If the purpose of life or meaning of life was to breed things would be different:
Rape would be legal or at the least, only shunned.
There would be a lot more people than the U.S.A.'s reported 300 million.
C) Survival, AFTER the spawning of said reproduction process, would not be as needy of so much if reproducing was
the purpose.
D) The false prophets who started this 'reproduction is the meaning of life' were likely a bunch of crusty old *****es who got their skinny, thief fingers on way more power than they should have. Their telling people of these things was a way of convincing them to give them more people to work for them. Basically - if someone is telling you to reproduce, the offspring kinda belongs to them. Unless, of course, someone like me comes along and enlightens them - not because I care, but because I HATE them crusty *****es and anyones else who embodies the misrepresentation of leadership.
E) Ignorance breeds. If it were the ultimate meaning of life, THAT would not be such a usual phrase to hear. I just told you in note D) how the 'reproduction is the meaning of life' came to be. It's not hard to see how or why the statement 'ignorance breeds' exists to the level it does.
So, although reproduction isn't the meaning or purpose to life, it's still probably a part to knowing the meaning or purpose of life. I'm just not interested in participating until it's my lead and well... any good lead is a lead that is punishable law - sooooo, guess I'll just bide my time until a hole opens or until my lead is stronger than these
defilers of humanity.
Now go breed, and give me four of your offspring for barter. They will have all the things the rest of breeders offspring has - food, shelter, clothing, education, we'll even give them a good surrogate family and make them feel proud and willing to serve and breed for us some more if need be.
intelligent or 'top of the food chain' species don't cannibalize or
enslave themselves.