without any MCU guest appearances.
AIM would automatically connect Ant Man to the rest of the MCU without any MCU guest appearances.

yeah, they're definately who i'd pick. originally, i wanted AIM to be led by a 3-person council; George Tarleton, Elias Starr, and Monica Rappacini. i chose 3 because of Pym, Lang, and Janet (and the security council that Fury spoke to in the Avengers movie). George would have an accident and be transformed into M.O.D.O.K. Elias would go to jail. and Monica would escape to form her own more proactive terrorist version of A.I.M.
If it's both Pym and Lang as well as Janet, I hope we see a scene at the end where all three suit up.




Besides, the Hulk can't be the only Avenger with size in the MCU.
If it's both Pym and Lang as well as Janet, I hope we see a scene at the end where all three suit up.


Besides, the Hulk can't be the only Avenger with size in the MCU.

for some reason, i'm expecting them to save Giant-Man's big intro for an Avengers movie.
i don't know about Radioactive Man. they could always make him a sympathetic villain. at least one website seems to think that Scott Lang is the villain of the movie. but they are basing it on Wright's comments about it being easier to have the villain be a product of the hero (instead of trying to create one from scratch). i have my doubts. but it would explain why they have gone with Rudd instead of two actors. maybe Lang will be the villain; up until you find out why he has stolen Pym's equipment. just a guess.

I don't think it matters whether Radioactive Man was sympathetic or not, the Chinese government likely is not going to allow in a movie with a Chinese villain, especially if the villain is connected to the Chinese government.

The problem with Radioactive Man is he rejects the relationship between the US and China in the 60s, rather then now. I think if Radioactive Man did appear in the movies, he would not be a villain, he be would a ally with an initial tense relationship with the heroes, but warms up to them over time, that is more likely to be accepted in China and is more reflective of the relationship between China and the US today.
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I don't think it matters whether Radioactive Man was sympathetic or not, the Chinese government likely is not going to allow in a movie with a Chinese villain, especially if the villain is connected to the Chinese government.

The problem with Radioactive Man is he rejects the relationship between the US and China in the 60s, rather then now. I think if Radioactive Man did appear in the movies, he would not be a villain, he be would a ally with an initial tense relationship with the heroes, but warms up to them over time, that is more likely to be accepted in China and is more reflective of the relationship between China and the US today.

Maybe they can cast this Radioactive Man:


LOL Porcupine as the enemy? If they were aiming for a legit comedy then that would be work well.

If they want this to be semi serious, I don't think so.
whelp, looks like Micheal Douglas will be the Villain, who he will be playing? i do not know
so umm if douglas is playing pym doesn't that not kill but really hurt the idea of janet being the same age as the rest of the avengers

though it could be a case of art imitating life

well.. Zeta Jone's age is still too old for janet.. so i really hope they just attach her to scott instead of hank
i really hope they just attach her to scott instead of hank
Jan and Scott? I'm against it. Look, I have to work really hard to like the idea to start with an old Hank and have the unnecessary Lang as the hero and only the fact that Douglas is awesome gives me faith that the direction they take is not their first failure. BUT to couple Jan with anyone else than Hank? I'm not sure I can take that many changes to the source material
Jan and Scott? I'm against it. Look, I have to work really hard to like the idea to start with an old Hank and have the unnecessary Lang as the hero and only the fact that Douglas is awesome gives me faith that the direction they take is not their first failure. BUT to couple Jan with anyone else than Hank? I'm not sure I can take that many changes to the source material

I just want a young Janet set in Modern times with the Avengers... I don't care if they give her a love life or not.. she's the heart of the Avengers, always has been.
I just want a young Janet set in Modern times with the Avengers she's the heart of the Avengers, always has been.
I agree. One of the reasons I'm still undecided about this news. A part of me really wants to like it, but the other part still mourns all the great opportunities and character dynamics a young Hank in his prime would have had. Two hearts in my chest right now... in a non-timelordy way
Maybe Jan will be with Pym originally. I bet she will be the younger wife, trapped in an loveless, abusive marriage, feeling like she's completely invisible. Lang will the younger guy who comes along, charms her and steals her heart away from Pym. The abusive part is probably the only thing they'll stick to with the source material, while everything else will probably be given to Lang - costume, heroic nature, wife, Avengers status etc.
I agree. One of the reasons I'm still undecided about this news. A part of me really wants to like it, but the other part still mourns all the great opportunities and character dynamics a young Hank in his prime would have had. Two hearts in my chest right now... in a non-timelordy way

honestly? I might be ok that if Hank HAS to be older.. that Jan might be his daughter, or assistant he's very fond of as if she was his daughter (creepy from the comic view point, but it'd still allow for a semi comic like relationship at least on terms of caring for one another.. just not romantically)

In a dream world, (with this perimeters) id prefer if this casting news changed AoU a bit.. by including hank pym (not ant-man). They could do flashbacks of a young hank building what would become Ultron with the help of Howard Stark. Then in modern time, have him be a consultant brought on to give info to tony and the team (no suiting up).

This would segway his role into ANT-MAN nicely.. and in future installments, while he sits by the way-side.. Janet and Scott do the hero shtick.
If Hank was her father (or father like mentor) he'd essentially fill the void of her comic father (doctor vandyne) anyway...
Jan and Scott? I'm against it. Look, I have to work really hard to like the idea to start with an old Hank and have the unnecessary Lang as the hero and only the fact that Douglas is awesome gives me faith that the direction they take is not their first failure. BUT to couple Jan with anyone else than Hank? I'm not sure I can take that many changes to the source material

Are you saying you will not watch the movie?
Jan and Scott? I'm against it. Look, I have to work really hard to like the idea to start with an old Hank and have the unnecessary Lang as the hero and only the fact that Douglas is awesome gives me faith that the direction they take is not their first failure. BUT to couple Jan with anyone else than Hank? I'm not sure I can take that many changes to the source material

who says that is has to be romantic? Jan's more than a love interest.

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